Rearranging and Removing Portals

If I cared, Id like to hear some of the meetings.
Guaranteed they sound NOTHING like the tripe we get fed in here.
Its just hysterical that they think WE are stupid and gullible enough to buy the lies.


I don’t think I’ve seen anyone opposed to the portal rooms. It’s everything we’re losing in the process of gaining the portal rooms that people object to.


Agreed. The room looks nice, and is a nice concept to make it easier for old and new players to find them. Any change that makes it easier to find things is a change I am in favor of. Having so much content can be daunting to some players sometimes. Especially newer players.


This right here. No one is saying don’t put in a portal room. People are saying why are you moving some portal locations to out of the way places and completely removing others.


Don’t you worry. There will be someone who is against the portal room and they’ll post about it here like their life will ruined if it exists lol.

I’m fine with the portal room concept but they shouldn’t remove portals entirely or have them go to locations that simply don’t make sense. I also think that a few outside portals should be left up regardless… specifially in dalaran because 1) that makes perfect sense and 2) it would help to not have everyone flooding to one location to get around… it could get very crowded and laggy.


Yeah, I agree with this as well. Just keep the portals in dalaran. Especially the CoT one seeing as I think that’s the biggest issue from all the portals. At least that’s what it seems to me. Not to devalue the other ones, though. :smiley:


the wife was playing earlier and its already a laggy bucket o crap.
Cant wait to see what funneling all those extra people out of dalaran into Org /SW will do.
Great times.


Oh, we’re getting a bone all right; a great big one.
Flips hair

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Now you’re getting it!
Flips hair

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This is why between today and tomorrow I’ll be moving all of my toons to the Shrines in Pandaria and setting hearth there. My raid group knows how to use a summoning stone, and frankly I care more about Raiding with Leashes than I do about doing the same world quests for the twentieth time.


Only twenty times? You gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers.

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I already did that myself. Only this character will keep her hearthstone in Zandalar.

I still go back and do Legion WQ. The gear is just as useless and I need wakening essences about as much as I need war resources, but at least there’s more variety…and I can fly.

And you can still get cool mounts from the paragon boxes. Sort of.

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I have just accepted that the dreamweavers are never giving me their flippin’ unicorn.

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And their reasoning was torn apart like a wet paper bag. There was no tradition and there is no real interest in getting players to explore the world.

Something else I’d like to talk about, because even if there was a tradition, that is no reason to continue doing something. “We’re doing this because we’ve done it before” is not a compelling argument. It’s circular reasoning that defies discussion.


Northrend Dalaran.

Not even worth talking to them. They have no reasoning for any of their nonsense in here and it will just derail the thread.


Were there other times portals were removed outside of northrend dalaran?

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