Rearranging and Removing Portals

Well, that is what they did. They pulled “city” portals out of the older hubs not non city ones. If this is the tradition then they should leave the non city ones there and remove only the one that go to faction cities. THAT would be the tradition would it not.

Also as a note, the other portals they left went to old faction hubs, not random faction zone in areas. Kind of what they are doing for Azuna and Jade Forest. stick with tradition and make them go to Legion Dalaran and faction shrines in the vale.


When you’re making up a tradition to defend an unpopular change, I suppose it can be whatever you want, since it has no basis in fact to begin with.

It was a joke lol because everything they are doing is making no sense. :smiley:

Oh I know, just adding things as they run out and I thought it would be funny to add it.

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And that “tradition” only removed portals to capital cities. The Northrend-Dalaran portal to CoT was left alone. So, if they really were keeping up with that tradition, then they would be leaving the CoT, Dalaran Crater, Wyrmrest Temple, and Karazhan portals alone.


See same thinking LOL

Blizzard’s definition of tradition: That one thing we did one time, half the game’s lifetime ago, that was kind of similar to what we’re doing now, particularly the “players hate it” part.


All the racial capitols, to include Shattrath and Dalaran(both). Alternately they could just leave all existing portals alone and add a portal room to Orgrimmar with a portal in every city that goes to Orgimmar, that might be less work for them. Okay, corresponding portals in Alliance cities too, with a portal room in Stormwind too, sheesh.

But add every existing portal to the portal rooms, including the ones to Kara and CoT and any others I might be forgetting. In other words, yes, funnel people to the major capitols like they want to do, but don’t remove any portals at all, instead just move them to Org and SW. Leaving the ones in Ashran and the corresponding Alliance slum . . . er city. That seems like a reasonale solution to the issue, at least it seems reasonable to me.

Lets face it folks, the WoW universe is freaking huge. And a great many of the players spend a good deal of their time in older content, making it easier for them to do so is just common courtesy. Forcing them into the new content despite the fact that the new content, speaking of BfA here, is nothing but a turdfire, just seems forced to me. And how many times have we said that making us feel forced to do something doesn’t feel right to us?

I may not be explaining it perfectly, but I’m sure you get the gist. I’m in a hurry, gotta get back to FF14.

Semper Fi! :us:


I can hear it now coming for the other side. “well, since it had been a while since they had done it and there were now so many, it needed to be more current in how they removed them”

Or something like that

Oh, of course. There are some people who will defend every change Blizzard makes, no matter how detrimental to the game’s health. There are some who will defend any change that doesn’t impact them personally. Some who simply enjoy being contrarian. And then there are the ones who defend inconvenience as a means of virtue-signalling their “hardcore gamer” cred.


Well, the easiest solution would be to revert the upcoming changes, leave all existing portals active (and restore the ones preemptively removed, like the racial capitals from the Shrines), and then do a small patch just to add the portal rooms (with all portals now included) somewhere down the line.

Though honestly, I’m not sure why the various racial capitals, at the least, wouldn’t all be connected. I’m not looking at this just from the aspect of “certain areas are now harder to get to”, but rather, looking at Blizzard’s claim that they want the world to feel alive. If they want the world to feel alive, they shouldn’t be consolidating every amenity and convenience into SW and Org; that just pushes players OUT of the rest of the world. Allowing players to set their hearth to any major city based on their personal preference, without being penalized by lack of portals, transmog, AH, etc, would encourage far more of the world to be populated and thriving.


I was attempting to be compromising, as much as I am able with these devs, which, after the last 5 years of loyalty to a game company that has yet to demonstrate any return on it(IMO anyway), is not very, no, not at all. Hence the cancellation of my account more than a month ago.

Semper Fi! :us:


I wanted just about anything but the fancy elephant… guess what I got. >.<

Your world will feel even smaller to me now with the portal changes. Since I will just not go to the areas I used to previously. The world also gets very small on May 13th when I close the door on WoW.


yeah…they’ll pull up how it happened ONCE and call that a ‘tradiition’


only reason theyre here spamming this thread is for attention.
We need to stop giving it to them.
Just dont even read their posts.
Theyve stated their views on the changes.
We dont need to keep having it explained 400 more times.

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Just makes it easier. I dont always look at the profile and name.
This is the ONLY forum software package Ive ever seen since forums became a thing that hasnt had an ignore feature.
Laziness or naivety. One or the other.

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You ask us for feedback, then ignore it.

You ask us to trust you, then you say one thing, then do another.

We trusted you when you said we got flight in 6.1…then you call us the reason for breakdown in communication.

You strip things out of the game day by day, week by week, we beg you to stop, you dont.

You strip our characters of spells and abilities, we beg you to stop, we tell you why, you do it anyway.

You give us toys and new items, then tell us sorry they arent doing what we wanted and nerf them or slap CDs on them…when its your fault they went live that way.

You punish us for your mistakes.

We tell you why things are bad or need to be fixed, you dont listen.

We write bug reports here and ingame, they are never fixed.

You tell us you will do things, tell us for months, then change your minds after the patch, ignoring the ill will and loss of trust you created…I will never forget…or forgive that Ordos debacle.

“Thats what you get for taking Blizzard at their word”

You tell us to give you detailed, useful feedback, we do, it is ignored.

We give you feedback in the alpha and beta as to why things are bad and should not be released as they are…you ignore us, and do it anyway.

Over ten thousand posts asking you…BEGGING you… to not remove these portals and telling you why, you shrug us off, and do it anyway.

You have time to post fluff about pink gnome hair and bacon, yet have none to spare for the OCE community who still play in eternal darkness, forgotten, dismissed as unimportant and ignored. Two and half years, Kaivax.



The world wont have a meaningful size if there are no players in it.


Which they ALL know is OUR point.
I dont mind the idea of a hub in the two capitols. I think most or even all of us could easily get on board with that idea, though it DOES cause me personally extra time if Im trying to farm with my pandas in MoP content, but that got screwed over when they childishly removed the Temple portals for no good reason a while back.

But I think we could ‘compromise’, a word ActivisionBlizzard likes to misuse and abuse, and give a little and have the central hubs so THEY could try to dupe investors into thinking their game decisions havent gutted it entirely.

The removal WITHOUT replacing portals is what is totally unacceptable, and FEW, if any, of us are buying their trash reasoning that its to make our world ‘bigger’.
If THAT were the reason then we need to remove flight masters, portals, summoning stones, etc and just let MAGES ONLY be able to fast travel.


or they get insulting about it when you are ‘in combat’ running a raid and cant loot at all.
I just dont report anything to the jokers anymore. Not worth wasting my time to do it.
The ONLY time they are remotely helpful is if Ive had something dissapear from my inventory for some reason. They have gotten back with me very quickly and been very professional the times thats happened.
I wish they’d be like THAT all the time.

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