Lorethelin and Tarc: you two are the 0.1%.
Method used to be the 0.1%, but people are quitting in huge numbers and they are moving up the % ranks.
This is a stupid change and you two both know it, and you are both trolling away. At the end of the day, this change isn’t going to bring more people to WoW, and is going to drive people away. Clearly that is something that you both want to see happen.
people wouldnt play 12 characters if there was enough to do in game, but this isn’t a sandbox mmo and there is only so much you can do in a weekly basis for a char. Every Expansion has gone the same way, a glut of content at the start that keeps you on your main 90 percent of the time for first 2 months and then you start to hit the content wall which only goes away briefly when a new patch comes in for a week or 2 and then there is the content wall again
Can I have your stuff?
It was essentially random. There has never been a set standard for removing portals after an expansion ends. So they outright lied to us, and you’re defending them, as usual.
Unsubbed till portals are back.
If that’s what you believe, then you’re calling the devs liars, since the rationale was clearly explained in this very thread. That this is some sort of grand conspiracy to specifically inconvenience you.
If that’s the path you wanna cut through the weeds, there’s nothing we can really do to gainsay that.
That is your right, and I wish you well on your future endeavors.
Agreed! I remember even the start of SB they’re version of an ability prune was far more reasonable than they’ve been in WoW. Instead just removing lots and lots of spells they consolidated some maybe removed a few, but they did it in order to give us more buttons. I’m a SMN main and i lost a few buttons but I feel i came out ahead with a party wide buff and the ability to summon Bahamut
I am absolutely calling the devs liars. They said they looked at our feedback but didn’t listen to us. Seems legit to me!
When the majority of your players at this point are in the newest expansion what point outside of purposely slowing people down do you have to remove portals in oboslete content. I mean what was the issue of people leveling hanging out in an old expansion so they had easy access to portals?
Also what is the meaningful travel they are talking about with Warlocks? Mages I get but can Warlocks portal now?
Their previous system for determining if portals should be removed or not was essentially non-existent. This should be obvious considering some of the portals being removed in 8.1.5 are roughly a decade old.
I’ll be the guy whose hysterical laughing you hear when they remove your summoning stones…or the servers get shut down entirely over more sub losses and a crashed stock price.
I feel like I’m being trolled. No seriously, you have got to be joking.
Making it more inconvenient to get places does not make the game better.
Making it more inconvenient to get places does not make the game better.
Making it more inconvenient to get places does not make the game better.
And this? This part?
I’m internally screaming with laughter. You dont care about player interaction. Just about every change you’ve ever made to the game since Wrath has been to reduce and discourage player interaction outside of grouping up to do a raid or M+. Nobody cares about player interaction when they’re just trying to get to ICC for their weekly Invincible farm run. Nobody.
Trying to frame it as “Well we just want players to talk to one another and make friends” when you’ve done everything in your power to separate players and divide the community as much as possible with CRZ and sharding is absolutely absurd.
I dont want to spend three times longer getting places across empty landscapes that I’ve seen seven hundred times before just so you can pad my /played time. Quick and easy transportation is the price you pay for making so much of the world empty and inconvenient to get across.
Here’s a novel idea: If you want players to spend more time in outdated content as they hoof it across the now-obnoxious-to-travel landscape, maybe you should start making it worth our while to do so. I could go to Borean Tundra right now and fly around for twenty minutes and I’d be shocked if I found more than two players out there. Ditto for Gorgrond. And Winterspring. And Kun-Lai. And every single other zone that you’ve made utterly irrelevant as the steady march of oncoming expansions continues.
We dont want to spend time traveling across a world that has nothing interesting in it after you have made it not interesting.
I swear every single change the Devs have made in this miserable expansion has been dumber than the last. “Lets make players angry just for laughs” is about what this can be summed up as.
This change was received overwhelmingly negatively in the last thread, and you just dont care. That’s pretty much what WoW is in the modern day: “We have our own idea of how things should be, and by golly we’re going to make sure it happens no matter how much negative feedback we get!”
Unsubbing for this is silly, but removing portals is worse.
- Does anyone want this? I’m thinking no?
- Is consolidating them a good idea, sure.
- Is there some game reason, only in making lame excuses for it. Do a search string in all game chat for the phrase “I really hate all this getting around easily because I want to feel that same feeling in vanilla of taking a gryphon from Darkshore to Theremore.” I doubt you’ll find any.
- Is this anymore than increasing time in the game as opposed to creating content etc? No.
Care to explain how does Warlock offers ‘unique means of transport’?
We’re classifying Ritual of Summoning as ‘transport’ now?
Or we’re justifying Demonic Gateway as ‘transport’?
Here’s a suggestion: Perhaps you guys can finally see the fel light, allowing warlocks to open gateways to major cities and (rightfully) their own class hall?
Why take pleasure in taunting players when the Legion can seemingly open gateways to anywhere, the Black Harvest can equally do the same, but playable Netherlords are forced to run into sewers?
Or people are somehow confused that opening portals and gateways are ‘too similar’, despite sporting uniquely distinctive looks and graphics?
I think the devs are also buying into the idea that “nobody is going to quit over something as minor as inconvenient travel.” What they’re ignoring is that, when the design philosophy is flawed, those small inconveniences keep adding up into large reasons to leave and find a game that’s more interested in allowing the players to have fun than in walling them into playing “as intended”.
I have an alt on Excalibur who is a smn, I love the fact they added him as damage buff for them. Nothing feels better then seeing him by your side as he rains down an Ahk Morn on the target.
Of course theyre lying.
Do you know NOTHING about PR?
You NEVER tell the customer the bad crap son.
The ONLY reason why this is being done is to make people spend more time in the game for obvious financial reasons. No matter what you think the reason is the portals were removed so that in the end players would have to spend more time in the world. You can PR it and spin it anyway you want but it is still a lie to pretend it is to help the players feel the world is larger.
I don’t think it’s the portals, but rather the portals and this post specifically are the straw for some people. It sucks when you provide feedback, then you realize your constructive feedback didn’t matter and based on the post wasn’t even read. The 5000+ post was very well structured, it was not filled with toxic comments.