Rearranging and Removing Portals

I’m fine with the SW portal to Pandaria going to Paw’don; that’s where it goes now.

I’m not fine with the Dalaran portal to the Shrine being removed.

I’m not fine with previous hubs losing their outbound portals, because that creates a disincentive for players to use those hubs, and leads to fewer places in the world that feel alive.

I do not think the world feels larger when the “player amenities” are concentrated in two cities, encouraging players to remain in those two cities.


well, I played long enough to check my auctions for the last three days…and less than an hour for a week prior to that or so.
Theyve done nothing short of make me not even want play anymore.
Who wants to play a game where every flipping tuesday is a crap shoot as to whether something you use and enjoy will be stripped out of the game.


absolute tripe.
STOP telling us what we want, son.
What we want is for ALL of the missing portals to be put back where they were…OR for ALL of the missing portals to be put in the new hub.

  • They TELL us what WE want instead of LISTENING to what WE are saying we want.

They listen as well as activsion blizzard does…ie not at all.

FF14 a load of fun…so Im good either way at this point


I scroll passed everything they say lol. I don’t even bothering reading the gobbledygook.

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novel idea…i know… :crazy_face:


Whats nice is when someone who isnt even in this issue inserts themselves into it to get attention because they like to troll.
if you dont use the portals…DONT USE them…see how simple that was?
No data required…just your own self control


I think thats what we need to go guys.
Add NB to the No Feed List.


I can see that :joy:


but it wasn’t specific information… it was a vague excuse, hidden behind another vague excuse.

“i don’t want to do old content, so that i can do old content”.

the positive change you can’t find, is people learning to navigate the world in an efficient manner.

the “answer” is just words, not data.

When personal loot was introduced, it applied everywhere, including legacy content.
You could run a dungeon for transmog gear, and get one item.
(or no items, depending on the loot table)
We spent weeks compiling actual data to show how it negatively impacted everyone.
Logging every run, listing all loot drops, and giving actual data on how it was going to cause a negative impact on everyone, while also showing that some of the loot tables had been itemized incorrectly in regards to loot spec.

but all we’re seeing here, is “emagherd mah pertels” …on repeat.

You’d think that if portal loss was going to grossly increase travel time, people would have no problem with showing how their increased travel time is going to be a major issue.

make them an engineer so they can port to tanaris?

you seem to be losing touch with the echo chamber.
the vast majority of posters are not happy with the panda portal going to their respective pandaren starter hubs.
I’m not the one telling people what they want, I’m just an observer, and this is what I see people saying they want.

i play the game, it’s going to impact me too.

These are among the most pointless items in game. Heavy rep grind or quest for all. Which is fine for one toon.

But not 20. Make them a toy you can learn when you earn it. One not locked by rep. Would solve most issues aside from Shrine and CoT portals. You do the rep grind once and you shouldn’t have to again since you already put the work in.


I know, right?
I see those dalaran portals being swamped nearly ever time Im up there.
So what…mage players are just supposed to waste THEIR game time putting up portals for everyone now?
This harasses the crap out of other players and they know it.
And it doesnt replace the missing portals to CoT, Wyrmrest, Kharazan, etc.

And you just know that IF it did work out well and mages were handing out ports, that Acticraption will just nerf mage ports into frog feces to 'make the world bigger again"


Yeah, they don’t get that. Why would I want to buy things that require rep on alts when grinding rep sucks alone on just one toon?


That can’t be emphasized enough. Any time you Force people to do things you get upset people.

You coerce them, you encourage them, you don’t force them.

That way if they choose not to do it, the feelings are less likely to be negative. But when you DICTATE, DEMAND and FORCE people, you tend to get negative results.

That’s something Blizzard fails to comprehend. They are trying more and more to FORCE people to enjoy their “vision” of the game instead of encouraging us to be a participant in their vision of the game.


No one is going to force me to do anything I don’t like as I am the only one who pays my sub but Blizzard decided they think they know what I want to do and how I like to play.


What he said

many other modes of transportation, such as Dalaran Signet Rings, Karazhan’s ring, the Timeless Isle trinket, Coordination Cloaks,

What I heard

we’re going to remove portals to make the world bigger, but you can just go harass a mage or grind for a magic item that will just PORTAL you there anyway…thereby…nullifying…the …reason…we…say …we’re…removing…the …por…
You know what? Ignore what I just said…it sounds as bad to me now as it does to you.


Saying it takes longer to get to CoT without a portal to CoT is pretty specific, but I guess the guys who get paid to move the goalposts gotta make a living somehow.

As for:

I’m gonna take that as your special way of saying no, you can’t provide a reason why that is a positive change.


oh god, you fed it. Now it’ll be outside the door all night looking for more food.


Spite. After losing the fight to remove flight they “compromised” which means they would only do it at the last possible second and still claim they gave us what we wanted. Now they are trying the same insipid excuse with portals.

Yeah, my left hoof you did. You just want funnel players into your failing current content. You really have lost all touch with the players, just mindless peons getting blackjacked by Ion as he continues to sheer down every aspect of the game.

If this is his “vision” he needs to go see a doctor and get it corrected.


I’m sorry, but it was just begging to be fed. Maybe we can take it to a shelter?

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