Rearranging and Removing Portals

Flips hair

P.S. Yes I’m out of likes again.

Good gracious…why are you guys arguing over moot points? Pages of arguing and snipping at each other. You’re adults. Act like it.

Let’s get back on topic - please. The portals that our alts used for farming old content are being removed which adds to time-played. How do people feel about it?

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I’m angry! This is a slap in the FACE.


Amen sis. Preach it!

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don’t act like it wasn’t relevant.

i was being asked how to get somewhere, claiming it’s a legit request, while using the wrong location names?

how is anyone meant to answer that?
woops, goalpost moved again!

but sure… get snippy because I took it at face value. :roll_eyes:

…and a :+1: to all of that!
Flips hair

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Agreed. I wish they didn’t make decisions like this.

" There are 6317 replies with an estimated read time of 954 minutes ."

15 hours of feedback, I can’t help but doubt they’ll read through all of this. Or any of it. At all. /sigh


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These 6300+ responses are too much to read for the two CMs we still have.

Agreed Fallynn. I think they say they do but pick out what they want to. … or they just read the first few. Professional lies. I’ve had to say similar things to clients when I knew good and well I didn’t know all the facts. It’s a shameful business and cost the company I worked for clients.

It was a deliberate misunderstanding on your part.

They made a mistake, but are you genuinely so incapable of putting 2 and 2 together than when someone says Broken Shore Dalaran, you can’t work out that they mean Broken Isles Dalaran (i.e the Dalaran from the same expansion that is right next to Broken Shore)?


hate it.
Quitting over it.
looking on Steam right now at other MMO’s as well.
ESO is looking good too.


The kicker here is that the first bit of responses tell them what they need to know, and basically highlight that this change is a terrible idea, too. Why they don’t actually listen to them, and the hundreds of us that agree that it’s terrible, I have no idea.

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As long as the troll feeds, he will stay.
Sips some evening tea, for refreshment and calming

What teas are you drinking tonight, friend?

Also 840 users is definitely “The same ten people over and over whining about something that ‘doesn’t matter’” folks. :roll_eyes:


Tonight’s tea is Celestial Seasonings Mint Decaf Green tea; goes well as an aperitif and also with the light seafood meal I’ll be having later.
Also good for soothing nerves and raging emotions.
Flips hair


Try some cold brewed green tea with raspberry, peppermint, and coconutmilk. Dear God is it refreshing.


Bingo! Yahtzee! “XP FROM DUNGEONS” another containment thread started in February of 2018 that a CM started as a sticky asking for feedback then unstickied it and never once did they comment in the thread for a whole year, The thread just died here in the last month.

I think they figure if they let the cat out of the bag early and let players vent their frustrations it won’t be as much of a shock when it actually goes into effect.

Also it keeps all kinds of other threads for the same subject from popping up.

But that’s just my opinion.