I just find it hysterically pathetic that even my little joke forums get more traffic than this forum with tens of thousands of potential posters does.
Ive told the uppers around Blizzard that they need to make changes in personnel around here if they want this forum to actually be used.
Apparently theyre as interested in that as they are having their game grow in subs again.
Ok,let’s look at the word immersion according to webster immersion is absorbing involvement .so you are doing just that.You are playing this as all of us on this thread including you.
As for driving them off ,no.WE have several solution to the portal being excluded if you read through the thread.
Right? I mean, good lord, how many times have we saved the world? I am loving this idea of a teleportation helper. I am intrigued by your ideas, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
Did you expect to hear from them about this issue? I didn’t to be honest. I was still going to post about it regardless, but I had no hopes at all they would even talk to us about this.
I farm Sha every now and then. Getting what we’re farming. That’s the only goal. That’s why people farm items or mounts. Not for the traveling experience, or some ridiculous sense of the size of the game. I’ve played WoW since BC launched. I get it. I know how big it is. I have what’s called a memory. Adding massive amounts of travel time feels like you’ve suddenly moved the goal post a huge distance away. I think that’s why a lot of people are quite upset. You’ve essentially moved the goal post without warning. This definitely wasn’t handled well to begin with. It was very much a bait-and-switch up until the very last moment. For those of us who haven’t downloaded the PTR, for months, we were told we were getting this amazing, rad, cool, brilliant, awesome brand new portal room. Patch hits, and without even a word, you’ve removed all portals everywhere else. It’s the very definition of bait-and-switch.
Nope. Not after what ive seen from them in my time playing this game.
I expected them to keep irritating me until I quit.
Which I told my wife a while back that I was quite certain they’d end up doing. We were betting as to how long it’d take before they pushed me over the edge and i’d quit.
I dont care about talk. Look at the OP here. Talk is cheap and meaningless. ACTION is what matters.
Even if they talk again, it’ll just be to blow more smoke.
I dont need that.
What I need is for them to remain entirely silent and undo this stupidity that isnt helping anything or anyone.
I doubt theyd have lost a single sub over not screwing with the portals.
They have, however, lost our numerous subs when they expire and from the responses both in this thread and around the web, a long list of others are leaving as well.
One bad decision too many.
Its been the death of more than one company who thought they were invincible.
Not to mention the absolutely STUPID placement of the Horde portal room.
What genius thought that was a great spot for it? The Alliance is going to camp the hey out of it and I don’t blame them!
Good job, Blizzard. Flips hair
That number was from some ten years ago. Social Media has only made it Easier to tell More people, but I’m sure the ratio is still the same (though it could be worse). If its the same, we’re still talking a ratio of almost 3 to 1.
That’s not good business as that affects your Reputation and the amount of work (and thus money) you have to spend to get new customers and retain current customers.
PRetty much same here. Going to be renewing my sub with FF14. While it may have its own warts and flaws, at least the devs there care and the community likes their devs. I mean, they throw virtual birthday parties for the devs.
I think the only way the players would be happy about something happening to a dev here is if one of the much hated devs left the company.
I haven’t posted on this thread yet, as I’ve been skimming my way thru it. You people type faster than I can read the backlog.
I don’t often farm older content. Occasionally I will get the urge and fly out to SoO or Serpentshrine to pick up one piece of mog or try for one pet that I still haven’t had drop. Or one of my friends will ask for an assist on M PAragons because he has the worst luck with them bugging out. I use portals mostly for the Holiday bosses, and as I main Alliance, the Dalaran Crater is my most used portal for that purpose.
What I do know is that the times I go farming something are going to be fewer as I now have yet another hurdle in front of me. And in an expansion where long time players are struggling to combat boredom, adding more hurdles is not a good thing.
My guild achieved AotC for every raid HFC-Antorus. We did not get AotC for Uldir largely because of attendance issues in November/December caused by massive burnout. We just barely managed to pull together a raid group for BoD, and our weekly attendance is down 20-25% from the start of Uldir.
I want to keep enjoying the game, having started in BC, but Blizz keeps pulling this “ask for feedback/ ignore feedback/ bury topic” tactic. They did it with the camera changes in Legion (people quit because they started getting ill), the Druid class ‘mount’, several class changes in BfA, etc, etc. It’s getting old.
My urge to farm old content grows as I run out of useful current content to do. It tides me over until new content comes out.
I, personally, don’t mind the loss of the Karazhan portal because I’ve ‘finished’ both the old and new versions so thoroughly (mounts, pets, toys, transmog, achieves(afaik)) that it’s not a place I go anymore. Flying from Honor Hold takes longer, but it’s a penalty I’ll feel very rarely.
Caverns of Time was something I mostly only did on my main who has the rep for the shorter path. My rogue was still working on the legendary daggers questline but doesn’t have the rep, and will probably give up because of the extra wasted time to proceed.
As Horde, I often forgot to use Dalaran Crater, and usually went by way of UC or Twilight Highlands if I needed to get somewhere in northern EK.
What chaps my hide is MoP. Still some bits to get from ToT, HoF, ToES, MV, and MoP world bosses, so I’ll still be going out there regularly. I will probably never use the Jade Forest portal, it’s just absurdly out of the way. I’ll use my engineering Wormhold Generator: Pandaria and see where it randomly drops me.
At the very least, Exalted with Shado-Pan (or Sunreavers Offensive) and Lorewalkers (preferably all the rep Quartermasters) should sell a toy that lets you teleport TO the quartermaster in Seat of Knowledge, etc, like how Shaohao offers a trinket to teleport to Timeless Isle.