Rearranging and Removing Portals

I am downloading FF14 now hope it is good :slight_smile: especially after all the money I have put into wow I am extremely disappoined.


Oh, I certainly plan to.

The funny thing is, like a number of others, I’m going over to FF14.

I started back during Warlords when it left me with bad feelings early on. Then, I got sucked back over here. By promises they’d improved.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

And I’ve definitely been shamed.


If for any reason I decide to quit, I’m not going to announce it. I’ll just remove my subscription and stop playing.


Same with me and a number of players here from whats been said in this thread.
One problem here or there is one thing, but they seem to be trying to see just how far they can push before we quit.
I warned them before about this kind of crap.
I dont come back once Ive left. Ask the ex. When you push me to the point where Im done. Its over. ended. Never to be reconciled.
Activision and blizzard wanted to test the waters with this crap, and so they got what they have coming…many players saying this is the last straw.

Ive got a really fun game Im playing now. Portals all over the place. They dont try to keep me traveling, but PLAYING the game. Unlike actiblizzard who seems to think wasted time in travel is ‘immersion’.
How they duped players into buying that nonsense is what amazes me.


Ie the scary type of customer. The Unhappy Silent Customer.

Let them worry and wonder why you left?


Yeah tell me about it, I figured it up one day and it was over $5,000.00 over more than a decade for 2 accounts.

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Well…I am pretty vocal here on the forums. You wouldn’t need to be Sherlock Holmes to draw a conclusion.


I don’t want to think about how much I’ve funneled into WoW.

I’ve got around 7 years of play time (had a few breaks due to real life intervening). I started back during late Vanilla.

Now that’s loyalty. And they’re losing that loyalty.

Just like Bioware, before they were absorbed by EA. You could say a Bioware game was coming out. Fans of Bioware would say “when!?”

That kind of loyalty you EARN.

But, look at Bioware today and the talk about BOYCOTTS toward their latest game.

That kind of loyalty you can also LOSE.


Ive played WoW less than two years and have $1500 spent at the very least. Spent $540 in boosts just for BfA so I could have all the professions.
Tons of tokens, cash mounts and pets.
All for nothing now.
Good riddance.


I could make so many comments about Blizzard right now. So so many comments. Its hard to resist. Genuinely hard.


There really should be a system setup so everyone qutting can more easily give me their gold and mats :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

-cancel subscription
-Mail your gold and mats to Kaurmine?

When the time comes I’ll just donate my stuff to guildies and friends.

I know a few friends who collect pets. Watch me mail then 100+ pets!


I agree I have two accounts because I wanted to play on the EU servers and they wouldn’t allow me to with just one subscription ffs

Ouch, That’s a lot for such a short time of playing; I leveled mine but that was before the nerf to heirlooms, XP increased to level ( And what they gave us back in 8.0 was a drop in the bucket of the amount we had to level in 7.0.1 ) and everything else they’ve done to make our game play more tedious.

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Think when this post reaches 10k they’ll make some kind of statement?

… Probably not, but we’ll see.

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See here’s one that’s staying.

If Blizz ever managed to make me quit it really would be the end times lol.

(Teri Garr voice with hilariously cheezy German accent) Put ze portals bek!


OH, they’ve already made a statement.

Think about it, the changes they made were planned and designed months ago. It wasn’t an overnight job creating the new portal rooms. The rooms by themselves probably took several weeks to build. Then the removal of old portals, again not a simple process. Then the addition of the portals to the new rooms, again, not a simple process.

That all took time. So they’ve been planning this. And they said nothing. Until it was too late to change.

Which means they never once cared about our feedback. They just said they heard our feedback to try and look good.

That’s a very brutal statement they’ve made.


I’d be more willing to bet they lock it than make a statement.