Rearranging and Removing Portals

Anyone else have an issue with these forums where if you scroll up to some invisible line in a thread, it will start skipping up, like ten or more posts at a time? I end up waaay further than I wanted to go. :unamused:


I said threads. Thats plural.
I get it. Its a complex concept.

forum software is utter trash.
They cant make a game thats fun…or research their forum software BEFORE installing it, apparently.

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Happens all the time to me, yes. I think it’s something to do with the way the threads no longer have pages like the old one, but rather load dynamically.

i didn’t disagree that you said threads, plural.

…and if there are so many people in favour of the change, why is their opinion any more wrong than yours?

it’s just an opinion… right?
they’re allowed to feel how they want.

Ugh. At least it isn’t just me. And there’s so many posts that the scrollbar is pretty much useless here.

How many dev teams has this game had since creation?
Things change.
Im not having crap deleted to impress a no name on the internet.
I’ll let my subs lapse in May, while Im playing FF14 today, and wait until this game either goes belly up and the servers are all shut down…or they finally figure out that they dont want to keep losing paying customer and stop making asinine, pointless changes that in no way benefit the game.

Unlike you, Im hoping that they’ll come to their senses.
In the meantime, they get no more of MY $$$.

Easy enough?

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I notice it only happens, for ME anyway, if I try to scroll up too fast. Even using the bar on the right doesnt seem to make any difference.
My guess is they got sold on this crapware and didnt actually research USER REVIEWS (strange concept to some buyers :roll_eyes: ) for a few months to find out what the shortcomings may be.

I dont buy or use anything major without weeks and weeks of hardcore research.

And we still don’t even have an ignore feature. :unamused: And I bet when my sub runs out in a couple weeks I’ll be able to keep posting here.

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My goodness, the portal salt overfloweth into everything,

I don’t think we should, honestly, otherwise people just make their forum experience into an echo chamber. If a person is violating forum rules, then flag them and let the mods handle it.

Some people around here need a bit more seasoning in how to deal with opinions that don’t jibe with their own.

My game generally consists of deciding what portal Im going to hop thru today, doing it, farming for a while, hearthstoning back and listing on the AH.
Portaling out again, farming till my hearthstone CD expires, hearthing back, listing, portaling out…etc etc etc.

These people cant figure out why we’d farm classic content.
I guess they dont pay attention to the AH much.
I can get 1200gold for a single wildvine.

Ive gotten FOUR of them to drop in less than 5 minutes before.
Pretty easy gold for our little guild, and since I LOVE farming herbs to begin with, killing two birds with one stone.

So yeah…removing my portals is a HUGE time killer for me.
Two more minutes per trip, and we all know it’ll be more than that, times 30 or more trips a day.

yeah…as I said before…MY time is worth more to me than having the jokers@activision pointlessly and sadistically try to waste more of it for me.


Here’s another example of how much they’re out of touch. Someone commented on the EU forums. Save for a couple fluff blue posts, they’ve had almost ZERO posts from blues in over two plus years. Which of course creates outrage and gets people pissed.

Blizzard created these forums so we would have a way to reach out to them. And then they turn a blind eye to what’s happening on the forums. Yeah, that’s a sure fire way to piss off your players.

“Here’s a way to reach us.”
“Please hold for the next Community Manager. Your wait time is approximately 1,314,000 minutes. Thank you for contacting Blizzard.”

30 Months is what the poster said. No Real Communication on the EU forums for over 2.5 years.

Yes, people WILL be upset. For obvious reasons.


You do realize that defending malfunctioning software isnt going to get you any Blizzard Brownie Points, correct?
Its just makes you seem desperate for them.

And yet every other forum package out there Ive seen or used myself has an ignore feature.
you just want to make sure we cant ignore your posts.
Tell ya what… I’ll ignore you manually from here on out just because I can.
Have a nice day. :wink:


I haven’t followed this thread much, but your posts seem to have a pure ‘edge’ to them. lots of insults, not a lot of substance. Just my observation. Maybe you made your point way earlier in the thread and I missed it, but reading the more recent ones makes me think you are a very bitter individual.

Did you want to come across that way?

Go back and read the other sides comments friend.
Oh wait…I can post a few.
You going to chastise this poster too? They are on the other side of the argument,though

My responses are quite tame compared to calling people mental patients if they have 50 characters.

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It’s more for the trolls, or certain, very specific people who make pointless RP threads all the time and I don’t want to see their posts anymore. That particular person was the only one I used ignore on in the old forums and I’d like it back. :woman_shrugging:

What I dont like is how they are trying to FORCE everyone to play the same game.
The ONE aspect about WoW that pulled me in was realizing I dont ever have to run the storyline if I dont want to.
Sometimes Im in the mood to. Mostly not.
There is a reason I tend towards first person shooters rather than RPGs. I dont like the obligation factor most of these games require.
Start a questline…finish a questline. lather, rinse, repeat ad nauseum.

Being able to level in dungeons…or even picking plants…added to the REAL immersion such as the MoP tiller rep thing, the farm, etc. made THIS game unique and special.
First game Ive been addicted to since maybe 98 or somewhere around there.
Then they have to be like a controlling lover who is watching every move I make, accusing me of stepping out and being emotionally abusive and ruin it all.

THEY are ruining the game by being controlling.
The worst part is seeing the stockholm syndrome in here.


Your responses have been shrill from post 1 in the other thread, and it has only gotten worse. The rest of us start benign, but after being worn down and harassed by the same half-dozen users, I don’t blame Direspirit one bit for getting a bit short with you.

How hard is it to…not fly over an enemy city?

Amusing as that would have been, sadly no. It made me say “stopping” which clearly isn’t happening. :laughing:

As for DST, I spent the majority of my life only having to work around figuring out what time the rest of this insane country is on. I never understood why it was so hard for people to figure out what time my state was on, but whatever. Now that I’ve been forced to deal with it both personally and professionally I hate it even more. If you want scientific proof that it’s a terrible idea that costs us tons of money both in lost productivity and increased utilities, here ya go.
(Google “Forbes Daylight Saving is Horrible and Expensive” apparently I’m not allowed to post links.)

And yet, despite scientific proof Daylight Saving persists… much like our hard-headed refusal to adopt the metric system, a much easier and far more widely used standard of measurements.

For some inexplicable reason, people in the US just love to do things the hard way. Case in point, all the people like yourself in this thread defending the removal of certain portals as a Good Thing™ while those of us who’ve enjoyed the portals we are losing can definitively prove it will take us longer to get to the places we want to be. It’s not even something we need to provide numbers for, it is as plain as the nose on your face that a portal directly to the Caverns of Time is faster than setting your Hearth in Gadgetzan or being a Gnomeish Engineer and using the Ultrasafe Transporter toy (which, by the way, now requires you to specifically grind classic engineering to 260 making it way more time consuming than just having access to a static portal in the world).

If the problem doesn’t affect you, great. Enjoy not needing those portals. I for one appreciate them and have used them frequently to get around since I learned of their existence.

I’ll never understand why people who don’t use something and don’t see the benefits of it just love to go around trying to convince the people who do that we are better off without it. You’re not going to convince me that my gameplay will be improved by removing portals I’ve been using regularly because I found them to be a faster way to get to where I want to go.