Rearranging and Removing Portals


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you can stop acting like you’re paying for our accounts. We are deciding what to post about, and if you don’t like it, the door’s over there.

You left out that this was because people set their hearthstones to the shrine, so there was zero need to have a portal there. However, once people left MOP, a shrine portal became available.

I respect the fact that you are anti-portal, I wouldn’t force you to use them. Kindly respect the fact that others enjoy using portals to get to their destination, and would like Blizzard to stop making changes like this when there is zero need to do it.


Save for talking AT us, the last time we had real commentary from Blues on the forums was … well, when Ythisiens was still employed by Blizzard.

So, no. Nothing new. They’ve made their decision and they’ve decided rather than Communicate (like they promised they’d do) they’ll just shut up and hope we run out of energy.

Well, already I know of 2-3 people who have made the decision to migrate over to other games and I’m borderline on doing that myself. This isn’t the only reason that has pushed me to that decision. It’s the proverbial death of a thousand cuts. Between Warlords, Legion and BfA … I’ve been cut too many times and too deeply.


You mean the flight they gave back with Pathfinder I and II, that you can’t use til nearly the end of the expac? :rofl:

Goodness, how delicious will the tears be if they implement a 2nd room in the new Portal area, locked behind a rep grind and achievement?

Sweet Sassy Molassey, they don’t make enough :popcorn: and :salt: for what y’all would do.

Makes no sense.
I dont have to go kill stuff to know how to build a decent knife.
Its ridiculous.

Your concerns were answered in post #1. This entire thing was in response to the other long-winded thread.

yeah…that flight they SAID they were removing for quite some time and then back down when the player base told them to shove their game :joy::rofl:

Shouldnt you be searching thru my post history or stalking me or something again right about now?

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And once again you prove all you can do is mock and troll. Oh, for Blizzard to return the IGNORE function to us!


Our concerns were ignored. “We heard the feedback. We ignored it. We didn’t communicate. Like we promised to do a good year plus ago. Our communication still sucks. This was lawyerese presented to cover our keister. Nothing more.”


They didn’t back down, dear heart. It’s like you had sirloin for dinner for a year, they took it away, you complained, and had to eat 55 salads before you could earn your steak back. :sunglasses:

Just because the devs disagree wit you does not mean you were ignored. This is the entitlement mindset on steroids.

Should…" get over it",wow so you want everyone to do that? That like telling some who bought something that doesn’t work to "get over it "

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Good luck with that one.
They’ll need to go ahead and ban me if thats the plan.
And theres that huge wide open web and a list of my own sites to keep this going on.
Ive said a number of times that this barely used forum isnt frequented by enough members to even matter.
Most WOW players dont post here at all.
Theyre over on REAL forums where mods arent pushing an agenda and getting creative with their suspension reasons

Not really. There was never a tradition of removing portals and their use of the vague term “unreasonably inaccessible” means they’re not going to take any of our complaints seriously. It was basically several paragraphs of them telling us that we’re wrong for wanting to keep these portals.


They planned to never have flying in current content ever again. They backed down from that in about two weeks due to massive negative feedback from players about the change.

And just because you agree with the devs does not mean that they’re right.

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the irony being that neither he, nor Activision, gets it that HIS sort actually pushes more potential players away from the game.

Even wowhead had a chunk of negative commentary on the first page alone on the change. And it was almost all “blizzard, this is a bad move! bad mojo man!”

I’m almost afraid to see what the announcement on wowhead is like by now.

As to Tarc, when you refuse to communicate, as Blizzard has done, it is indeed being ignored. They said they heard us, but where was the communication, where was the “quick weekend blog”, where was the AMA about this BEFORE they made the decision?

We saw none of that. All we saw was Lawyerese to cover their butt After The Fact and be able to say “yes, we responded to their concerns” from a legal standpoint.

yeah honey, they did.
Shall I post the article yet again?
Flight was GONE as far as they were concerned.
They absolutely DID back down when the player base went nuts over it.
Do you even read to know what youre talking about? Apparently not.

We’re not going to be reintroducing the ability to fly in Draenor, and that’s kind of where we’re at going forward.
Hazziokostas confirms that this direction includes future expansions…"
polygon . com/2015/5/22/8645293/world-of-warcraft-no-flying-tanaan-jungle-warlords-of-draenor-mmo-pc-blizzard


Yeah,I see i wish i could write all this down for reference ,this is so good.

And then in a matter of weeks they quickly trotted out the details on Pathfinder. And this came after massive backlash from the community. Probably still worse than the backlash they got from this. But massive backlash.