Rearranging and Removing Portals

That’s what I was saying earlier, but I’ve been flamed up and down. I agree 100%.

I regret resubbing with gold major yikes from me this game is going down hill fast.

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what type would that be?
The type paying those server bills?
Or the time who dont want trivial portals to trivial content remove for stupid, moronic pointless non reasons?


Final Fantasy 14 lets you teleport just about anywhere and I don’t hear anyone in that game complaining about the world feeling small. You don’t hear this because NOBODY CAAAAAAAAARES. Give us portals to LITERALLY EVERYWHERE.


:+1: endorsement thumb no likes left


So what you’re saying is, “We saw that there were 5000 replies. We didn’t want to actually read any of them, so here’s a blanket statement that doesn’t address any of the actual issues you brought up to us. Please give us more ‘feedback’ that we can promptly ignore so you can feel like you did something, even though we have no intention of even reading what you write, let alone making any changes based on it.”

Absolutely none of the real concerns that were brought up in that thread were addressed here. This is just another, “Suck it up, Buttercup,” kind of reply from you.

I’m so god damned sick of this garbage.

I hope the next time the devs go to park at their favorite restaurant they see that the parking lot was bulldozed, with a sign reading, “Please use parking structure 2 blocks East. We felt you would appreciate the food more if you had a brisk walk forced on you after your meal.”


for sure. I miss when I had that same type of confidence in blizzard. I’ve had my complaints naturally but ive never been as harsh as a lot of players but this xpac has been a big turning point for me sadly.


The ones loyally playing the game since Classic, not the newcomers who have entitlement complexes.

Not just that but there is flying in the expasions after you have unlocked it for the zone, even with that it still isn’t a small game at all. The zone are huge and some of them are breathtaking.


Tons of games have done that since RP games became a thing.
Its NEVER been a problem.
Blizzard is making it one to flex their muscles and let us know who the boss is.
Lets see what that stock price does over the next couple weeks.
Im putting my money on ‘lower’.


not the newcomers who have entitlement complexes.

Eight years is hardly “new”


Don’t be silly, Rollo (and apologies for mixing up my dwarfs). Dungeons and raids are important content and everyone should be inside them. Even players who have no interest in them should be in them as often as possible, so Blizzard will never, ever, make getting to instanced content harder.


I have a mage and I still speak against the loss of portals.


I’m from vanilla. I think the portal changes are dumb. What now?


That isn’t why Wildstar failed #1. #2, comparing WoW to Wildstar is like comparing Call of Duty to Battlefield. Come now…

One question: You have data proving that goal is achievable, or was achieved in the past?

This wasn’t the first time portals are removed. Do you have solid proof showing player interaction is ‘increased’ when portals are centralized in SW/ORG like it did in the past? Or was this just ‘we think it will work’ kind of decision?

Ya know, i have another set of observation that shows player interaction is greatly increased when a certain feature existed: Global Chat Channel.


I’ve been playing since beta and I don’t want them to needlessly remove portals for some false sense of “world size.” The reality is this is about slowing player consumption down, but they know admitting that would make players angrier.


Don’t tell him that, he’ll get upset.

I have played since classic, before there was even a battleground system and I even think this is a waste of time and a stupid thing for the development team to be working on.


I started right after BC came out. So, yikes.