Rearranging and Removing Portals

it was the only portal access for the whole of MoP.

people coped.

sort of like how you’re TELLING ME that you think you know how I play the game.

…i get it.
you’re angry.
…but you’re so angry, you’re making no sense.

Watch out trolls amist :tired_face:

It’s been a long time since I played. I stand corrected.

And then aint NOW. That portal has been there into the temples for quite some time now and ISNT harming anyone.
ONE reason to remove it from dalaran…to WASTE OUR TIME
And since it doesnt affect your game enough for you to complain about it, we really dont need to concern ourselves with your views on the matter, now do we…


It was also the current expansion, so most people had their hearths set either at the Shrine or the farm. The game world was also three expansions smaller so there wasn’t as much to go out and do.

  • Go to Barnes and Noble
  • Buy a book called the ‘Websters Dictionary’
  • Look up the word ‘reciprocate’
  • Come back and REread my post there that was a RESPONSE to YOUR TELLING US what we’re ‘freaking out’ about.

and it makes perfect sense. OF course you need to deflect.


I posted a video in the other thread and he said i was spamming :rofl:

yeah…hearth stones.
guess he doesnt use his much in current content.

Because we could set our hearths to the Shrine, which was current content, and still have full access to all of the capital cities and previous faction hubs. Now the Shrine is neither current content, nor directly connected to anyplace but SW/Org.

There were also three fewer land masses and two fewer planets back then.


more deflection on its way. :roll_eyes:

I don’t even understand why he’s here again. Does he ever play the game? If I don’t have a horse in the game, I stay quiet.

They slay me with this tripe…"muh classic didn need no stinking portal’.
yeah…when there was what…TWO land masses?
And how many today?


:shield: Get your shields up internet trolls are in here.

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just trolling and loving the attention, no doubt.
Which is why we should all just ignore him and talk over him and the others who have already made their views known and are no longer relevant to this discussion.

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Right,it’s a bigger world now.

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it affects me.
how do you not get that?
it affects me just as much as anyone else.

i’m just a “pick my battles” type person.

if you think complaining gets you places in life, you’re going to be in for a rude shock when the real world comes calling.

you’ve evaded every reasonable, sensible and logical question i’ve asked.
you’re the king of deflection.

and they can still do that now.

not at all.
my 23k+ achievement points came from not playing the game, as did my 300+ feats and legacy acheivements.

…so i guess my opinion is irrelevant!!

indeed it is.

some of these guys I really dont even think they PLAY this game at all. Maybe running BfA only, who knows. But NO one who actually gets around this whole game world can sit here with a straight face and pretend that removing these portals is no big deal.
not if they expect the next sentence out of their mouth to be taken seriously.

who was talking about classic?
how is there any relevance to classic?

After this experience in the forums i don’t think i honestly could.

Almost 6K posts and nothing. Really sad to be honest. And the other 5453 thread doesn’t count I guess. Again why have two mega thread on the same subject?

You got 11,330 posts on Feedback total between both threads. Well just wait till Tuesday this thread my surpass 11K by Tuesday.