Rearranging and Removing Portals

Oh, the comment about “we’re consumers.”

Exactly. We are. We consume the game that is WoW.

We also have the right to say that something we consumed or are being told to consume does not taste good.

Would you eat something foul without commenting on how rotten it tastes? I know I wouldn’t!

We also have the right at any time to decide to stop consuming WoW, state why, and go consume another game instead.

“We’re going to go play game X because it meets these needs, one which this game no longer meets!”


I’d love to know what meeting was slow enough to actually make convenient portals a topic and something to pursue a remedy for.


While I get the sentiment, I don’t get the implementation.
It’s the same excuse you guys used when you removed flight. You need to understand that once you open certain doors, you literally cannot close them anymore.

Is that a bad thing? Maybe. But it should tell you to better plan future content around this new design, so it’s a slow injection rather than an immediate perceived middle finger.

I’ve said these twice in the main thread for this, and I’ll say it again.
I frequently use the Caverns of Time portal (from both Dalarans) because:

A) the Blazing Drake is one of the last Raid mounts in Legacy content I need to get, and it’s convenient. By extension this is also why I prepped a Mage Tower on all my max characters to get to Rukhmar faster. There is no alternative to CoT besides a double-flight time path from Uldum’s portal.

B) My partner suffers from trypophobia. It’s hard for me to convince him to get out into lower Tanaris to begin with because of the hives (and we religiously avoided Silithus for years, until BFA actually “fixed” it for him). Having to go from Uldum means he’ll need to physically tab from the game as I taxi him over to the Caverns.

In short: you stand to annoy your players by having this be an immediate change rather than a philosophy to adopt in future expansions.
Pathfinder is a great example of this - the drama could have been completely avoided if you had just said “we want to reach a middleground” from the very beginning, rather than vehemently holding your ground on “no flying whatsoever” for months despite the backlash.

E: And yes, I’m probably going to do the Shattrath>CoT unlock. That doesn’t mean I have no right to complain about now having to repeat a reputation grind 17 times over for all my characters for extra, faster chances at a mount I previously had better access to for free.
And that’s ignoring all the new A>B>C loading screens you’ll have to pass through, too. It’s nothing but obstructing.


Having worked in several restaurants, your analogy is woefully incorrect in a myriad of ways.

This is more like being served endless breadsticks at a certain restaurant, enjoying them for the duration of your stay, and then despite the fact that you’re obviously still eating them because they are endless the server comes and snatches them away and insults your intelligence in doing so.


I mean, sure, if you ignore the other million things that suck now. The lies, the GCD change, warfronts, island expeditions, my unfinished BFA Season 1 PVP mount. The Alliance horses. Still no sign of bee mount.

The portals are just one more thing on the big pile of Blizzard’s obvious apathy.


“Sir what would you like on your burger”
“well, Id like pickles but hold the mayo”
“one burger with mayo and hold the pickles it is”


amen! summoning Bahamut is my favorite part of any ff game haha!

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It does feel like we’re being blatantly lied to as if we won’t notice if they try their hardest to make it sound good.



TL;DR: “We hear your feedback, but we’re so convinced of our own infallibility (despite numerous examples over the last few expansions) that we’re going to go ahead with our decision anyway. All of the concerns you raised are either irrelevant or intentional so we can inflate our metrics for stockholders. In conclusion, we don’t care one wit about y’all customers or your in-game experiences.”


You said it better, I’m putting the Bourbon down and going to bed. Good night folks.

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Vote with your wallet. They won’t listen otherwise.


Taienna, would be it possible for you to slow down for a moment from the rapid-fire responses? You’re wrapping my words into Rankin’s and making it look like he’s saying what I am, and this isn’t the first time.

This isn’t a race, the forums won’t explode before you get the next reply in.

I am interested to see how they work out the new mp/tp system, but I have confidence in them that it won’t be bad. If anything it will take a little time to get used to, but it won’t be a major screw up.

I dont remember deleting my post there. Not even on accident.

Your excuse is thin and unsatisfying. I shows a complete disrespect for players limited play time. You think dragging out transportation time comes without cost, but it does not - you are consuming my patience. I have been a long time supporter but these capricious anti-customer decisions make me reconsider my allegiance.


If this is the kind of stuff the 2019 WoW playerbase is willing to unsub from the game for, I’m going to throw one out there and say good riddance, we’re probably better off without them.


Maybe he was referring to warlock summons?

I can’t imagine anyone but the raidiest of raiders playing a warlock because they can summon people.

He is right.

youll have to talk to blizzard about their crappy quoting in here, Im sorry to say.
They’ll get on that right after they fix the ‘in combat’ bug in about 10 years when all the portals and summoning stones have gone missing.


People are unsubbing because our feedback about the game we pay for is being ignored, AGAIN. Ya’ll are too focused on the portals instead of the bigger picture. We’ve told Blizzard, overwhelmingly, why this decision is bad, and we’re being told that they don’t care and they know better.