Rearranging and Removing Portals

At this point we are nearing 12k posts combined and still none of them have dropped in to even attempt to have a conversation about this. No one has even said something as small as them being willing to consider some of this. They say they want to work on communication… I don’t see it.


Theyre reading and watching. dont ever think otherwise.
They’ll prove it in a second if you ask if youre allowed to trade your characters to other players.

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Yeah, good luck lol. They don’t know what communication is.

But it’s going to have the opposite effective of having more players, “in the world” along with upping their, “time played” metric, since many will unsubscribe, while the rest will just not bother running old content, and log off.


What’s that?
You mean grandpops, who died 10 years ago, doesn’t have a tradition of dying after all?

Old content is ALL I do. I hate WoD because of PF. Hate legion because of PF and the AP grinding. Hate BfA because of PF the AP grind and the fact that pocket lint drops from nearly everything instead of interesting stuff.
Without classic being easy access, and the same for MoP, Im out.


He’s referring to being a ritual in a culture and he’s is done periodically .If Activison /Blizzard calls this a tradition it would’ve practice yearly ,like some do at christmas.

Don’t push the propaganda.
Portal removal is not a “ritual” done “periodically” in the WoW culture any more than grandpops dying was a ritual done periodically IRL.

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Right it isn’t so it’s not a tradtion.

This really sucks that this crap has literally killed any desire to play WoW now.
Every time I log in I keep wondering what new irritation it’ll be next week. what they’ll remove next month.
Thanks Activision. Youre worthless

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I had pressed reply before you finished editing your post.
I see now we are in agreement, so sorry for thinking you were supporting the rubbish being pushed.

No problem,this forum also has delays.

Okay, I’m not reading through all the replies so if this has already been brought up, I apologize for repeating it.

I don’t mind the removal of portals in and of itself - though there should be one from the capital cities to all the focus hubs from the other expansions imo. But I think there’s one thing that could be a good compromise - make the flight whistle available in all zones. Make it an heirloom so that all alts can have it. With flying available everywhere (other than the current expansion) this would be a good compromise to allow us to save time in other places.

Just a thought.

They expect us to stomp our feet, bang our hands on the ground, and scream for a few days until we get tired and take a nap. Then once we’ve had our tantrum it will be business as usual. And thats what will happen. Depressing.

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Yeah that definitely seems to be the way of things now… I cringe to think of what they’ll do next…


I love naps, but I am not going to back down on this ludicrous change they want to force on us lol. In fact, my rogue is named oknaps. :smiley:


Its not about backing down sadly. There will be a few who continue the good fight, but in the end we’ll likely be agreeing with each other about how stupid of a change this is until we lose interest and move on.

Just like we did in CATA with CRZ.

We lost with CRZ, but won with Flying, well not a total win on flying, so we are 1-1.

Time to make our stand again!! Sadly I believe more than a few developers do not play this game and know what we are talking about.

It’s not rocket science, just leave in the CoT portal, put the portals back to Legion Dalaran and not in some far off Legion zone and leave the portals in the bottom of Legion Dalaran.

It doesn’t hurt a thing to LEAVE THEM IN.


I guess at some point we do have to realize our voices will never be heard I suppose.

Im sure thats why they created this thread. Keep it contained.
Theyre clueless as to what the reaction will be when this trash goes live…as well as the hate going on all over the web over it.
Most arent even paying attention, though. I only stumbled into the whole thing myself.
Id bet 100 bucks that at least 70% of the players using those portals wherever they are dont even know this change is about to go live.
Wouldnt miss the feces filled storm to come for the world