Rearranging and Removing Portals

Nope. Just that one time for no reason as well.


Improving the portal system is the exact fix we need.

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What, you mean “that thing we did one time almost a decade ago” doesn’t count as a tradition?


Don’t need an ignore feature, just ignore people. I do it all the time, a certain goblin shaman, a certain tauren DK, a certain night elf druid, etc. I literally just ignore the trolls when I choose to, so very little of what the say is of any use whatsoever, there’s really not much point in acknowledging they exist.

That being said, I made a reasonable suggestion to ActiBlizz, which would alleviate the portal issue pretty effiectively. Leave all existing portals alone and add a portal room in each city with all the existing portals in it. That way they aren’t taking anything away from the game, but are instead adding something useful. Probably too much work for them though, judging from their lazy design philosophy that is.

Semper Fi! :us:


Lol, no, I don’t think that qualifies as a tradition. :smiley:

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I like this solution. Northrend Dal, the Shrines, and Legion Dal already have portal rooms, only Ashran has scattered portals, so they wouldn’t even need to create new art assets.


It’s not the EU forums - it’s the Oceanic General forums under the Community tab on this forum.

(Basically, the Aussies and Kiwis that aren’t getting any replies.)

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‘Tradition’ implies not only a past but also constant useage even unto the present day.
A few thingies done, here and there, does not a ‘tradition’ make.
Flips hair


Yeah, that would be cool. Could even make it look different for the zone it’s in or something neat like that.

Actually, they would, they’d have to add on a portal room to each city. Not just Orgrimmar and Stormwind, each existing major city. But that’s something that should be looked at for a different time. What they should be focusing on now is salvaging the turdfire that is BfA.

Are they doing that? No, they’re wasting time removing portals to annoy their WoW customers when this is absolutely the worst time to do that kind of thing. /facepalm That’s pretty stupid of them.

Semper Fi! :us:


Could you point it out never heard it and i played since Wotlk.Is an archeological related quest?

Define major city? Racial capitals? Cities beyond those? Because most of the racial capitals already seem to have areas that could be used without any new art assets at all.

Silvermoon already has the large circular room with the port to Undercity; it would be easy to add portals to other areas along the walls there.

Ironforge has a smaller room where incoming ports arrived, and the portal to Hellfire used to be; just add some niches and flags and you have plenty of room for portals.

I don’t spend time in the Exodar, but it’s always struck me as having a lot of unused space, there has to be one room they could easily repurpose into a portal room.

Thunder Bluff is the one undestroyed racial capital that might need art assets created and buildings re-arranged. Even then, they have existing “large Tauren building” assets that could be used for a portal room.

I can see them not wanting to expend energy on Undercity and Darnassus, sadly, since those cities no longer exist in current content, but I have trouble believing that neither city has a single area that could be outfitted with portals to at least the other racial capitals.


…oh you mean person reminding me about that. I’ve been grinding that jazz so much.

…kirin tor today btw folkssigh

The portals to capital cities were removed from Old WotLK Dalaran…I think in the Legion prepatch?

It was far less bad because we got a functionally identical portal room to go with it in Legion Dalaran, along with several more in the center hub. This is just cutting without replacement.


They were removed in Cataclysm. And then no portals were removed in MoP, WoD, Legion, or at the start of BfA. The devs are literally trying to claim “tradition” for something that was done once, almost a decade ago…and which players hated then, too.


I wanted those fancy elephants from Argus in particular, but I gave up. :slightly_frowning_face:

Then it must be i don’t remember because i was working so much that does do that to people.Thanks guys for the info :smiley:

I got one recently. A single one… but Army of the Light is the easiest to farm, if it helps. Just go to argus and kill the blue elites, because they give you 500 rep each, just about. Even with that rep grinder do I have only one though.

Also, even with the portals being pulled from Old Dalaran, they left the CoT one. Now they are removing it from both. If it was tradition they should leave the non city ones as they did for Old Dalaran.


Hold on now. Don’t go making sense.