Rearranging and Removing Portals

Sounds like your more of the sort who just never says anything when stupid decisions are being made as they are and leave the rest of us to get things done that need done.

if you think complaining gets you places in life, you’re going to be in for a rude shock when the real world comes calling.

what a laugh.
check and mate

you’ve evaded every reasonable, sensible and logical question i’ve asked.

You have yet to ask any.
not that it would matter. Youve made it clear youre going to roll over on this so you are of absolutely no use to us here in this thread who are trying to keep this game from going to the crapper for NO good reason.

and they can still do that now.

Jesus…tell me you are joking.
little hint…MoP AINT CURRENT CONTENT anymore.
Everyone will have their stone set to CURRENT CONTENT
Try harder next time.


The source of this tangent was trying to use random youtube personalities as sources, not genuine media outlets. That was the initial point.

Actually, you know what I’d love? Other than for the portals to be kept in the game, of course.

I’d love to see a way to buy or earn a “Collector’s Hearthstone” that lets us teleport to one specific meeting stone of our choice.

I don’t care if it costs 1000 gold to attune it to another stone, or if it shares a cooldown with our normal Hearthstone, or even if it can only be used once a week. It’d certainly help make up for the disappearance of the portals collectors have been using, and it would show Blizzard actually has an interest in keeping collectors playing.

The source of the tangent didnt SAY a thing about any REAL media son, and you know it.
He said ‘web’ and ‘websites’ and the like.
Try harder.

10% of this entire thread is literally by a single person. Quantity really matters little in this argument.

you think WoD is “real life”?

so please, for the sake of everyone, provide this itinerary.

if i want to travel somewhere quickly, i will put my hearth there.
regardless of the date of the content.

i can access current content quickly, it makes no sense to put my hearth in a location i can already access with ease.

myself Im settling for nothing short of full replacement of all the missing portals.
I dont need this game. They do need our $$$ though


Great for you friend, no one cares. And it DOESNT justify the removal of portals that dont NEED to be removed


Make your deflection better next time.
We are talking about the GAME here.

Yeah, i know youd like everyone who disagrees here to shut up, but this thread was created for US, not those of you who dont need the portals.


a day late and eight bucks short, doesnt know whats going on yet insists his opinion is relevant.

A list of comments have referred to earlier incarnations of the game and how they didnt need portals.

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How do I shorten the travel time from Broken Shore Dalaran to Caverns of Time without using the portal. I’d really like to know. My current time from Dal to CoT is a 15 second loading screen. If you know a shorter way from Broken shore Dalaran (which I can get to from anywhere in the game in less than 30 seconds) to Caverns of time, please share it. Note that I won’t be changing my hearth from Pandaria, because it takes me to the Shrine where I can access both my Farm and the Isle of Giants better than using the Jade Forest portal.

Edit: I want to be clear that this is a sincere request, not sarcasm. I would be very grateful to learn of a faster way to get there.




What’s scary is looking at the various links up top.

“feedback is useless”
“stop removing portals”
“request to have X restored”
“fix past expansions”
“new patch, we’re losing things.”

Do we see a trend? Yes. We see a trend.

Blizzard is Removing things from the game, they’re Nerfing the game, they’re not Improving the game. And there are a bunch of people who fail to understand that, all the way from upper management down to players who can’t realize that constantly removing stuff is never a good thing.

Yes, sometimes it IS needed to remove or nerf stuff, but this should be done to Improve the quality of the game.

Things like removing the various reagents to cast various spells. That was a positive change. Removing arrows from the game was another positive change, because it was simply extra cost applied to being a Hunter.

There are indeed times that Nerfing things and Removing things are good for the game.

Removing Travel Options is not one of those things.


I wouldn’t go for it .it has to be free from what blizzard did with the augrement stone buff which you payed 100,000g for. I did it once and never again.

Eh, I feel like I’d get enough use out of an account-wide stone that let me teleport to any meeting stone I wanted that it’d be more valuable than an expansion-length stat buff.

But it would have to account for the fact many collectors have many alts.

If there were no trend I think we might be able to get around THIS screwing this time.
But there is absolutely a disgusting agenda to waste our time here that is ruining this game we all love.

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No, I understand that would work for your needs if you say it does.
The problem is I farm 30 or more trips a day. Once time even daily doesnt work for me and how I play my game.
Thats really all I mean. :grinning:


I like to farm old content and I like the portals the way they are. This has nothing to do with whether I will like classic or not as it is apples to oranges.


Understood, i have atls too they need a way as well not all them have the health to some of those places,yet.

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