Rearranging and Removing Portals

That’s interesting, because in Classic and even TBC, it took even longer than now to travel across the world. So smaller world, and still took more time, and by no small margin.

Not very good discipline for a Marine…

Agree or disagree with the change, but the Developers never have that thought in their mind. They are not trying to actively hurt peoples gaming experience.

Goodbye and good luck.

See you in 9.0

11,000 post, most of which are less than 25 people = a significant portion of the remaining players? Think your math is (way) off.

Listen, you may be very right. Maybe most players will be enraged by this. We won’t know until Tuesday. However, what I do know is that most of my WoW friends are from Cataclysm and earlier. They left this game due to things like portals negatively effecting the game world. If Blizzard is ever going to bring those players back, this is a change they will have to make.

Try this; broach the portal subject in your local channels either your Trade or the cities’ General chat. Get a feel for what people out there think, like an informal poll.

I have done this several times over the last few days, and the responses would not be to the liking of the most prolific and fervent posters in this forum.

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Spot on.

… and the WoW community wonders why Blues don’t interact with the community more. Take note forum posters; it is because of outrage like the outrage you are seeing in this thread.


Oh i see, so your saying because trolls come in this thread bring the count up that it shouldn’t be worth putting up as legit.Even though most are single individuals? even if you removed the repeated arguing it till is alot of players.

Beside like franklin said ,“You can fool some of the people some of the time,but not all of the people all of that time” people watch and they know.

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i’m wanting to imagine that your phone made you say i was stroking fires. :star_struck:

oh boy… are we doing that again too?

thanks for the heads-up that we’re about to experience another bout of people being outraged that their dailies aren’t resetting at the “right” time. :+1:t5:

flood it and make an indoor pool.

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And when everyone else leaves and you have bought every bag and bank slot full What then? What would you spend that gold on? Where would you put it? Who would you have to brag to?

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Im starting to think the whole experience increase so we can level up faster now wasnt even for us, but was just so we could blow thru old content and get to BfA faster.
Fits the agenda we’re seeing all over this game now.
I really hate these companies at this point.
First game Ive been this into since the late 90s and they are ruining it for no purpose other than ion gets to brag in to investors.


I just don’t understand making these sort of changes. There are WoD flight paths where the map breaks as you fly under it and you work on removing something useful. I just don’t get it.


Tell you truth it wasn’t it was for us it was for the raiders over the years ,notice after the raiders get past the leveling everything gets nerfed ,the casuals suffer with delays and more blocks.

I dont think they will, but even if they do this little joke thread on this pathetic nothingburg forum means nothing at the end of the day.
They run off a lot of members from even reading here to begin with with the childish, biased moderators suspending and banning for any petty, personal dislike they have with something someone says.
The REAL discussions about this are out THERE on REAL forums.
They want us in here where they get to control the discussion, at least in their own minds.

They’ll find out the truth Tuesday when they think that 32 people in this forum was all there was to this and didnt want to accept that .001% or less of the people even read this nothing forum.


Why lie to your customers? The whole reason for this change is to keep people in the game longer since subscriptions numbers stopped being the metric to show shareholders how well the game is doing and was replaced with “time in game”. I don’t like the change because you just made Holiday events time consuming to get to and with the possibility to be flagged “PvP” if you take the shortest route.



learn to read before talking then. its all over these threads.

was it “the beginning of something” when portals were removed previously?

Yeah…it was…we’re now in the next phase.

you’re complaining about people not knowing what data is, while repeatedly refusing to be forthcoming with any.

Sorry son, I can READ and I can SEE.
I SEE that MoP temple portals are GONE…and I can READ that the OP here is pretty clear that MORE portals are going to BE gone.
Did you get confused somewhere ?


ahh,another reason for this change also ,pvp.Set the port legion away from a safe area while in war mode …easy pvp raid.

Likely the point. Pointless changes to waste our time. Same crap, different day.


Those MoP portals were there for how many expansion, son?
I get it…YOUR time isnt as important to you as mine is to me.
I dont like having MY time wasted for no reason.
And Id keep the name calling to yourself for obvious reasons.


oh …great…more pitiful excuses incoming

To keep from looking foolish as he has, yeah, he should.
but doubtful that he will

still making stuff up?

if you’re talking about Tarc, that’s one poster.
…and at this point, i doubt he’s excited about the change, he’s simply reveling in watching people lose their minds over pixels.

hey pal…we get it…YOUR time doesnt mean anything to you.
Thats fine…OURS does to US…and we dont like POINTLESS, CHILDISH changes that serve NO purpose WASTING more of OUR time just so they can CLAIM it makes the world ‘bigger’.

How many expansions in the game now?
yeah…thats what I thought.
the game is BIG ENOUGH.
Really just believe anything anyone tells you without even looking to see if it makes sense, dont you?

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