Really? The UI is usually a big complaint we hear from WoW players, since we can’t have addons. That’s good though. They did make sure it can be customized pretty thoroughly at least.
In a few months we’ll have bunnies instead of pandas, that’s a… somewhat even trade
“So we looked at the data and determined that if the average player has to spend x amount of time extra getting to locations that adds to so much more additional time to their subscriptions cha-ching! $$$”
oh yeah…I use Bartender4 for WoW.
FF14s is built right in.
Move anything is somethign I tried. Sucked.
But again, you can move anything on the UI within the game.
REALLY cool UI there.
I haven’t made it in yet. Pretty hyped though. Still trying to figure out if race has a big effect on class over there. That and forename/surname is as far as I’ve gotten. Wrapping up other bnet accs was a pain. Bard, dragoon and summoner grabbed my interest.
If you can get past the anime look of the pets, its really cool.
Im playing Arcanist and got a pet really quickly that is like a hunter or Warlock pet. Helps in combat and all.
Anime look won’t bother me. Played so many games in my time. Wow was always pretty ‘cartoony’. Truthfully though it is all the same to me. Mechanics, things to do, player agency, they matter more to me. oh and you know FISHING
(I can always get a PvP fix elsewhere if I have to.)
If you haven’t found out yet, you can make any individual window/bar bigger if you select it and hit… ctrl + home I think? Useful for the dressing room window in particular.
It doesn’t, pick whatever you like the most.
Dragoon was the first job I leveled, it’s very fun. The easiest of the melee classes. They’re the “huntard” of FF14 because some of the jump abilities they use are animation locked, so you’ll jump right when the boss uses an AoE, and get stuck in it and die. Bard is also fun, they’re more of a support class in this game rather than a straight dps. They buff everyone else, restore mana/TP, etc. Summoner actually is unique, it starts off as arcanist and as you level it, you’re actually leveling two jobs. You get a healer and dps both, at level 30. So that’s handy. They’re a mobile caster, use a lot of DoTs.
Not really. I have a Miqote(cat girl) and a Lalafell (halfling) and the only real difference is visual and where they start. Or if there IS any difference (going from memory, played several years ago) its so small that its not worth discussing.
I am actively farming three places right now. Soon to be all the “Raiding with Leashes Panda 6” stuff too.
-Siege of Orgrimmar:
Currently: hearth to legion dalaran and take Panda shrine portal. Entrance is right there between shrines.
Soon: Can hearth to legion dalaran, take SW portal, take Jade Forest portal, fly far. Jade Forest portal is stupid in general and further from the entrance to SoO.
Currently hearth to legion dalaran, take Karazhan portal.
Soon: Guess my alliance can go legion dalaran, take SW portal, fly to Kara.
I could farm the ring on all my alts. Annoying when I just want to go in to kill the horse boss. Takes up an inventory slot, 30s cooldown on equip of the ring. If it was an account wide toy it would be worth it.
BRF: not impacted
Panda Raiding with leashes:
Terrace: literally over the hill from shrine so this loss of Shrine portal sucks
Mogu: north of shrine in top KunLai. Jade Forest is not getting any closer
Heart of Fear: really far away already, not getting any better.
The LFR queue place is inbetween both shrines so now we’re farther from that too.
Generally speaking this portal change is garbage because
Taking things away from players never feels good. Ability pruning wasn’t fun either. I miss Eyes of the Beast.
Azsuna and Jade Forest instead of the main town is nonsense. Make it a universal portal with a dialogue option that we can choose the zone we get dumped in. Make the Pandaria one a wind balloon that we choose where to go to.
Blizzard claims it is to consolidate portals and make travel less confusing. If the Cata portals are not moving inside the room they aren’t really consolidated (are they moving?). It does not make travel easier when you have to farm/keep track of every teleport item and toy in your possession instead of just keeping the existing portal
Removing portals from old cities makes them dead ends / dead. Further I am sick of being herded into SW/ORG. Sick of those places. Sick of the architecture. Pick a different bloody city. Dalaran makes lore sense as a portal hub because it is a mage city.
Aside: I am very sorry to any players who skipped Legion and are playing through it now. It seems Blizzard can’t develop new content without butchering all the old content. By disabling artifact weapons the moment they are obtained by a new character it really rips the heart and soul of that entire expansion out. Like it might as well not even exist just give people a big old “skip” from 98-110.
The world feels “small” because everything that isn’t “current” is basically dead because Blizzard doesn’t want us going there. They are going out of there way to “nerf” Shrine and Legion Dalaran for no reason except to force us back to SW/ORG. SoooooOOOooooooo…
Edit: I use Legion Dalaran as a launch point because I have the hearthstone. I don’t want to use my regular stone because I want that off CD in case I want to go back to BFA zones (silly me). I have garrison stones but that is an extra garrison > portal to trashran (if applicable) > SW. I don’t want to have to hold the town cloaks, there’s probably a equip CD anyway.
My main has the Tol Barad tabard equipped and ready to go to SW but none of my others do. My brawler toons have Brawler teleports. Not all of them brawl.
It’s never even “There’s a chance we might be wrong with this update”. It’s always “no, none of the five thousand of you replying must’ve read anything, so here it is AGAIN” until Blizzard finally caves.
No, I’ll just refuse to do it lol. There’s a few things in wow that are just so far down on my list I’ll probably never do them unless there is a mountain of down time. And it’s not JUST the travel time it’s travel + RNG of drops + “other stuff”, the total annoyance level lol.
Spoiler para los DEV quitar los portales no va a hacer que explore mas las Zonas o que interactue mas con la gente solo hará que pase mas tiempo con el juego en segundo plano mientras viajo en un Grifo o de plano hará que no quiera ir al contenido antiguo por ser molesto.
Spoiler for the DEV remove the portals is not going to make you explore the areas more or interact more with people will only make you spend more time with the game in the background while traveling in a tap or flat will not want to go to the content old for being annoying.
Yor only motive for this Change is Annoy the players, make them waste their time.
Take away the desire to make old content enclosing them in the area of maximum level or the capital.
the jade forest portal is for the START of the expansion.
high level characters shouldnt be having to use THAT portal after WORKING to get into the temples and have use of those portals.
Blizzard is removing them to WASTE OUR TIME nothing else.
Thaumaturge (black mage), Pugilist (monk), Gladiator (paladin) start in the desert city of Ul’Dah
Marauder (warrior) and Arcanist (Scholar, Summoner) start in the Ocean/Pirate-lite city of Limsa Lominsa
Conjurer (white mage), Lancer (dragoon), and Archer (bard) start in the forest city of Gridania
Rogue (ninja) becomes available in Limsa Lominsa after reaching level 10 in any combat job (meaning not crafting or gathering)
Dark Knight, Astrologian, and Machinist become available when reaching the frozen city of Ishgard, the Heavensward expansion city, and start at level 30
Red Mage and Samurai become available in Ul’Dah upon raching level 50 in any combat job, and start at level 50
Blue Mage becomes available in Limsa Lominsa upon reaching level 50 in any combat job. Note that this job isnt like the others. You should avoid it until you’ve done your own research to understand why its unique.