Rearranging and Removing Portals

if no one cares, then what’s all the noise about?

you were the one who made the reference… not me.

This thread was created for US.

nothing to do with classic.
the portals people are complaining about didn’t exist in classic.
…yet you continue to blab on about deflection? :roll_eyes:

I do not believe that you’re able to port from a to b, to get to c, with only 15 seconds of travel time.
(and even if it was possible, you’re estimating that you’re spending 30 seconds in load screen time, which means you’re not accounting for the time spent travelling to the portals)

This is why i was asking for actual data.

are you starting on Broken Shore, or Dal? “Broken Shore Dalaran” is not a place.
it’s either Broken Shore, or Dalaran.

Even if they gave us a toy that gave us portal options it doesn’t matter if you have several alts.

“Cloak of Whambo Jambo”: Toy that teleports you to Whambo’s Throne, CD of 3.33 hours.

And once you use it, its on CD on your entire account. So you have wait until it is off CD for ANY other toon to use it.


I personally came back after 13 years to find an entirely different game with many enjoyable things to do and things to collect in tons of content I missed out on. I often go to those places to try to collect things from them.

While I love the new portal room I loathe that we are losing some of the most convenient portals for quick access to things I personally haven’t collected. So yes, I hate it.

I hate that Blizzard devs and CMs think this change will some how make me enjoy traveling through the world more. I don’t enjoy traveling. If anything this is going to make me travel through the world less, just not bother to try and get those transmogs, pets, and mounts I wanted. It’s not going to be worth it to travel the extra distance only to be disappointed when I don’t win the ultra-rare loot lotto.

All I want is the same travel convenience we had before. I don’t want the world to “feel bigger” just because it takes longer to get places. That’s not a change that improves my game experience. That’s a change that degrades my game experience.

Might want to think about more than how this personally affects you or screws people who aren’t playing the game the way you think they should. It’s a big game, there are many ways to play it, and there are many people who are going to be impacted by this in ways you don’t understand.


Wow… just…wow.
no one cares about your opinion or where YOU set YOUR stone to. That was pretty clear there. Not sure how you missed that.


ahm ,is that in wow?

No…you were the one who was talking about the game and then switched in mid sentence.
The GAME is the topic here.


No…for US. Not those of you who dont care about the portal removal. There was nothing to be explained to those of you who dont care about the removals.


I’d laugh if there was a location called Whambo Jambo’s Throne. I just threw out a name to drive a point home. Toys are on an Account wide Cooldown. At least they were last time I checked. If they’re now on a toon specific CD, I’ll gladly retract my statement.

You’ll have to talk to your buddy I quoted above who MADE it about classic, son.

Try harder

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LOL,i’ll i collected alot of stuff maybe somewhere in there it is hidden.

It doesn’t work that way, dear heart. This was an announcement by Kaivax explaining their reasoning behind the changes, delivered to the entire WoW population.

Our opinions that the change isn’t a big deal is just as valid as yours who thinks the sky is falling.

Youre wasting your time explaining the concept of farming or collecting with that one.

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yeah…sorry…but it does.
They DONT CARE to explain themselves to those of you who are cheering on this ridiculous portal removal. Why would they waste their time with you when you dont care and arent making a stink. They wouldnt.


I guess 10000 replies in two threads - I’ll discount 1000 as duplicates - isn’t enough to convince you that you’re sacrificing player goodwill for really bad ideas that the community doesn’t want and isn’t ever going to want. You have a finite amount of goodwill before people just leave forever… if your intent to drive players away, this expansion is really doing great!

Access to older content should not be made more tedious. Travel time will never be valuable time. It is time preventing me from playing the game. The more tedium you put in front of people, the more likely they are to decide it isn’t worth their time. Enough of those decisions and the game is no longer worth their time.


They created the second thread because the first thread got such huge traction. So they had to respond. It’s called Public Relations. Though the fact it feels like it was written by a lawyer with no empathy or compassion only ended up making matters worse.

You can tell a man to go jump off a cliff in a polite way, or you can tell a man to go jump off a cliff in a rude way. Both ways will get a negative response, the former will take some of the sting out of the message.


I have a single player RPG that I’ve logged over 60 hours into. I’d estimate that as of now at least 10+ hours of that total was due to slow travel or annoying mechanics.

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I’d never heard that they were. Just picked a the first one I saw with a long CD (Arcano-Shower, 1h), and I was able to use it right away on another char after the 1st.

Maybe some are?

More than this joke deflection of making it feel ‘bigger’ by blizzard staff to insult our intelligence, the better one is the player joke of saying it adds ‘immersion’
How on earth taking longer to get somewhere adds immersion is beyond me.
Makes one wonder just how boring life is that its ‘immersion’ to sit on a stupid mount 5 times longer.
MY time is more important to me than apparently the time of some others is to them.
I dont appreciate Blizzard NEEDLESSLY trying to WASTE more of mine.

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That confusing,60 hrs played but only 10+ hrs logged?

I’ll have to check the portal ones later. I recall this being an issue with a toy from Warlords that had a 24 hr CD. And I tried using it on other toons, but it was still on CD. They may have changed things since then.

And I did say if I was wrong I’d gladly retract my statement. I’ll have to test the portal toys I have later and find out.