Rearranging and Removing Portals

Oh. Yay. You’ve finally made your way into this thread to cause more arguments. We’re thrilled.


Going to CoT from Uldum is going to take longer than portaling directly to the entrance. Especially since the Uldum portal is further away from where you teleport into SW compared to going from Northrend-Dalaran to the CoT portal there.

It doesn’t take all of that to know that the post-8.1.5 travel time will be longer. Anyone who’s been to CoT will know that travel time is going to increase.


You say “change” others call it “removal”, which is a more accurate description. Change implies a moving forward. Removed portals are simply removed.


yeah, you sound like you might work for Activision.
WE KNOW what WE are irritated with friend.
Not listening isnt making you look good here, nor is it endearing anyone to blizzard.

And I quoted what you said.

people aren’t freaking out about travel time.

from what i’ve seen, people are freaking out because they don’t know how to navigate the world in an efficient way without those portals.

And that is WRONG.
Learn to accept what people are SAYING and stop INSERTING what you want to hear.


Fact: Getting to CoT instances will take longer without a portal directly to CoT
Fact: Removing something from the game “because” does not make players happy.

Actually, yes, some people are “freaking out” about having to spend more time getting somewhere than before.
Closing your eyes and pretending it isn’t happening doesn’t change the facts. In this situation the facts all point to the developers wasting time changing something because they can and not because they should.


isnt it nice when you say ‘its cold outside’ and someone looks you in the face and says “you dont really think its cold outside”

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shatt > lower city port.

“oh but i don’t have the rep”… so play the game and get the rep.


yeah…we probably need to ignore him as well and just talk to each other.
Stop feeding it.

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isn’t it nice when you’re asked for specific information, but you’re in too deep to respond with data, so you respond with evasion and snark.

Yeah. They get bored eventually and move on.

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I want to do Dragon Soul, not spend however long doing the old dungeons there across all of my alts just to recover the functionality that is already available. So bottle up the snark and try again.


People are complaining about the portals being removed, or sending you to places that are more inconvenient.

People are welcoming the addition of a portal room that consolidates the portals that have been spread around.

Portal room = good change. Portal removal = bad change.
Both are changes, one is liked and one is disliked. People aren’t getting upset just “bacuse of change”


Don’t even respond to him. He’ll leave like the rest of the trolls if you ignore him.


So now youre even giving more evidence against yourself as thats now a multi week increase to travel time, per alt. Something entirely unneeded up until this change.


I have the rep already, on my main and probably a few alts. Should I realistically be expected to grind that rep, preemptively, on every alt because of an arbitrary decision to remove an old portal?

I gave you specific information, it will take longer to get to CoT without that portal. Can you give me one reason why that is a positive change for the game?


I dunno about multi-week, but it’s a pretty big investment just to be able to teleport to CoT the same way I can right now without any rep requirements. And heaven forbid I ever spin up any new characters, like a Kul Tiran.


I am one of the few people that loves using my ground and flying mount going to the old world.

That is one of the great things about the vanilla maps before Cata destroyed it all. Ground mounts were fun to use in the old world. With that said flying is also my joy in WoW.

But forcing that on people when portals have been a standard for ten years makes no sense. It doesn’t make sense to gate allied races, flying, etc.


The trolls all have three things in common:

  • they keep repeating the same questions and pretending they have not been answered,
  • they try to derail the thread by changing the topic,
  • they insult the bulk of those in the thread to ensure they get answered - all the while acting innocent and protesting “but that wasn’t insulting!”.

It’s a pity we no longer have an ignore button, but we can at least mentally ignore these attention seekers.


Oh this all remind me of what happen at work one day.We had to clean this one machine with scales .it was machine brought in a erected from new jersey ,we were told “clean it” so we did,it was filthy ,so we took everything part ,little did we know it would cause the scale to be off.
Next day there was an uproar that they had to reprogram the scale to the weight required,in the long run it wasn’t the machines scale,it was the weight of the product they were tipping the measurement.