Rearranging and Removing Portals

Sorry friend but reasons and excuses are given to those who need them.
if Im already voting for a candidate they dont need to come campaign in MY front yard. They have my vote.

Blizzard isnt explaining themselves to those of you who dont care or approve of this change.
They are to those of us who are tossing fits about it.
Doesnt matter if you cant comprehend this fact. Sorry.


dont even have words for that one.

And the decision to remove flight stood at one time too for a while.
And we all know how that ended up, dont we.


From 2012 the shrines had the following portals:
Horde portals leading to Orgrimmar, Thunderbluff, Undercity, Silvermoon City, Dalaran and Shattrath and
Alliance portals leading to Stormwind, Ironforge, Darnassus, Exodar, Dalaran and Shattrath.

There was no need for a portal to the Shrines because as soon as one arrived there, one set one’s hearthstone.

Once new expansion came along, meaning we needed to set hearthstones elsewhere, we were given a portal to each shrine.


Gotta wonder if Activision shills are posting in here under alt names or not.
it is their thread.


If their decision isn’t going to change, which I pretty much agree with, why are you even in the damn thread? It’s pretty clear the vast majority are using this thread, as well as the other to post their displeasure with this change. A change no one asked for, provides nothing for the game, and only became an issue once Blizzard made it one.

What, were you about to go on a crusade against portal usage just before Blizzard decided to do this?


Just checked 2-3 random toys, seems CDs are now toon specific. Didn’t test any portal toys as I can’t find them (I have 15 pages of toys, annoyance to hunt through that list).

Something they’ve done in the past. It’s become a disturbing trend of theirs.


You said it wasn’t a big deal, that means you must also think it’s not a big deal to revert the change. Don’t blame me because your arguments are so weak that they end up supporting the thing you’re against.

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Toys have (knocks on wood) been character specific for a while now.

It’s very much possible even though they already have troubles to deal with they still vent on doing their best to derail these threads.It is very likely they are collecting data as well.
I’ve heard they are with steam.


Good. I recall it being an issue during warlords. I said if I was wrong about them sharing a CD I’d retract my statement. And I have.

Still, the CDs on some of the portals are excessively long. The hearthstone toys all link to your current Hearthed location, so they’re simply cosmetic.

Lord…dont talk about it too much…it aint tuesday yet. They can still get in a spite nerf before patch day.

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Honestly, I dont think Activision or Blizzard would know what ‘data’ is or how to collect or compile it if it was a snake and bit them in the rump.
My 11 year old grandson seems to comprehend numbers better.

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LOL…good kid :wink:

If we could only be so lucky. :rofl:


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i dont think it’d bother most of us if a few of you stopped talking :wink:


Dear heart, it took nearly a minute of holding the Page Down key to find

I’ll let you contemplate the significance of that post for 30 seconds.

and then come back and see what the answer is.

I see you’ve gone beyond scraping the bottom of the barrel and have grabbed a shovel to keep going.


Wow. not able to form and hold onto coherent thoughts or what?

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2 days and ~600-700 posts since your last non-portal-related one.

I’m sorry, but, this is a wee bit unhealthy.

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