Rearranging and Removing Portals

You apparently don’t remember, there were people complaining about the removal of Northrend-Dalaran portals. And their reasoning is bunk, they have had no consistency with removing portals.

Found one:

A nearly 5000 post thread complaining about the removal of Northrend-Dalaran portals. They learned their lesson then, they didn’t remove the portals when MoP ended, or so we thought.


AKA the Death of a Thousand Cuts.


We had all kinds of statistical data back when I worked for the man.
I used a lot of it to start my own businesses.
I dont screw around with the numbers. most of the time they are spot on.


No death by self inflicted wound.


You must have missed the part where they told me to just go play Classic for having my viewpoint being opposite of what they want…

I’m a bit sad it wasn’t Bornakk that got to post that long winded lawyerspeak-esque diatribe about how ultimately Blizzard knows what’s best for players (AGAIN).

It’s not just about the portals, it’s about Blizzard constantly telling all players to F off the entire expansion.

Legendaries in Legion, GCD change, class designs, gameplay, azerite, artifact power, islands, drop rates, loot rng.

And now portals.

Imagine if they didn’t double down, like they always do with their stupid ideas, on telling players to F off. And instead had a guiding philosophy of "Don’t take away things players have and are enjoying"



Anyone posting in this thread right now that is for this change can experience what this change would be removing in game right now by choosing not to use any of the portals that are being removed. Instead they are posting here trying to tell everyone else how they should be playing the game…

That is the reality.

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If you want to keep things clean and tidy, how about adding a room to the portal room devoted to Caverns of Time and Wyrmrest Temple and Isle of Thunder portals?

Maybe make the buildings have a few floors, with different portals in each? City portals on the first floor, hub portals on the second, quest portals on the third?

Or make a nice waygate in the centre we can use to attune to a certain old portal location in the world, pay 10,000g to “respec” it. Give players choice.

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no he’s right, nearly all my friends and most people i know in wow haven’t even been on the forums in years. It’s widely known that the vast majority of people on the forums are here to just complain about blizzard. Most of my friends tweet at the WoWDevs Twitter instead and have even gotten a few personal responses from them.

Majority of people.
aka “paying customers”
Cant wait to see how this ends. :joy:

I’m honestly in favor for this. Blizzard don’t worry, people will always have problems adjusting to change. They will get comfortable, and enjoy it. Also, good job of finally cleaning up the portals and how one goes about traveling the world of Azeroth. Everything felt so “all over the place” . It really made the content feel like it wasn’t fluent with how we’d partake in each new expansion as it evolves into the next, it made the time frames of overlapping content very chaotic and managed horribly. I know this wont fix the overall expansion overlapping (especially with older content) but hopefully instead of always creating “new lands” why not just focus on Azeroth maybe a cataclysm 2.0 is needed. Azeroth has soo much landscape that can be reused. you’ve show interest in reusing some old content in legion and in BFA, keep adding to that.

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I got you. :slightly_smiling_face:


Why don’t you just admit you screwed up?

You set out to clean up portals, that was fine. You just didn’t realize certain portals were so often used and at this point it’s too late to fix as the patch is coming out so soon.

You’ll add the portals back later, at least Caverns of Time, but it will take time. Instead of telling us that you choose to pretend all of this is intentional so you don’t look so incompetent.

Well, your PR move failed. I look forward to the Caverns of Time portal being added by 8.2, maybe even earlier, where you will pat yourself on the back for listening to player feedback.


We won’t go quietly, Blizzard can count on that.

Patrolling Silithus almost makes you wish for a cataclysmic winter.

I understand that, and trust me I almost NEVER read forums but this topic has caught my eye being an avid achievement/collection player. That being said I feel that I am not alone in that aspect here. It’s not just in this from, its talked about in guild chats, trade chats and other means of communication. I do wish we could get a better reflective of the entire player base but until we can this is the best we got.

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She starts a legendary quest

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howd that WoD flight removal thing work out for ya?
Oh…thats right…they DIDNT adapt and that expansion bombed.


You’re one of those guys that just wants to watch the world burn aren’t ya?

So, instead of Taking a Portal and a short flight path to go where I want. It will be take a flight path, alt-tab, browse online, go afk, tab back, take a boat, load to the new zone, take another flight path, alt-tab, go afk again, tab-back, mount up, fly where I’m going and arrive. The world of warcraft will look much bigger when I’m browsing imgur.