Rearranging and Removing Portals

So I need to do the full Kara questline on all my garbage alts and consume a bag slot to use an old outdated ring in order to restore the functionality of the portal you’re taking away for no reason. GREAT.

Some of these portals are ten years old. I don’t believe that you just suddenly realized “Oh, hey, we forgot to remove them.” There is literally nothing to be gained by this. You’re just making it more troublesome to get around Pandaria and to Kara. Caverns of Time. If you don’t want us collecting mounts and pets from those sources just tell us.

I’m pretty pissed that you’d have the nerve to tell us that if any SPECIFIC portals going away is offensive. Yeah. I don’t want my MoP world boss mount hunting to be more time consuming than it already is. I don’t want to fly to Kara 4 times a week from Stormwind.

There is literally nothing to be gained here except to piss off your customers. When is that FFXIV expansion coming out, again?


If you do join and don’t have a server in mind already let me know, I’d be happy to show you the ropes and answer questions.

I go back and collect goodies from old content for over 50% of my playtime. It’s a big part of how I enjoy playing the game.

I don’t play the game so I can AFK on auto-runs across Northrend because my Wyrmrest portal was taken away, nor do I play the game to AFK on auto-runs to the deepest, darkest recesses of the Caverns of Time after the end of every instance there that demands I hearthstone away and come back.

Give us back our damn portals.




Same here, I am currently working on my White Mage and warrior at the moment. I will log into WoW when Zandalari trolls drop to finally be able to make one and then just leave for good.

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Blizz thinks they know what we want, but they don’t. (I hate being out of likes.)

I’m just tired of feeling ignored on so many levels by the dev team. This was one of the easiest requests from the community – to not do anything. To just leave things alone. This was their chance to show improvement and consideration. Their stubbornness knows no bounds. I’m deeply disappointed.


You silly guy, doesn’t it make the world feel bigger and more alive!? And you can reflect on past times you were stuck in traffic. It’s glorious.

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In that 5k post thread, someone asked why they brought it up so late in the development cycle, and I replied that it’s because they’ve already made up their mind and don’t really care about our feedback because they think they know so much better. Not surprisingly, by ignoring all the feedback to do what they were going to do anyway, this proves my point.

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This is the thing I’m having a hard time swallowing.


You have this npc already in the game on the PTR just standing there for no known reason - I am really surprised this npc doesn’t take you to caverns of time.


That would make too much sense.

any illusion of meaningful size in BFA seems to come from landscaping paths that were not quite clear or sticking quest destinations in caves that had to be searched for. If we do get to see flying at some point, that illusion will be no more.

Now this is just my personal opinion I realize - but I really really would rather have had better quests, more reason to quest (i leveled 1 toon with pet battles instead of questing just out of boredom with the quests), more variety and frequency of invasions, and a better story line for changes than a removal of portals just to make getting around a little slower for some fake need to make the world seem larger.

The only reason I go to places like Caverns of Time now is because the main xpac is really lackluster. Impairing things in previous xpacs doesnt improve the quality of the current trainwreck of an xpac.

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Exactly the point for me.
The portal removals dont affect me in the least.
I have mages on my accounts. And I dont do CoT anyway.
its about why theyre pulling this crap and the fact that even with their stock prices hitting dirt level they seem bent on driving the game into the ground for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

Theyre up to something. And its more than time played. Guaranteed.


Why? Waiting on zeppelins and boats suck… They take way to long. It was fine back in the classic but the zones are a lot more numerous.


I used to have a 45 train ride to work…now I have a 7 minute bicycle ride hardly ever looked up from my book to look what was going on outside.


Logic is Treason! The Computer hates Traitors!

Kudos if you get the reference.


I don’t; can I accuse the players who like portals to be perpetrators of wrongthink instead?

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Yep once my time’s done I’m out. BfA has killed TWO of my guilds and now wants to waste more of my time seeing crap I’ve seen a million times. No point to it, and I’ll go find something better to do with my time then fly across Pandaria YET AGAIN to find some boss or dungon because the bloody portal leads to the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE.

Or spending an extra 5 mins a char to fly to CoT since there’s no more portal to Shatt which is another place that is conviently in the MIDDLE of the map rather then the edge of nowhere.


I don’t every worry about who unsub’s and who doesn’t. As for post count I’ll bet a lot are the same people arguing back and forth.

I can’t like this post enough. Thank you.

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