Rearranging and Removing Portals

What I lost already was any desire to play…and it didnt start until this crap hit me in the face maybe 9 days or so ago.
I logged in long enough to check my auctions for days now. Barely played in over a week. Down from maybe 8 hours a day prior to that.
Theyre right…I’ll lose interest and move on…to Final Fantasy 14, as I already have.


Can you actually believe theyre willing to cause THIS much crap over some stupid portals we use?
ONE lost customer isnt worth losing over THIS trash.
That they cant figure that out proves to me that not one of them understand the gaming community OR how to run a profitable business.
But thats right…their stock tanked and their subs are way down, so that all lines up anyway.

This current team of nitwits is riding the coat tails of PREVIOUSLY good devs, writers and leaders.
if these jokers in charge now had to start over theyd be bankrupt in 6 months.


They win this by attrition. The ones who care most passionately are the ones who are going to leave.


Well, he IS still dead, isn’t he?
Flips hair

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I won’t be going through org to get to Dragon Soul.

I’ll go from The Great Seal to Silithus. The flight is 20 seconds longer than from Uldum, but on average I’ll get there faster than waiting for Orgrimmar’s painful loading screen.



That’s a good point. If the lag is that bad and loading screens are torturous… it’ll probably be easier to avoid the portal room all together on any characters high enough for bfa.


Looking for some other games on Steam right now.
So much out there these days compared to the 90s.

Yep, this is what my thoughts were on the subject.

They do not want a lot of “loose cannon” threads. This would attract even more attention than one huge thread that gives the impression that the discussion is more limited and “contained”.

The same reasons why we were transitioned to this forum, which makes a lot of things easier to control, including limitation of “likes” to expressed opinions. It just helps to give the impression that posts are ok by a few players, but not too many.

Those posts on the old forums that ran hundreds of likes really made an impression. They are less likely to have that issue here.


Hopefully a bunch of people are or will be expressing their feelings about this on a lot of different platforms.

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I know factually since this thread was started that my likes have been seriously limited in a way they WERENT before.
Again, Blizzard just being control freaks.
They cant make a good game anymore…and apparently cant even have a decent discussion forum about the fact they cant make a good game anymore.

Its really funny knowing that had they not inherited this game from better men theyd ALL be on the bread lines right now


They are.
All over youtube. The stink over there is 1000 times what it is here. Just search for it.
Same with the web. Search the missing portals topic and see the crapstorm going on all over.
These jokers THINK they have this contained here, but they dont.
Theyre just duping themselves and any investors that might happen to slink into GD here to get a feel for whats going on.

Hopefully the investors are intelligent enough to do what i said and go search google for this crap and see for themselves just how bad the current team is at making decisions for this game.

Please everyone…iGNORE the incoming trolls.

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let’s say this together.
I :clap: have :clap: not :clap: defended :clap: the :clap: removal :clap: of :clap: portals

just because i’m not freaking out, does not mean i think it’s the best idea ever.

and yet, we’re still managing to save travel time for those who are brave enough to be forthcoming with their convoluted travel routes.

Despite the portals, people have still been going “the long way” and wasting their own precious time.

another example has just popped up in another thread:
someone complaining about the removal of the WRT port, because it was the closest port to Argent Tournament and ICC instances.

how can you prove it will take longer to get places, when people already take the long way?

this is why i keep asking people for travel routes… because a large portion of players don’t know how to navigate the world efficiently.


please just dont feed the trolls.
We know what they think. theyre just trying to get attention at this point.

Lol Tevye was awesomely played. Haven’t seen that on years.
“Without traditions, our lives would be as shaky as …a fiddler on the roof.”
Too bad the devs don’t know the definition of tradition, or that tradition is responsible for more of the things wrong with the world than good.

I could quote a link to youtube, yet in another thread I couldn’t quote a link to www.memorableplacesdotcom/mudwimping.html
Must have something to do with the content.

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"If Blizzard wants to pull this stunt, let them. Other games such as ESO and FF14 let their playerbase freely teleport to all the zones; paying just a same ingame currency fee. And guess what. Not only do these two games have more players playing (release your numbers, Blizzard; prove me wrong), but EVERY ZONE HAS PLAYERS IN THEM. Even in the “lowbie zones” you’ll find max-level players just running around doing stuff.

So, their reasoning is utter bull and based solely on making you, the player, do one of two things: spend an extra 15 minutes to get to Point B. Just so they can release an even bigger MAU for the next quarter. The other is to herd you all into the newer zones so the game doesn’t feel as dead.

((PS: I also wouldn’t be surprised if they wanted to do this to also “encourage” players to buy WoW Tokens to transact enough gold to buy the AH mounts since (for now) Boralus and Daz don’t have any AH (even for us Engineers). Again, Blizzard, prove me wrong. Oh…wait, you can’t. Because you can’t fool a fellow puppet master.))

blizzardwatch .com/2019/03/04/blizzards-removal-several-portals-patch-8-1-5-unnecessary-change-poor-reasoning/


whispers eng ah at scrapper (horde anyway)

You can post links if you put a grave ` at both ends of it

First off, okay, it’s “Broken Isles” Dalaran, not “Broken Shore”. My bad. (That’s what the teleport is called on my mage.)

I didn’t ask “a to b to get to c”. I specifically asked “Broken Shore (sic) Dalaran to Caverns of Time”. I don’t care about how long it takes to get to Broken Isles Dalaran because I just timed it at 15 seconds (hearth plus load screen). I do care about a faster way to get to Caverns of Time without the portal. Using the in-game stop watch, I just now timed how long it took my character to run from the portal zone-in (in Broken Isles Dalaran) into the Hall of the guardian (or whatever it’s called) down into the basement, and through the CoT portal. I did use a 310% speed flying mount from the zone-in point, but I wasn’t already mounted before I started the timer. It took a whopping 28 seconds, including loading screen to CoT.

So, there is your actual data. Fifteen seconds to Dalaran. Another 28 seconds to Caverns of Time. Total travel time: Forty Three seconds from anywhere in WoW to Caverns of Time using the portal in the basement of Broken Isles Dalaran. The portal that will be removed on Tuesday with no equivalent replacement.

Now I was 100% sincere in my original query to you. I would very much like an alternative route that even approaches the speed of the route I’ve been using. Once that portal is removed on Tuesday, the only option I see is going to Org or Stormwind, getting to the Uldum portal, and flying up to Tanaris. The few of my alts who have access to the BfA portal rooms can make their way to those rooms and use the Silithus portal, then fly over. Either of those options is many minutes as opposed to seconds. Exactly how many varies greatly per character and from where they are leaving. In my original way, it never mattered where they were because they all had a Broken Isles Dalaran hearthstone.

I have now given you the actual data you requested. It currently takes me 43 seconds to get from anywhere in WOW to Caverns of Time, using the portal in Broken Isles Dalaran.