Rearranging and Removing Portals

Blizzard shouldn’t be designing for or accommodating people who are playing 23+ 110s actively. That would be like designing raids around Method. You’re in the 0.1% if you’re playing this way.

has to be the same data center but can be different worlds (servers) with in the same data center. I.E. Cactuar is a server in the Aether Data Center, so you could visit a friend on the Adamantoise server which is also apart of Aether Data Center. You couldn’t visit the Exodus server though because it’s apart of the Primal Data Center.

At least that’s my understanding of it.

I’m out of likes, but: Very well said. :+1:

I’m still unsure how 2-4 portals on massive continents, often with minutes of flying between the portals (and plenty of land around them) is supposed to “feel small”. But I also feel that the “the world feels larger when you can’t get to it” explanation is just the party line, and not the true reason for any of these changes.

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I’m guessing that you have not been paying attention to the fact that you are not in Kansas any more and WOW does not have even 10 million players now.
By some estimates, it does not even have 5 million any more.

A few words to Blizzard:

People are leaving alright and they will keep drip dripping out of the game as long as the current iteration of devs is determined to gate, time gimp, or remove anything that players think is fun.

The devs made a lot of players rethink how Blizzard views and knows their player base when they tried to remove flying.

We all learned that they really do not know their players, or what is important to them.

They were forced to rethink their decision when the whole WOW world blew up over it, so they decided that if they could not take it away from us, they would turn it into the holy grail of carrots.

Pathfinder now requires everything from dungeons and raids (which shuts out entirely some players who will never be able to obtain flying in the game), long rep grinds and staggered pieces, over the course of the expac, that are kept secret until revealed.

This was not a compromise…it was a dictate ,from the devs to the players, that this is the only way we will ever let SOME of our players fly again. As for those who cannot meet all of the requirements, too bad.

I am still waiting to see what will be required in Pathfinder Part 2 and whether flying will be out of my reach, or not.

Now, once again, you have determined that players, who are not focused on end game only, will not be supported in the game play that they enjoy.

These players are the ones who sub all year long, not just when the new content patchs hit, because they have things to do when new content is completed. They never run out of things to do.

They are positive emergent players who actually add to your time metrics obsession, yet you repeatedly shut them out by refusing to understand and support the varied ways people play this game.

I don’t see how much clearer it can be that you are taking the fun out of WOW for a large number of your players and pinning all of your hopes on the dungeoneers and raiders to stay subbed even when the content droughts hit.

In your “new vision” for WOW, and in your quest to turn more players into raiders (whether they want it or not), you have turned your back on a large portion of your player base.

Some players simply do not want to do dungeons and/or raids and some, like myself, who used to love the group instance content, can no longer be a positive factor to a group due to physical limitation.

I have been a constant sub, never taking a “break”, for 12 years.
In return, you have basically told me that you will take the things that are left for me to do and obtain and give them only to players who meet your standard of playing the game correctly according to your “new vision” for the game.
Too bad for me.

There are a lot of players, like me, who are hanging on by their fingernails. Most of the people that I used to play with have already left. I am just a couple of “straws” from doing the same.

I simply have lost my trust in Blizzard and in the devs who simply do not understand, nor do they seem to care that a lot of the players in this game do things and go places in this fantasy world that we love, all year long, and those portals aid them in what they do.

These are the players who bring in the constant sub payments, buy your store stuff and help to make your player metrics look good. They feel betrayed that their faith in you has been rewarded by a string of things that you have removed from their ability to obtain and by your lack of support for their styles of play.

It seems even a few portals, so they can continue to play (and pay), is too much for you to allow them as appreciation for their long time loyalty.

With trust waning and communication barely existent these days, many of us are sadly aware of the fact that you are barely even listening any more. The sheer futility is almost enough to make someone want to quit.

I am really on the fence right now and am having to decide if your lack of loyalty to your long time players, is deserving of more years of loyalty from me.

Sorry this is so long. I just figured since you created the thread for “feedback” I would just let it all out, even though my rational side is pretty sure no one is listening.



Yeah, you’re right. And with the shuffle coming at the end of next month they’ll all be in different places anyway. Unfortunately Cactuar and Brynhildr won’t be together. I’m stuck over in the Balmung containment DC.

That is good to know, I am just glad they are adding a feature like that so people can play with friends as long as they are on the same center.

Sorry to say this but Portals matter. It is a very big deal. I put up with you taking other things away but not the portals. This really is the last straw that will break my back.

Portals or you will have another unsub pack ontop of your other millions.


Probably the MOST CONFUSING part of this whole thing is that the Dalaran portal that they’re putting in Stormwind leads to Old Dalaran???

Like… Did they forget that Dalaran is in the Broken Isles now?

I mean I shouldn’t be surprised, they portal to Ashran is going to be there and apparently lore-wise we’ve been cut off from that since we killed Archimonde.

It’s getting laughable at this point.


After reading this Blue post, the overall impression I get is “Thanks for the feedback, but you’re wrong and we know best so we aren’t going to change it.” It reminds me of how I talk to my kids when I’m explaining why they shouldn’t do certain things.

I’m going to reiterate what I said in the 5k post thread: longer travel times don’t make the world feel bigger anymore, they take me out of the game and make it less immersive. Back in Vanilla everyone had flip phones that were only good for calls and text messages, so unless you had a book to read or a Game Boy you stayed engaged in the game while traveling, either by exploring, watching the sights as they go by if using a flightpoint, or just making conversation in Guild Chat. Nowadays though everyone has a smartphone in their pocket, so for me at least if I know I’m going to be traveling for a few minutes I’ll hop on my flying mount, gain some altitude, point myself in the direction I need to go, turn on auto-run, then grab my phone and proceed to watch YouTube or read the news. On many occasions YouTube videos have even inspired me to log out of WoW mid-flight and go play a different game.

Times have changed, Classic may be getting a lot of buzz but that doesn’t mean it’s design philosophies should be applied to the modern servers. If you want the world to feel larger then give us more reasons to explore every corner of it.


This is what gets me. I want to do Brawler’s Guild. I want to make a KulTiran. But patch day I’m just going to be like “Grrrr. Kara portal is gone for no reason. Time to either leave alts parked here, spam a quest chain over and over. Or fly out here every week.” I don’t want to fool with that.

So now I’m Myrrial Mihgo of Gilgamesh, named after my old FFXI character.


When players with your kind of dedication speak out against the company, its a bad sign.


But Blizzard does build raiding around Method and its competitors.

Also, RPers are a small percentage of the population. I fully endorse RP servers, even though I don’t RP myself. I am also sympathetic to RP complaints that Blizzard doesn’t do justice to RPers and RP servers.

This game is big enough for many different, even novelty, types of game play that don’t require one to be sacrificed for another.


Im sure they said the same exact thing when they were removing flight.
how’d that go again?
Oh, thats right.


So basically “we understand nobody wants this. Too bad.”

It’s really not your job to tell us what’s fun or how to enjoy the game. Stop fixing what isn’t broken and fix what actually is.


Smash your lodestone. Portals matter. In fact…


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Off topic but I wanted to say your tmog looks neat.

I’m a sucker for purple. :heart:

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No they don’t. They design the raids around a majority of the playerbase. They’ve never designed for or around top guilds. They’ve stated as much multiple times.

I appreciate that, thank you! Yours isn’t too bad yourself :grin:

oh yikes i forgot about the server shuffle! Just looked it up and luckily Exodus (my server) and Excalibur (my brother’s) are stilll both on Primal. I hope they offer free server transfers so cross world friends can stay in touch.

Yeah it’s a cool feature that im looking forward to a lot. After these past few years of blizz constantly removing things FFXIV is so refreshing with how much they add. Whether features like this or the random edition of Blue Mage.

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You reminded me of my mother’s approach to parenting.

“Don’t do that.”

That was her first line. Then she would say WHY. She encouraged us to never accept blanket answers. Always ask questions.

“Don’t touch the stove. It’s hot. It’ll burn you. It’ll hurt.”

Of course, being stupid kids who didn’t know better, we’d touch the stove. But then we’d remember that she told us WHY.

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