Rearranging and Removing Portals

I wasnt around then but I read up a lot on it when I hit WoD the first time and was really irritated about Pathfinder.
Blizzard created that mess with PF that also didnt need to exist, as this portal thing is their own doing.
They seem to actually get a kick out of the backlash.
I wonder what a psychologist would have to say about it all.


It doesn’t really count as “entitlement” when paying customers are involved.

An MMO lives and dies on a happy player base. And one of the ways to keep a player base happy is proper communication.

People should voice their concerns, and it is not unreasonable to expect a certain level of engagement from the support staff and dev team.

If the Dev team believes this is a good change, they should justify it to the fans that are upset by it. Nothing is served by vague, meaningless statements and flippant responses.

The Devs are not always right, nor do they always know “what is best”, George Lucas and John Remero proved that. They should take the wants and concerns of the players into consideration, if they intend on keeping them.

WoW is no longer the 12mil behemoth it once was. Ignore an angry community at your own peril.


out of likes…again :roll_eyes:

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Oh, and to reiterate their LIES about “communication” on this topic were False I asked them that simple question. 226 people agreed with me. And I’m not a man who is easy to agree with.

They said they’ve processed feedback, but they didn’t talk to us. They didn’t create an emergency blog, they didn’t open themselves up to people countering their statements. They made the original thread, after which the CM quickly vanished due to his arrogant attitude. Then they created this thread and he has not responded since the original post.

That is not “responding to feedback”. That is lawyerese to cover their butt. So they can say “we listened! Look, we responded to them!”


I was ,everyone that had flying mounts couldn’t use them on top that they had a flying mount to sell,sound familiar does is…LOL… then when launch started they couldn’t find their mounts they bought from the shop.

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no, dear heart, was it…its not.
Entitlement is Blizzard EXPECTING me to give them my $$$ for a game they are rapidly removing the fun from.
They want my $$$…they just dont want to actually work for them.


Oh, and if it helps? The original thread? Created by a PLAYER, has also received 775 Likes.

Yes, obviously some of those people also liked my ASKING where their communication was. But, when you’re talking SEVEN HUNDRED plus people, you have to admit there is an ISSUE about lack of communication going on.


That was one of my peeves.
Sell me a FLYING mount that I cant fly with until I run their gaunlet for weeks and weeks.
Not interested.
I was staying in classic and MoP content and enjoying myself, not bothering anyone, and now theyre pushing their greedy tentacles into those areas too to ruin them by removing my portals.
And so Im done with their drama.
My subs are up in May. If this isnt remedied by then, Im out.
I did without this game till august of 2017. i’ll easily live without it again. Ive got dozens of other hobbies.

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Oh, the next Q&A is gonna be fun.

Companies, any company, lives or dies based on its reputation. Because a bad reputation means you’re spending more money on getting new customers. And its expensive to get new customers. Customer Retention is just as critical as Employee Retention.

Blizzard is failing in regards to Customer Retention right now.


You mean the flight they gave back with Pathfinder I

Which was finished in Sept 2018

and II

You mean Patchfinder 2, the one tied to a patch with no release date, no details on whats involved, no idea how many rep grinds and to where, a patch that can be “delayed” or “pushed back” or “postponed” and probably wont be for a year into the expac?

Or longer?

That “Patchfinder”?

Tell me, when is 8.2?




Like I process my junk mail, no doubt.
right into the round file without even looking at it.


Lets see … for me, I have writing, anime, playing with my cat, various console games I can pull out and dust off, a library of games I still need to beat. I have plenty of things I can do with my spare time. Plenty of things.

I like to build stuff mostly. The wife hates it when I bring wood or PvC into the house anymore :grin:

I quit the first time at the end of Cata, only came back in Legion because I was interested in the conclusion of the Burning Legion story arc.

I can quit again, with ease.

The portal thing isn’t enough to make me quit, but it is one more straw on an ever increasing pile.


I also want to get back into photography. Something I enjoyed back in high school but I need to get a decent camera for that. Other bigger bills right now to worry about.

But yeah, if Blizzard wants me to stick around, they need to make it worth not pursuing my other hobbies. And BfA isn’t managing that, especially with changes like this. IE they’re failing me in regards to Customer Retention.

Well 6014 and climbing. Lets see if it will make it to 10K by Tuesday then 20K more on rage posts.

:person_climbing: Keep the feedback piling up.

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I also do a lot of research on a lot of different topics. I play golf at times with my old junk clubs i didnt toss in the dumpster. ’
I hunt and fish.
We do a lot of cycling on our recumbents.
I collect coins and various other things.
Woodworking and other stuff.
I just made a few miniature camping stoves for when we are out in the woods.

if it can be made, Im usually up for it.

Digital or film?

I gave up on film photography because I started getting woozy around the silvering agent.

this is it. why do they keep their head in the sand?
Everyone says no, they say yes…

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