Rearranging and Removing Portals

Exactly. It’s like the teenager who hears his mom telling him to do something but its white noise to him. He’s not listening. Mom is “complaining” and he tunes out what she’s actually saying.

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You know what else will make the world seem bigger? Lower population due to all these people unsubbing. The world will feel huge, when it’s a ghost town and you’re the only one in it.

Congratulations on being tone-deaf to what the playerbase wants again.


I make my posts here when I alt tab out of the game on a flight path.

The majority of people who are truly ticked off don’t come to the forums. They just stop playing and unsub.


You get that you’re being entitled as well by this statement, that by playing since classic somehow gives you more say than someone who started playing after you.

I’m a Wrath baby, so I should just to you the almighty Vanilla player?


Why did you feel the need to make a duplicate thread?

Less than 5% of the playerbase even comes to the official forums. More WoW players visit Wowhead than these forums. The responses in any single thread here are not reflective of the playerbase - point being.

It benefits him only because he cares more about what everyone else is doing rather than what he is doing. The fact that he is calling people entitled while behaving entitled to this change is not lost on most of us. I think the reality that he is complaining about other people complaining is entirely lost on him however…

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translation: “we screwed up. Too many subs lost. Now we need to make it LOOK like our subs are higher than they are”

If it werent true, then there was no NEED to even bother rerouting players to hubs.

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I’ve been playing since the game launched. I even have a fancy little statue for being subscribed for ten years.


Cause the 1st 5k post thread wasn’t enough.


I personally welcome this change, and this is coming from a mage. They have explained their reasoning on why this is happening but the majority of people are just pushing it off as “another Dev Excuse.” Did anyone else forget that they did this back in cataclysm for old Dalaran and literally no one cared either way?

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You’re pretty stupid if you think this is the sole reason they are leaving. Its a collection of inconsistencies and BS reasons why changes are being made. I agree with the consolidation but their reasoning is completely stupid.

You make the world smaller not larger b/c players follow a metric too, is it worth our time? You are going to have less players exploring your older expansions with the removal of these portals, and CoT is going to be a ghost town.


With new expansions, we’ve made a tradition of removing some of the portals from the previous expansion’s cities. The goal with that is to encourage transportation flow through newer places where players are more likely to interact with other players. We neglected to do that initially following Legion (and we never did that following Mists of Pandaria for various reasons), but we feel that we should have. We’re correcting that now.

This entire paragraph made me sick to my stomach.

What kind of gun are the investors pointing at you and the devs, Kaivax, to get you to stick to such a toxicly (yes, I’m using that word) ignorant outlook on your community? Are you that starved to get people to ‘do more’ by mindlessly traveling from point A to B, in a world that is neither growing or EVER going to feel larger until you give it a FFXIV style revamp? Christ, by that time, most of this community will have hopefully moved to greener pastures by that time, if it ever comes at all.

And then you have the audacity to say ‘you forgot’, in a nutshell. That’s the worst part of all this.

How many more features are you going to suddenly use this arsepull of an excuse with? Teleportation toys? The Dalaran/Brawl’gar rings and guild cloaks? Are you really so desperate to alienate your player base, that you feign ignorance to quality of life features that hurt NO ONE but people that, heaven forbid, save some time?

I can’t help but wonder how swiftly Zugsworth is rubbing his palms together, until you people suddenly go ‘Oh, hey, Transmog was convenient too. LOL, LET’S CHANGE THAT.’



Yep, it’s basically a demonstration of how to take the sentence “We don’t care what you think” and turn it into seven paragraphs.


I too am out of likes. :+1:

uh huh.
and If the responses here were 75% in favor of the portal removal youd be insisting that this forum is a test group for the consensus.
Dont waste your time denying it, I see it every day in discussions like this.

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Wish I could remember the exact numbers.

For every customer that complaints, a larger number simply quit using your product.

I don’t remember the exact number, but I know its a scary ugly ratio.


If there are any specific locations that feel as though they’re about to become unreasonably inaccessible, we’re certainly open to adding additional means of travel in the future.

Caverns of Time. Some of us still run things for cosmetics, and Dragon Soul alone has 3 mounts and lots of pets. You keep adding achievements for cosmetic collecting into the game (Raiding with Leashes, transmog set achievements, mount collector achievements, Awake the Drakes, etc.) and then you punish us for wanting to do them. What harm does a portal to somewhere like CoT do? It’s out of the way and pain to get to otherwise. Barring EVERYTHING ELSE, this is unacceptable because it seems you’re both encouraging cosmetic collecting and punishing it at the same time. The “who goes there anymore” comment on the previous thread was just absolutely tone-deaf. You know people are collectors and you know people go to these places. New content brings in new subscribers, but old content keeps them playing.


No it doesn’t. I traveled this world in classic and these portals never existed back then. The size of the world will always feel and be the same with portals.

You or the developers aren’t cleaning anything up, they’re making us waste more of our time on stupid travel, I did all this traveling in classic before these portals existed. Why are you trying to make this game like classic? Aren’t the devs working on a classic server for these players that like spending the majority of their time traveling?

These developers and CMs are very hard-headed and they’re not hearing us or listening to our feedback, they are going through with this ridiculous change.

You or the developers shouldn’t be telling me how I should be playing or experiencing the world when we prefer to play our way and enjoy the convenience of the portals.


Also out of likes and TEN HOURS FROM MY NEXT FEW.