Rearranging and Removing Portals

Clearly some of US value our time more than some here who apparently enjoy blizzard wasting more of theirs.
Must be bored at home to be ok with having more of their time stolen.
gotta wonder who’d think wasted travel time is ‘immersive’.


and send their shills into pretend to be players acting like this was ok.
easy enough to see who actually plays the game and who doesnt.

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cool. So YOUR time being wasted pointlessly is something that appeals to you. Great. We got it. Lets see how many times you’ll have to remind us of that. :roll_eyes:

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Ive got probably half a dozen people who are getting more interested in trying out an MMO.
I had been steering them all towards WoW.
Thankfully Blizzard pulled this crap now so I can redirect them to ESO now and save them the irritation when they do finally get into a game.


an alt, no doubt. Used that ‘health’ crap that an earlier troll did and busted themselves out.


and you gotta wonder about anyone who is ok with having more of their personal time wasted for NO GOOD reason whatsoever.
Blizzards crap excuse for this move didnt even make sense.
The ports being remove DO NOT make the world feel bigger.
ESO is FILLED with ports and you can portal from any spot youre standing in to ANY portal, dungeon or player housing in the game instantly.
Doesnt make it feel one inch smaller than it is. Actually makes it feel BIGGER because Im actually SEEING places I probably wouldnt see.
Its so convenient that I dont think Id even bother wanting a flying mount (not sure if thats a thing in the game or not)

Not to mention that Ive gone pretty much everywhere in the game except two zones that I think have pvp in them, so Im not interested, at least yet.

ESO is actually FUN running around on foot.
Exactly opposite of WoW where I mostly just hate it.


Wow is just empty content cause Blizzard keep removing stuff. Least the art team rocks.


The down the road ESO would probably take the portals out cause Blizzard would proboly talk them into it.

Translation: we don’t care about your feedback. We’re going to do everything in our power to keep trying to pad the metrics, even though they have been falling across the board and our stock prices are following suit. We’re doing so bad that our newest release that is “so awesome!” is on sale (again!) not even a year after it’s launch. Even though we could spend this year (which by our own admission is a slow one) doing things to make things better for players, we’d rather do things to make the game more of a slog and grind.

Because nothing says “immersion” like flying through content you’ve already cleared just to get somewhere because we want to pad our already failing metrics.

But remember what watcher said in the german interview: we’re not intentionally trying to annoy the playerbase…it only seems that way.


I got ESO when it first came out, but lost interest around level 45… is it worth it now? I mean, anything is better than BfA.

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Hey watcher, and devs: you want that “bigger world” feel?

Come here, and let papa Wanobi tell you how to get one. Alright, are you listening? You sure? Ok, here goes:

Step 1: stop focusing on metric padding time sinks.

Because your own numbers are telling you they don’t work. At this point, watching you guys and your metric padding schemes is reaching Wily E. Coyote levels of complexity (and matched only by their equally spectacular failures).

Step 2: find your pre wod dev team work ethic.

It’s hard, but guess what: that’s what work is. You don’t want to work…there’s a few hundred people who just lost their jobs who would gladly take your place. At this point, even if they lacked the technical skills, we’d give them a shot because in a wod and two releases after it game environment…it’s clear something needs to change.

Step 3: use that work ethic to design and create an actual “bigger world” not one that is hidden behind cheap gimmicks, smoke and mirrors, etc.

Think of the world we actually live in: a rich, complex place with interesting places and people who live in those places. In the pre wod days, wow had something that approximated that. Post wod, you decided to stop going bigger and better and disguise the fact that we were camping in a back yard and tried to trick us into thinking we were taking a trip around the world…and thought we wouldn’t notice. We noticed.

Step 4: profit.

You remember this, right? Back when you had several million more people subscribed to the game, and wow was the number one product in the stable? Remember those days? With some effort, some real contrition, and a lot (and I mean lot) hard work you could eventually get your way back there.

You’re welcome.


And of course, some players have chosen to play as Warlocks or Mages specifically because those classes offer unique means of transport.

Im still waiting to hear what those are.

Last time I checked, I cant open a portal by myself, I cant port myself, and if I am on a mog run, there wont BE two other people at Caverns to open one…my gateway wont go more than a few yards so…anyone?

What unique travel options do warlocks have?


Oh yeah, It’s a whole lot better now then it first came out; One thing though is the controls are totally different from Warcraft and take some getting used to.

Secondly they offer a F2P version for you to try it out however you won’t have the perks like I do like buying a house because they are bought with what is called Crowns which aren’t available unless you buy them or are a paid member then you get 1500 a month; I went ahead and paid for a 3 month sub and got all the crowns at once and bought a house among other things. Also as a paying subscriber you get rewarded daily during the month, One day it was experience scrolls that increased XP gain by 50% for a couple of hours, other days it was potions, but one day I was shocked to get 100,000 in gold, another day a mount and was able to ride it at level 4.

So as you can see there are many perks to the game, I’m just getting started but man is this game full of all kinds of fun activities, Check it out for yourself!


Anything with a intended phone app tied yo it will always be lazy.

Why would you want a larger distance to where ever you are interested in going. Especially if you’re maxed level, the distance it takes doesn’t make the game fun, it makes it tedious.


Is there any reason other than to pad MAU on why you put Azsuna portal instead of Dalaran portal, and also Vale portal?

Didnt Bobby already accepted that 2019 MAU will be alot lower? your job should be safe without pulling this kind of stuff to your playerbase.


Last time I checked there are no portals or flying Classic WoW which also a huge rep grinds, but everyone wants that.


None of my friends do - except for one simple reason -
it might take some of the fun haters, LfR haters and flying haters to somewhere we won’t have to put up with them.


Not everyone wants classic WoW. And people forget that flying was a hugely requested feature back then, it’s why Blizz added it with TBC. As for portals, the game world is several times larger than it used to be, you can’t just pretend that the last seven expansions didn’t happen.


Lmfao. I’m never going to play classic. Ever.