Rearranging and Removing Portals

And that’s where we went wrong.


What would they do if we all submitted bug reports about missing portals when 8.1.5 launches?

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They do that with achievements as well. I gave up on caring about those when I started noticing my achievement points went away and the achieve’s themselves were moved under the Feats of Strength tab. Which I hate, it doesn’t even give me anything, I’d rather have my earned points. XD


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Same thing they do whenever we report bugs, ignore it.

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I guarantee that a bunch of the players that weren’t aware of this ahead of time will.

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I did it in the PTR; I don’t think it will matter either way with this take it or leave attitude they have been shoving down our throats for what almost 2 years now?


Sorry, I was imprecise with my pronoun. I fully meant “Isles” is the term on the mage port, not “Shore”. Inexcusably sloppy writing on my part.

I don’t have a hearth to Shat and I’m not going to set one there. Also, the vast majority of my characters do not have the necessary reputation with the proper faction for that port. I’ve little to no interest wasting the time to get it on all of them at this point.

As I’ve said from the start, if these portal changes make my usual game play too time-consuming, I’ll simply play less. The less often I play, the less engrossed in the game I become. The less engrossed, the less often I log in. The less I log in, the more likely I’ll lose interest altogether. I’m not saying this as a, “if these changes go through, I’ll quit,” statement. I’m simply laying out the likely consequences of this change as it applies to me. I cannot claim to know how it affects anyone else.


Brahmina, you know he’s going to come back with “You don’t have a mage port called ‘Isles’,” which will be just as sensible as his claim that there’s nowhere called “Broken Shores Dalaran”.

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fine by me.
Im playing FF14 currently and ESO is downloading as I type this.
Too many other games out there to be perpetually annoyed by the pointless petulance from Activision.

Yep, Stocked up on my popcorn :popcorn: today just waiting for the show come Tuesday. :beers:


Long way? ok, fine. Just for your personal edification, I will time how long it takes the way I’ve been traveling versus your suggestion of setting you our hearthstones in Gadgetzan.

Hearthing to Gadgetzan, running outside, mounting up, and flying to the Caverns of time took 1 minute 14 seconds.
Teleporting to Dalaran, mounting and flying to the gallery, using shimmer, and taking the portal to the Caverns of Time took me 49 seconds. I saved a whole 25 seconds by taking “the long way” as you call it.

But expecting me to keep my hearthstone in Gadgezan is ridiculous. I can only run the dungeons for what I want to collect once a week due to lockouts so it’s much more useful to have my hearthstone elsewhere. And not everyone is a Gnomish Engineer with the teleport toy so lets look at the next closest reasonable alternatives.

On the Alliance side there is a portal to Theramore. Assuming you’re a Mage or can find one quickly it takes about 2 minutes and 59 seconds to fly directly from Theramore to the Caverns of Time. I’m not testing how long it takes to find a mage willing to teleport someone there because I’m not willing to waste a bunch of other people’s time for this little experiment.

But let’s be real, once the Caverns of Time portal is gone from Legion’s Dalaran most people are going to use their faction’s Cata portal to Uldim. To the PTR!

On the Alliance side, it takes 3 minutes 37 seconds to teleport to Stormwind, Shimmer twice out of the Portal Room, run down the spiral ramp and exit the mage tower, fly across town to the Uldim portal, and fly from Uldim to the Caverns of Time.
For non-mages I’ll even be generous and shave off an approximate minute and a half for not having to escape the mage tower and fly across Stormwind if you set your Hearthstone to the inn in the Dwarven District. So maybe about 2 minutes on the low side for keeping your hearthstone in kind of an obscure location but still in Stormwind so not as terrible as setting it out in freaking Gadgetzan.

On the Horde side it takes about 3 minutes 15 seconds to teleport to Orgrimar, Shimmer out of the nifty and might I say reasonably sized Portal Room (and I thought the Alliance Mage tower was bigger on the inside before), mount up in the front gate, fly to the Uldim portal, and fly from Uldim to the Caverns of time. I’m not going to estimate how long it takes to fly from one of the inns in Orgrimar. If you feel like trying it for yourself be my guest, but I’m done.

So, the verdict: 49 seconds is “the long way”… uh-huh… sure… right… whatever you say. When the supposed shortcut takes around 2 and a half minutes longer I’ll still prefer “the long way” long after the portals are gone.


Be very very careful not to get sucked into the cash shop, if that’s your type of thing. They have a lot of cool stuff on there. It’s easy to drop money on a few crowns, then just a few more for this other thing, and before you know it you’re a hundred dollars poorer.


he isnt listening. Hes trolling. We need to stop feeding it so it’ll go away.

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Is this a big hit to soloing old raids? That’s something I think about coming back to do…but having to spend much more time afk on flight paths isn’t exactly appealing.

yeah, I saw that right off the bat.
Ive spent maybe $1500 on WoW in the last 19 months…including 9 character boosts, pets, mounts and tokens. I dont mind at all helping to support a game Im enjoying.
Too bad Activision has ruined the desire to give them any more of my $$$.

I’ve found ESO more enjoyable but that’s just my preference; Been playing since January, Still trying to figure everything out, Got a home of my own in the game, Only thing is you have to buy houses, furniture etc with currency called crowns however if you pay to play you get extra incentives and crowns when you resub.

You also get gold in game, For being a paying member each calender day you get something, One day I got 100K gold, another a mount, all kinds of neat stuff.

I just bought the base game which says it includes the Morrowind whatever.
Im going to try it out and see, but Ive played the ES series since Daggerfall was new and other than some issues liked them all.
Seems like crafting is far better than this useless crap in WoW.

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This will be right up your alley then lol I had the same problem with Guild Wars 2, they have SO many cool outfits and mount skins, it’s incredibly easy to spend a ton of money on these games. Blizzard’s really doing it wrong.

Just don’t start buying crown crates, they are absolutely not worth it.

cool. thanks for the advice.
No crown crates :grinning: