Rearranging and Removing Portals

You fed it and now its back on the porch


no, it wasn’t a deliberate misunderstanding.
is that even a thing?

i took it at face value.

heaven forbid people actually say what they mean. :roll_eyes:
(but sure, blame me, for someone elses error, i have a thick hide)

What do you mean ‘paying member’ ?
Just the sub each month?

Yeah crafting here is useless, I crafted some Monelite Keys and sent then to my Vengeance Demon Hunter only to find while attempting to open a dungeon gate that you have to be a level 1 Blacksmith to use them and where are any other uses for them; Lockboxes are not in this half baked Xpac.

IF I understand all the current info correctly, this will DIRECTLY impact all older content, including instances and raids.
Flips hair


lol ok.

so other people are permitted to make mistakes, but i’m held to a different standard?


but but but…that mind numbing flight time increase is so IMMERSIVE, dont ya know…

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Yeah, I paid for 6 months though so I could get the crowns at one time so I could get housing and other goodies.

yeah…its a real downer when you finally can craft something and its limited to that profession when it makes no logical sense.


I’m going to try both FF and ESO; give me something constructive to do with my gaming time.
Barely able to flip hair, at the thought of having to move


The base game plus the one extra is downloading.
Im sure I’ll love it enough to sub up every month anyway.
Talking the wife into subbing right now :wink:


I predict that his response will be that there’s no such place as Uldim, so your entire post is incomprehensible…



You went out of your way to take it at the face value you wanted it to have instead of taking a fraction of a second to try and understand the poster’s intent.

We’re not doing that. We’re blaming you for taking advantage of someone’s error so you could post a “gotcha” instead of a real argument.

Nobody is saying that. That is something that you came up with entirely on your own.

What I said is that you should have easily been able to detect the poster’s intent. “Broken Shore Dalaran” is very simple to figure out. There’s only one Dalaran near Broken Shore anyway, even if the more correct name would have been Broken Isles Dalaran or even Legion Dalaran.

But no. You couldn’t let that mistake slide. You had to nitpick it so you could attack the credibility of the poster instead of focusing on their argument. It’s childish trolling tactics and you know it. Stop trying to wiggle your way out now that you’ve been called out for your poor behavior.


AHHHHHH you fed it again :rofl:


I’m happy to see that your timing is almost identical to mine. I wasn’t sure if I’d actually done it right because it turned out even faster than I’d thought, and timing isn’t my forte.

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There’s a lot of players from here there now and actually were the ones that talked me into coming over. The atmosphere there is so much cooler there amongst the players, Hardly any toxicity only happy players.

you can do that with the forum?

Yes, it’s a thing.

So taking you at face value, the answer is ‘yes, I am genuinely incapable of this extremely basic example of inference & reasoning.’


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Yeah, just follow the instructions that I posted.