Rearranging and Removing Portals

it’s a 6000+ post thread.
you’d need to be a little more specific.
keep in mind, i’m interested in seeing actual data, not anecdotes.

portals in Shatt have been messed with multiple times over the years.

ah yes.
i remember the good old days when they actually used to BAN bots instead of suspending them.

Scroll up a little ways. I’m not asking you to go halfway up the thread. Just press the up arrow on your keyboard a few times. But I’ll post it again if it’ll make you happy:

Ran some tests on reaching the Caverns of Time through various means. All times started as soon as I began hearthing and ended as soon as I was standing at the Caverns of Time.

Hearthing to Northrend-Dalaran and taking the CoT portal took me 38 seconds.

Hearthing to Legion-Dalaran and taking the CoT portal took me 51 seconds.

Hearthing to Legion-Dalaran, taking the Shattrath portal, and talking to Zephyr took me 1 minute and 6 seconds.

Hearthing to Stormwind and using the Uldum portal took me 3 minutes and 29 seconds.

Going to Shattrath in 8.1.5 will probably be somewhat faster thanks to the portal rooms, but the NPC there is not very alt-friendly. The time spent flying out to the Caverns and farming Keepers of Time rep will completely wipe out any saved time from being able to use the NPC in Shattrath. It’s just pointless busywork to re-obtain basic functionality that is currently available without any rep restrictions.

It’s still nowhere near a tradition to wipe out portals in expansion hubs. That “tradition” happened once with the Cata pre-patch. We figured they’d learned their lesson with how unpopular that was, and that didn’t even involve deleting portals like the non-rep portal to CoT.


6083 Posts. Were boxing the air here. Not a single dev took 5 minutes to talk with us. With us not at us with us. Where is that connection? Seriously? :interrobang:

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the rep couldn’t be more alt friendly.

BoA rep tokens can be purchased.
Even people who don’t do timewalking should have hundreds of tokens which were given to them by Blizzard.

I know i totally hold onto every currency on the off-chance that Blizzard decides to delete decade old travel options. And that’s still a lot more time than taking less than a minute to fly through Northrend-Dalaran to get to CoT.

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indeed… it’s a matter of seconds.

thanks for doing the research on that.

it’s interesting how the people complaining about the removal of the Legion CoT port were happy to take the long way, but suddenly those few seconds they wasted taking the “long way” somehow matter. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not sure if this is the information that you wanted.

  1. Started at the Great Seal,
  2. Opened my bags and clicked on the Dalaran hearthstone
  3. Waited, and waited, and waited for Dalaran to load. *It takes forever on my computer.
    4, Ran to the CoT portal and clicked it
    5, waited for the loading screen to disappear
    6, Talked to the dragon and got flown to the Master Lair
    7, Arrived at the Masters Lair
    8, Total time for me was 3 minutes and 46 seconds.

route 2 not using the Dal hearth or Cot portal
1, Started in the Great Seal
2, ran to the Org portal and clicked it
3, waited for org to load
4, mounted and flew to the Uldum portal
5, clicked portal and teleported to Uldum.
6, flew to the caverns of time.
7, Talked to the dragon and had him fly me to the Masters Lair,
8, Arrived at the Master’s lair
9, Time spent getting there 5 minutes and 19 seconds

I also have 315 flying so my timing might be different from those that do not.

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Because in Classic, the game world was a whole Hell of a lot smaller, so why would portals be needed or even wanted? Although that flight from Thunderbluff to Tanaris, I could polish my entire desk in the time that flight takes. No, it’s not a small desk and yes, I’m that good.

I have tried to refrain from responding to you as you seem like a troll, still do, and I probably won’t be responding to you, or the that tauren troll anymore either. Neither of you seem to add anything useful to this issue and appear to be posting in this thread simply to argue with people.

The removal of the portals is the removal of player choice, which, IMO, is never a good thing, just like removing any content is a bad thing. It seems to be that this change is being made simply to irritate and try the patience of the players. That is my honest opinion.

The removal of the portals will affect me very little however, my sub is cancelled and all available time remaining has already run out. I could very easily maintain my WoW sub as well as my FF14 sub, but I see no need to give money to a company that cares not a whit about customer satisfaction.

Well over 11000 posts on this matter, even weeding out those that have posted multiple times, that is a significant portion of the remaining players. Ignore their(our) dissatisfaction at your own peril ActiBlizz.

And yes, I can see the tauren troll responding now, likely with very little or nothing that is useful to this issue.

Semper Fi! :us:


i remember the good old days when they actually used to BAN bots instead of suspending them.

Dont be disingenuous.

It doesnt suit you.

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thanks… at least a few people can see the benefit in providing numbers.

do you think your loading screen time is a pc thing, or a lag issue caused by heavy population in the target location?

someone was stating that they had 3 minute load screens (they may have been slightly embellishing)

i’ve always felt that the dragon takes longer than manual flight.
I’m going to have to go time that specific trip now.

You might be right I’ll have to time the difference between flying straight to the Masters Lair and Having the dragon fly me there. It would probably be faster to fly directly there.

Fair enough. Be quicker than having to talk to an NPC, even if only a little.

Be patient and the party starts this Tues.

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There is a way to prevent this reaction. DON’T MAKE CHANGES YOU KNOW WILL BE HIGHLY UNPOPULAR! This isn’t even that hard to discern. You add a change to the PTR and ANNOUNCE that change. If the immediate feedback (within hours) is overwhelmingly negativ? DON’T MAKE THE CHANGE. Otherwise what you are doing is setting yourself up for failure and rejection. Something you Blizzard at this particular moment in history can ill afford.


Aye, Tuesday will be interesting indeed, especially after all the excitement surrounding Zandalari dies down. I wish I could predict the future, but one thing I do know is that most wow subscribers never (or very rarely) set foot in the forums, mmo-c or the PTR.

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Once again, you are just another attached to time over the real issue: Blizzard removing parts of the game for no other reason except change for the sake of change. Losing time is just the result of the change, it isn’t the underlying problem.


No offense but what does your comment add to this conversation? We know he just explained his reason…

This is a 6000+ post. People aren’t going to let it go. All you’re doing is stoking the fires.

(Edited: I hate my phone…)

I have a radical idea for you.

“Because it isn’t a big deal.”

It is a small portion of the upcoming patch that a handful of extra-prolific forum-goers have gone insane over. It’s not a class revamp or a new skill system or anything actually, y’know, core to the game.

There was an announcement, we all have the first 6,000+ thread (player-initiated), then a blue crated this one in response. This one, that clearly explained the change and their reasoning behind it.

That’s all.

T minus 48h,50m

We do have more weighty matters at hand, though, such as what to put in the Dalaran basement to fill the void. I’m still voting for naked panda statues.

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drags body into the thread and looks around with bleary eyes

Removing these portals is just as bad as Daylight Savings Time.