Rearranging and Removing Portals

Soooo, don’t fly and don’t use portals. Why make the rest of the game suffer just because “mah world!!!”?


Killed mog farming? It didn’t kill it. It gave people better access. What you should be saying is it killed the mog market on the AH. Because it was easier for people to go farm the stuff themselves. I’d call that nothing but a Good Thing.

Professions are bad not because of portals and flying but because Blizzard puts no effort into them.


0/10, lazy troll or even lazier lack of observational skills.


Like all anti-flying posts, that is purely subjective. I’ve explored more of the world and done more once I gained access to flying. Because I’m encouraged to travel and not discouraged from travelling.

When you discourage travel, fewer people travel. That’s a fact in the real world as well.


I don’t get the connection between flying / portals to killing mog farming and making professions worthless. Mog farming is usually in dungeons or raids for the better stuff that has a low drop chance, can’t fly or port into dungeons. Professions were pretty much made useless because Blizzard has not made them useful (they have pretty much agreed with this) and locked a lot of good things with mats you have to farm from dungeons and raids.

The world is very big I will give you that, after I port to old Dalaran, I have to fly over a lot of it to do dailies in Northrend. Unlocking content too early however, once you max out a character you should be able to buy a rep tome similar to Wrath maybe that opens flying for alts. Perhaps limit to say two max level characters and one has the rep to buy the tome. shrug


I can also second this post.

There have been numerous times while I was flying that I saw something that looked interesting, and went to explore it.

These points of interest have never had anything to do with my final destination, it was simply curiosity and fun that drove me to do something other than what I originally intended.

Guess what that did? It added to time played and immersion.


While I’m in agreement with you on most things in this thread… and when not, I’m sympathetic… but this? I gotta disagree.

Part of the problem right now is not just that blizzard arbitrarily chose to penalize our travel times WITH NO LORE/TECHNICAL JUSTIFICATION for it. Just “meh, we were supposed to be doing this anyway according to some hand waving that was done years ago. But isn’t it better this way? Ha ha!”

There could have been far less outrage If they took the trouble to blow happy smoke up our skirts by selling the change better:

  • "Not only is the new central faction capitol portal room simpler and more visually pleasing, using it as a stop-over while travelling across expansions will have -shorter- loading screens because of the infrastructure changes we’re making to support it.

  • Using older area nexuses as shortcuts causes a lot temporary and inefficient use of zone shards, something we’d like to discourage. Those are resources that could be better used helping people get into instances and other content with less delay. We know that this means some travel routes may end up being inconvenient and longer, but we hope that it will help make the more frequently used destinations load that much faster for everyone. A little more flying sometimes for shorter loading screens all the time."

But instead it was a “We’re throttling how fast you can do stuff, because we feel like it. Nyeh Nyah. Deal with it.”


How is the rest of the game suffering have a portal room in a semi instanced area that was designed for their specific portals? Explain please, I want to be amused.

To people saying “lazy” or other ignorant BS… I checked your profiles for overall account progress. I’m beating you in basically every category of achievements. Please tell me more how I am lazy or don’t do anything. I also have more MEANINGFUL achievements such as end game raiding at the highest levels and PvP. Shat up.

While I realize I can get anywhere in the world via other forms of travel, why the hell are my ports removed for a game that, according to Blizzard, is “current content”? I should be able to use my quest ports as intended. I don’t care about mogging, or whatever, I care about the fact I can’t use my ports in current content to travel to a quest I’m supposed to do. Also, nobody has given a valid argument as to why Dal ports needed to be removed, because there isn’t one.


I hate black licorice, so I don’t buy it. I haven’t started a crusade to have it banned from the earth yet though.

I feel like you could glean a lesson from this.


When I first unlocked flying in Cata you know what I did? I went exploring. I found all sorts of fun things I wouldn’t have seen otherwise. So far off the beaten path and all that. But it was cool, it was fun. I felt like I was a part of the world.

In short … immersion!


Exactly. While I personally like black liquorice, I’ll be the first to admit its an acquired taste and not for everyone.

You know, I read that yesterday and wondered where such statistics would even come from if you are not a Blizzard employee with access to such logs.

I went so far to open up my Achievements in WoW, click on the statistics tab, and look under the sub-menu “Travel”. What a surprise that those portal usages are never logged in there. (/sarcasm) I have 43 alts and I checked 10 of my oldest alts dating back to 2008 when I first created them. Funny thing is, I KNOW I used those portals hundreds of times on those alts!

Next best “source” would be bosses in the CoT instances, which you can find the kills under “Dungeons & Raids” submenu item within the same statistics tab. But I know those numbers are not correct, especially on my older alts! I am thinking maybe some of these statistic numbers are incorrect due to parts of that information getting wiped out when the BFA expac went Live and the WoW folder migrated to the new retail folder.

The point here was that I was searching for some type of source a “regular player” could find. Some type of documentation stating HOW OFTEN WE USED THOSE PORTALS. But I couldn’t find jack!

So the person stating that these portals weren't as heavily utilized as everyone wants to think has zero proof and therefore zero legs to stand on to support his argument.


Yea flying is great. I have always explored and done more with flight than on land. In fact, I didn’t do squat in WoD or Legion other than unlock flying. I didn’t really explore until I could fly doing it.


Could not agree more.

Flight opened up exploration to areas that I would have likely never explored, or even noticed, otherwise.


Ummm, why you replying to me with that? o.O Did you mean to respond to Daswings? I’m against portal removal and taking flying away, and I never called anyone lazy. And IDGAflip about your achievements, I’m not a raider so those aren’t “more MEANINGFUL” to me.

The Alliance mage tower feels like your in the tardis - bigger on the inside. Its insane when you walk out the door and see you came out of this skinny little tower.


Porbably meant to reply to someone else but it saves if you click sum 1 on accident

Hold up, that was an option? To ignore the things Blizzard put in game for us to use? It’s almost like now they are gone and the players who did enjoy them, which is probably 99% of the players, can’t use them. Nice logic!

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I would consider that laziness on who ever thought of getting data like that to prove it be true.

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I would just like to point out that’s there a Pandaren here saying we didn’t have portals in classic and we all want it anyway. Totally normal.

Hey you know what? The world is huge but we want people to REALLY see how huge it is. So we are going to close all the airports so you drive around or take a boat. IMMERSION ERMAHGERD.