Rearranging and Removing Portals

So who is looking forward to tomorrow with no blue post? :smiley:

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Yeah the controls are different from WoW, That’s what got me in trouble with the guards the first time I was in a city.

I’m basically just getting started and have a lot to learn but it will be worth it.

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lol…like to see what happens

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I am anticipating nothing but if something is said I wonder how bad it will be on a scale from 1-10.

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After paying $60 a pop for so long for a four hour round of golf all season long for years, this all feels pretty cheap and easy.
I just can do without the drama and time wasting crap they keep pulling.
The $$$ are ok. Its the annoyance factor Im not putting up with.
Blizzard can take their game and shove it for all I care at this point, and its all on THEM that I feel this way.
I was doing just fine playing 8 hours or more a day until this portal BS came up last week.

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Hey Taienna

This is what a fisherman can do


I actually think removing a bunch of portals, and then putting the rest into a single location makes the world feel smaller to me.

By removing all these portals and then putting what portals do exist all in a single area, you remove the secrets of the game. You remove the incentive to explore and remember the world. And that makes it an empty world - a small world.


Yeah it’s just about as different as it gets. I still really suck at that game, I chose nightblade because… well, obviously. Stealthing and stealing is super fun. :wink: But as it turns out I really suck at that class and I don’t think it’s ideal for soloing. My brother and I tried some public dungeons when he was playing, and even with the ideal build and decent gear it was pretty clear I was holding him back with my bad dps, still.

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I agree with that. It feels like they are doing the opposite of what they want with this change.

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They are quite different if you are talking about ESO. I actually find them more intuitive now because it’s nice not having to hold the right mouse button for mouselook. In WoW I keep hitting H to mount and get surprised when the PvP queue dialog box pops up.

On a topic-related note, it sure is nice being able to port to any wayshrine from anywhere in ESO. I do a lot more there because it’s generally easy to get where I need to go instead of having existing travel options removed for no good reason (I know the devs gave a reason, but it is not a good one).


They know it. The blue above knows it.
They know WE know it.
They know its bad for the game and for the player base.
And they’ll do it anyway.
Cognitive dissonance, I think its called.


I was in a company golf league for years and know what you’re saying about the $$$, I would still be playing but had a fall dislocating my left shoulder and had a compound fracture on my right leg, Doing better now but doubt I will be as good as I was 5 years ago.

My straw was broke a year ago but I’ve stuck around hoping they would change their ways but I guess they’re not, They’ve lost the trust I had in them.


Matt Firor (formerly at DaoC, another game I loved).
3 realm/faction warfare there and now at Eso.
A lot of player control over what your character becomes from the choices you make, if I remember correctly.
Did Eso beta, they had lag issues, I think they are solved now. I haven’t been back though. Maybe after the other one I will.

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ESO has been fun. I just wish I could make my Wood Elf green like a goblin. :V


The wife made me stop playing anyway after a guy got hit in the head with a ball the year I was backing off playing so much. Cant break 82. I finally hit 81 at a course down the road here and was doing a dance then realized it was a par 71, not a 72 that I was playing on…so still the same strokes under par.
The last 10 rounds I played, SIX of them were 82’s.
How is that even possible ? :smiley:
I started losing interest in golf over it that season. Tossed my good clubs in the dumpster and started messing with other hobbies that dont irritate me till WoW came along.

I pitched over a thousand bucks in clubs in the dumpster over just not caring anymore.
If Blizzard thinks myself and lots of others wont just toss this game over their intentionally trying to agitate us, theyre in for a big surprise over the next couple weeks, Id say

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You could make a sexy green orc. :eyes:

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It’s tempting. The ESO orcs are fantastic (and somehow are more like Warcraft 3’s Orcs than WoW’s have been in recent expansions), but they’re not short.

end game with the Champion points it’s awesome. Alsop, the Champion Points are account wide and can be used when making new alts. Which makes leveling different toons a lot easier. All your toons are automatically in a guild of your own and all resources are shared.

Every race can play every class but there are stat bonus for each combination depending on play style. Everything is way easier to play exactly how you want. The first time leveling a toon is the toughest but it gets a lot easier. And if you feel you want to change your shill points, abilities or champion points you can pay a gold fee in game and reset everything.


oh…and Im remembering something else that put me over the top that last year I golfed.
So I cant break 82 no matter what Im doing or how much Im playing. Lessons and everything. Im one and two putting everything on the greens but something is always adding a stroke here and there to kill my game before its over.

One day I went out with one of my buddies who is an older guy…a war vet, korea if memory serves.
But he can only play 9 holes and there is rain coming in so we’re hurrying to get thru and leave.
Guess what happens?
I get a freakin 40 for nine holes :rofl:
By the time we got done with the 9 it was clear the rain and lightning were coming in soon so I cant finish the back side to see if MAYBE Im going to finally be able to bust 82 for the first time.
God I was sOooo irritated :rofl:

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If i ever come back to this game i will have no idea how to get around, im sure that will be GREAT fun that will keep me around for even longer