Rearranging and Removing Portals

so how does the world work for pvp/pve?
I DONT want to be questing and having to deal with pvp clowns camping me

Don’t forget “but why can’t you just learn gnomish engineering” and “grind out the rep to use the portal NPC in Shattrath.”

He’s only trying to help us, after all. :roll_eyes:

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I have been following this and the countless other threads on wow forums and various other websites.
What I feel as a person that does heroic raiding and old content daily using these portals well over a dozen times a day, is confusion.
We have been hemorrhaging players and this questionable change will not help. Making moving around much more inconvenient will not bring even one more player to wow. However; many current players will become jaded and frustrated.
This will push away on the fence customers.
We have plenty of time sinks as it is without forcing us to increase most travel times. The so called “reasons” we have so far from blizz are, imo, weak and out of touch.
My impression is the devs that are passionate and love wow are now controlled by bean counters that have never been gamers.
I will not quit wow since I am an addict P but will be online less since I will not be doing the dailys and raids in Pandaria. For instance I did run SoO stone out to new Dalaran jump into the shrine portal and afterwards do quest and activities on pandaland. I just don’t feel like sitting waiting on much longer travel times.
I do heroic raiding in current content but that only takes 6 hours a week and like to do other things.
Next week will be interesting…


Just grind it out on every alt you want to use, even though doing so would vastly outweigh the benefits.

I believe PvP is only in one particular zone, and you have to queue for it. I’ve only been there once, but the zone is crazy huge.

Well that’s disappointing.

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yeah…its amazing to think that someone@blizzardActivision woke up one day months ago and thought…'hey, i know how we can get the sub numbers up, we’ll take away some portals that people are using everyday"

My big question is, while I believe one of them were deficient enough to believe that, how in gods name did they get a board room full of other people to think it would ever possibly work.


I only do PVE and never had a problem, However be careful when you kill an npc, You can be classified as a murderer and punished by the guards and have to pay a bounty that you impose on yourself…LOL (Needless to say that happened to me)

Also if you steal from a home etc, you can get busted for that too but you can go to what is called a “Fence” and sell your stolen goods and pay off the bounty.

The game is pretty immersed.

ohhhh…thats what they mean on this page im reading about Cyrodiil then.

But if you really want it, Rankin, you’ll do it, and that’s not an unreasonable expectation at all.

There does, however, come a point where you wonder if it’s all pedantry or if there are reading comprehension issues.


REAL immersion there.
I wish I had a time machine to go back 19 months and bang myself in the head every time I thought about playing WoW.
I should have stuck with what I know…ES.


The bounty/sneaking mechanics are what make Nightblade such a fun class to play. You can’t sneak +1 shot anyone with a bow like you can in Skyrim, but it’s fun to be able to sneak around mobs and steal from houses. You can technically do that on any class but it’s easier with Nightblade.

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I bought ES Oblivion’s collectors edition but had never took it out of the pack that is until January. :smiley:

I was looking at the ‘warden’ class I think its called
Is that like hunter or druid?

at least “uldim” is decipherable.

that’s not what happened, it’s pretty clear that’s not what happened.
loosen the tinny hat a tad.

i read it as the travel path being from broken shore, to dal, to final location.
yep, it was totally some sort of hidden agenda on my behalf.
you’ve outed me.

come on now.

you’ve been around here long enough to know that i’m always willing to admit when i’m wrong.

if it was intentional, i’d probably have used some sort of emoji to imply i was trolling.

i made a mistake, you need to stop trying to turn it into something it isn’t.
i apologise if it caused you any trauma.

Ive owned all the games, but we saw this one edition that had the games from the first one up to skyrim in one package for $50 or so. Picked it up too just to have it. I think it had some extras or something that made it worth buying the games again.
Sitting here watching some ESO videos on youtube, It seems like theres little to dislike.

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But that’s exactly what happened. And now you’re backpedaling like a madman trying to cover for your actions.

And now you’re just being facetious.


I don’t think so, but I never got too far with one. The combat and everything is nothing at all like WoW. You can use any weapon on any class, and you’ll get different abilities based on what you’re using, I think. But of course just like WoW, only certain builds are really “viable.”


In the 14 years I’ve been playing Warcraft I hate to think the amount of $$$ I have spent, One thing though I haven’t paid for the last year for a sub, I’ve been selling everything I can in game and buying tokens for game time just so I could see if ActiBlizz would change their ways.

Evidently they will never learn how to treat their players.

But if ESO keeps the game immersive and “FUN” I don’t mind spending my $$$ for good cheap “FUN”!


nope, the whole thing was created in your mind.

i already said it was an honest mistake, it happens even to me. (especially when i’m posting at 3am)
…but enjoy your conspiracy theories. :rofl:

Wasn’t there a thread going on here?

Pretty sure it doesn’t need derailing because you’re unwilling or unable to accept someone having a minor “woopsie”.