Rearranging and Removing Portals

Yep, I’ve got the same thing, and it’s really frustrating. Blizzard is doing a fantastic job with the forums, similar to the job they are doing on WoW.

What I mean by that is, I used to read the forums every day, now I check maybe once a week if that. I don’t think I’m the only one, as they seem really dead.

Now, you can extrapolate from my forum experience to my experience of the game itself, it’s quite similar, as I’m pretty much only logging on to raid these days.

Time played = a lot less than it used to be. Well done Blizz!!


he isnt looking for data…or to try to understand.
Look at his posts. Hes here to argue with you REGARDLESS of what your point is or how your game is negatively affected.
Id not waste time with him or the others at this point.


If people find immersion in raking a ground mount over decade+ old content then they can already do that. Some of us have seen these places for literal weeks of game time already, and all you’re making us do is AFK on an auto-run flying mount or on a flight path. You’re basically making us not play your game but bumping up your statistics. It’s a real player centric model. What I want to know is why you guys thought this was a good idea. Most of the community hates it and in the 15 or so years this game has been out, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a “too many portals” complaint. If you want people to play more, make the game more fun. Don’t just mandate us to being logged in longer to get to the content we actually want.


Caverns of Time has been mentioned numerous times and not once do you mention anything about it. You know the removal of the Dala portal to CoT is a huge inconvenience for a huge amount of people and you refuse to acknowledge it here in this post.


I’m all out of likes, generous soul that I am.
So here’s a :+1:
and a few more words to support your post, regards the silliness of some people.
Flips hair


yeah…the view that says ‘more travel time = immersion’ really boggles the mind.
Not sure how boring the lives are of others, but wasting MY personal time by adding more travel time doesnt make the immersion better and i have to wonder about the integrity of anyone who says it does.
STORY increases immersion
CONTENT increases immersion.
wasting my game playing time needlessly just ticks me off.


yeah…every time my timer says I should be getting more likes it pretty much resets. No clue if theyre doing that intentionally but look at the first few posts…how many likes they got.
Seems odd that they dropped down so low after that.
Almost as if someone is making it that way for a reason.

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I think that says most of what we need to know here.


No, your mage does not have a teleport called “Broken Shore”.
It’s “Broken Isles”, just the same as every other mage.

Broken Shore is a different location, and has nothing to do with Dalaran… which is why i questioned the travel route.

you did… but you used the wrong name for the starting location, so don’t pretend it was a misunderstanding on my part.

why is the Shattrath port to CoT not an option?

Give our portals back

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Agreed. Portals please! Thanks in advance, Blizzard.

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Actually, don’t just give them back. Give us more. Build a portal nexus in every capital!


This is just silly semantics, everyone else knew what was meant.



a specific start location was given as Broken Shore.

i’ve never heard anyone refer to Dalaran as Broken Shore.

Broken Shore, Broken Isles, it’s a mistake that you’re harping on to attack the credibility of their argument.


This is a pointless argument. Please get back to the point: this portal change is stupid.

They keep doing that. Nitpicking irrelevance to try to get any ‘win’ in their own minds they can.



more gaming options…


Agreed; time to let this antagonistic troll with a huge chip on his shoulder VERY much alone.
GODS I wish we had an ignore feature!
Flips hair