Rearranging and Removing Portals

I’ll get right on it!
Frolics his way into the kitchens!

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By recognizing their intent like a rational human being instead of playing silly semantics games like you’re winning any points because someone made a mistake.

I’m getting annoyed because you are purposefully derailing the discussion with your nit picking. You can’t come up with any counter-arguments, so you have to pick away at any mistakes.


Letting my sub run out. Got time left till April. This whole fiasco is literally “fun detected.” This is for me, the 1000th cut, the straw that breaks the camel’s back. 8.1 actually gave me some hope for BFA and i did enjoy BoD raid, but I could use a break and now’s a good a time as ever.


I’m afraid that is all this poster does in any thread.

Doesn’t comment on anything positive, just looks for flaws.


All out of likes, enemy mine; so here…
and have a cold one, on me!

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I think this thread has become the GD Lounge thread now… LOL

I feel like it is a terrible change that was never needed.


HAH!.. that’s reassuring.


Wait till it goes live and tens of thousands who have no clue that the portals they use multiple times a day are missing.


when one has no valid argument thats what is to be expected of them.

please everyone, just ignore the incoming trolls.

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I will be more than ready for Tuesday; these forums are going to be a RIOT!
flips hair


Hocksy mutter/whispers in B/Nelf: sounds --divine–.
Turns to the others and yells:
“No I did NOT say that, you heard me wrong.”


There are some quibbles…the portals to the Broken Isles and the MoP Shrines will now go to Azsuna and the Jade Forest, respectively. And I hope that at least the Shattrath NPC that can take you to the Caverns of Time is going to remain, but I have not seen confirmation yet.

The rest is really build-a-bridge-and-get-over-it territory, at this point.

Yeah the best thing to do is go to your Preferences then Notifications and at the bottom Users muted and put their name in there which suppresses all notifications from these users and then ignore anything they have to say.

Most importantly stop feeding them.

This thread needs…

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Nice quality feedback. If you are here to insult us, just leave.

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Tuesday be like

Dude, where’s my portal ?


Good One! :+1::+1::+1:

I believe she said Broken Shore Dalaran, which any reasonable person would understand as “the Dalaran located near the Broken Shore.”