Rearranging and Removing Portals

Player Housing. Check.
No profession caps. Check.
Devs that communicate and are liked by the community. Check.
Armor that doesn’t look like body paint. Check.
Lots of interesting abilities. Check.
Dungeons & Raids that are interesting. Check.
A Mentor System. Check.
Cat girls … oh come on, you knew I had to say this! Check.


ive not gotten a hole in one yet.
I got two eagles in one season, but thats about it.
one was freak luck…well, they kinda all are. But it was a blind shot over the trees on my second shot on a par four.
couldnt find my ball anywhere around the green and looked in the hole passing over it and there it was. Two strokes on a par four.
Got the second one on a par 5 that I really hate on the local course here. 180ish out and dropped and rolled into the cup on the third stroke.
Thats the stuff that keeps you addicted :smiley:

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You had me at Druid-Hunter :smiley:

Complex and fun classes, check.

NO SCALING, check.

Speed levelling and relevant world content, check

UNLIMITED Transmog, check.

World quests at EVERY level, check.

No timegated flght, check.

Dungeon matching system that hasnt devolved into hell, check.

Reasons to be in the world , check.

A Story and characters you actually care about, check.

FF14 DMF open 365 days a year, check.


“system flagged post removed by staff”

$100 says one of the more abusive posters on ‘that side’ is reporting our posts :roll_eyes:

Thaumaturge and how their mana interacts with Fire and Ice spells. Perfect example of interesting complexity. Makes you wonder if Blizzard stole the idea for Arcane Mages doing mana burn phases from FF14.


Saw a fun troll thread this morning. Guy did an obvious troll thread. It was deleted in like 5 minutes flat.

Verdre did you see what they give FISHING?

I was “OMG this is…WHOA…” :smiley::smiley::smiley:

Oh I’m sure they have stolen ideas from FF14. The infinite repeatable content that does not reward loot ,but gives cosmetic rewards… Islands sound and awful lot like the Palace of the Dead or Heaven on High.

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And yet THIS abusive trash remains.
no bias to see here folks :roll_eyes:

Just not near as good. :grinning:

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But are islands as bad as Eureka or worse ?

I’m in Eureka right now. Nothing is as bad as this.

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I was being sarcastic. I’m sure that Square has stolen ideas from Blizzard as well. They’re all thieves. Nothing wrong with that, so long as you are creative in using what you stole.

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No idiotic PVP AI stuffup causing pvp flagged NPCs to attack you and kill you when you were nowhere NEAR them at a world quest objective…CHECK.

No gankers, griefers, no"wurld pee vee pee", no NPC killers or porter killers, CHECK.

No pvp forceflag, check.


No faction war that they keep using weak excuses to keep going. Yes, their main story may have issues at points, but at least its not as cringe factor or as obvious about picking up the villain ball as WoW can get almost Every Single Expansion.


Even ESO got the hint and dropped their faction “war” really early on. Luckily.


Thank goodness for that. I wish WoW would do the same.

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Im 1000% certain that the biased mods here are going to try to do anything they need to to shut as many of us down here as they can.
They know these trolls are going to flag every post here that they can to help them along.
Im half thinking that its the mods themselves that flag the posts.


This topic has been hijacked to change subject?