Rearranging and Removing Portals

yeah…he clearly has to go to some irrelevance to try to make some ‘point’ that has no bearing on anything.
I aint running BfA raids to craft Crap I wont be able to sell.
Not sure how he even remotely thinks hes ‘got’ me on that joke.


Belfs are bizarre.
I think it is something in their food.

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I have a theory, but Im sure theres a biased mod just itching to hit that suspend button, so I’ll keep it to myself.

LOL,not mana food that for sure.

and here you are…in a thread about a topic that youve admitted you really dont care about.
You going for ad hominems now too like your alt above?


he actually took the time…wasted his time…to dig thru my post history for absolutely nothing of consequence.
yeah…I was right…I DO value MY time more.

Most ,nearly all are Bop can’t sell them .Only one are the 340’s

Not just cosmetic. Your can bank or trash your Hearthstone and still use the toys. I love them even if they are all linked together.

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I think the portal items I have are nice to supplement travel, for sure. But if I have to choose them or our portals, I’ll take portals, obviously.
I may have to get to them, but their free and no CD.

The fact that we have to GET TO them ought to be enough ‘time wasted’ to just leave the stupid things alone, though.


i just don’t get that digging up past post.What has that really to with now? I guess arguing just to be arguing,

I’m gone for a day and suddenly 1500 some new comments.

I looked at the crafting a bit for BfA
I mean I have all of the professions…11 characters in BfA.
It was easy enough to see that Id be having to raid or something for mats and I just aint interested in raiding to make something I cant sell because the drops will be better anyway.

I do understand they want to give us incentives to raid and such, but not all of us are into that and shouldnt be forced to play a game we dont like to play.
Best way ever to make me go to some other game eventually.

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welcome back ,you missed alot.

Did a CM or Blue ever wander into here to address anyone’s concerns or are they still hiding out in the vents?

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Hes bent because I make sure Ive got a point nailed before I open my idiot mouth to speak.
He has been cut down on every single point made in here and so has to find ANYTHING to justify himself being here.

Ive been debating for three decades. I know how this works.
If we werent so controlled in here and I could operate how I usually do in a debate a few of these posters would have been using profanity by now.

But theyd nail me for ‘trolling’ in a second if we did that here.

Theyre in the basement hiding.

Never said I didn’t care about it; I said I believe the change isn’t a big deal, and that if you think it is, you should get over it. Those are not the same thing, any more than “Blizzard did do what I wanna!” is synonymous with “Blizzard ignores my feedback!”, which is your other trope of choice

T minus 57h, 30m.

Yeah,i feel the same ,i do wish to max my tailoring but the mats are in raids and dungeons but after the Siege of Balorus.That was it for me ,why do put an achievement in a mythic to tell a story is beyond me, guess what… no gear when i finished.

“We are totally listening to your feedback, from down here, behind this reinforced concrete wall, and 30 lawyers”

tomato, tomahto.

Hows that WoD flight removal going for ya?
Oh…its not :wink:

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