Rearranging and Removing Portals

I know one portal generator I have is a 4 hour CD.
Absolutely useless for travel. A joke novelty, nothing more.
Another, the MOP version, is 15 minutes which MIGHT be close to acceptible since it’d give me time to farm…but it lands us in a random spot in Pandaria and so again, totally useless as a meaningful mode of travel.
If other items work remotely the same, theyre trash compared to the portals we’ve used for quite some time now without it being a stinking problem

why do you seem to think that the removal of portals will only impact specific people?

places which didn’t exist, didn’t need portals.

All it does is slow down the game even more which seems to be the main objective in any decision by blizzard these days.


I meant of the 60 hours total, 10+ of it was wasted in slow travel or annoying mechanics. Thought I was clear about that. Sorry.

Also learned that some of the chosen portals are really illogical ones. Jade Forest and Azsuna. Why would portals go there? Yes, there’s currently a Jade Forest portal, but if it’s being merged into Shrine portals as a single one for Pandaria access, then it should phase based on whether you’ve unlocked Shrine access (completed the Vale unlock quests) or not.

Azsuna, meanwhile, is just stupid. The existing portal is to Legion-Dalaran. Have it go there. I know you don’t want to confuse with Wrath-Dalaran, but that can be solved with markers, or switching Wrath-Dalaran to Wyrmrest. Cutting access to the most recent expansion, and the most recent version of Dalaran from a lore perspective… that just seems stupid.

Portals that should definitely be in portal room:
-Wyrmrest or Wrath-Dalaran

Could have Karazhan be Horde-only, because it’s harder for them to get to, and then have some sort of similarly difficult to reach place for Alliance. I can’t think of anywhere that’s difficult for the Alliance to reach though. Alternately you could just have both have Karazhan.

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you were. crystal.

this thread seems to have a common theme of people “interpreting” posts.

Because no one who is TRULY having their time WASTED by this joke can sit here with a straight face and approve of this circus side show.
IF it affects someone and they still approve one has to wonder how little they value THEIR time.

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classic was SMALLER than the game is NOW.
Some saying the CLASSIC group approves, as they have here, is meaningless.

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:+1::+1: out of likes have my thumbs


And yet, as wrong as you actually are, you can’t do anything about it.

T minus 60 hours. :sunglasses:

It’s on you because one side is easily quantifiable while the other has no actual argument shown so far outside of “reasons.” When I can count the number of portals and see something being removed, that is easy to cry foul over. If you tell me that the issue isn’t a big deal, you need to provide the evidence to support that reasoning because, like I said, all I have to do is count.

Admittedly, burden of proof wasn’t the best way to say it.


Ohhh,ok,looked at that wrong,

And clearly done with some agenda in mind.
These guys cant wrap their heads around the fact that this is the BEGINNING of something with these portal removals.
$100 bill says the next couple steps are going to tick even more players off.
I personally aint sticking around to find out what it is.
May is my sub expiration at which point Im gone if they stay on their current path of self destruction with this game.

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If the change isn’t a big deal, then it wouldn’t be a big deal to revert it. Yet here you are fighting tooth and nail against anyone who dares to question Blizzard.


Mages can port to Stonard, otherwise a portal to the blasted lands puts you near enough.

Arguing for removal of something he CLAIMS to use that only serves to waste his time when it is removed.
I guess my time means more to me than his does to him.


Could ride to karazhan if you like spiders :confounded:

Lord…dont go making logical sense in here.

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Man, your post history is ripe with brown nosing and gulping down that Blizzard cream special. Attacking anyone who dare besmirch your dearly beloved Blizzard even as they screw you over.

Do you get a check in the mail or do you get stock options, is there a yes man union you had to join?


This is literally the most ridiculous, last-ditch tactic you’ve come up with yet.

They’ve chosen to do this for a specific reason. We all know…painfully and with much repetition…how much you disagree with their decision. Yet it stands nonetheless.

“Hey. Just, um, don’t do the thing that you’re about to do on March 12th, kk?” is not a compelling argument.