Rearranging and Removing Portals

No, they wouldnt. Nice try though.
The fact is MANY of us are TRYING to find reasons NOT to quit.
But those such as yourself and blizzards constant irritating us for NO GOOD REASON is making it VERY hard to find a reason to stay subbed.
I dont play this game for your DRAMA.
I play it for FUN.
This portal crap is DRAMA, not FUN.

As for server feeling empty I prefer low pop servers.

oh. really?
Whos paying to keep that server up and running?


Oh don’t give them any more bad ideas.


Your stock has tanked almost 50% and again you go for a self inflicted injury instead of listening to your PAYING customer base which is dwindling every week.

At what point do you ask yourselves why are we losing so many players?


Caverns of Time is where the developers chose to locate content from three different expansions. It is entirely reasonable for players to want to have a convenient link to that content.

It makes the most sense to relocate the Caverns of Time portal to the Earthshrine with the rest of the Cataclysm-era portals. It won’t seem out of place because you are already keeping the portals there, also Cataclysm marks the end of the Caverns of Time as a content hub.


Why are we focused on this? We have so many bigger problems with this game…

Jesus Christ man.

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Your “lodestone” OBVIOUSLY needS to be smashed.
Perhaps you should poll the players on ALL of these golden rules and let US THE CUSTOMER tell YOU THE SERVICE where YOU’RE WRONG and need to change and improve.


Past few expansions some might say


I currently play it and enjoy my Au Ra, with the new expansion coming out I am even more excited to make my bunny girl. With each choice that blizz is making just makes me play less and less of WoW and pushing me more into FF14, I have played WoW since Vanilla (before battlegrounds and raids) and have cancelled my sub to the game. I have decided to go full 14 with the next expansion and try to raid on it.


That’s all. Thank you.

Or should I say Caverns of Wasted Time? :thinking:


Because, well…you know…removing trivial portals to trivial content was so much more important than…you know…fixing that blasted ‘in combat’ bug.


You guys must be really terrified at Blizzard considering after Allied race there’s nothing really new to look forward and you knew your MAU would tank in 2019 like what Bobby said, dont you?


This is already at 550 posts lol, 99% of which are negative. How much feedback do they require to realize something is bad?


Only time will tell. Either way they haven’t backed down on Pathfinder, Allied Races or Master Loot so I don’t think this will be any different.

Also the LAST thing I want is Dev’s making decisions based on what people in here demand.

Just visited PTR, can confirm the new SW portal room is pretty but functionally bad. The portals are too spread out across the transept and time-to-exit noticeably longer than on Live.

But I did notice a Bronze Dragon NPC, so edit to my solution list:
1a. Use the Bronze Dragon NPC that’s in the Portal Room to teleport players to CoT.


And let’s not forget all bag slots to carry all of these items.



I didn’t know that, now I’ll definitely have to look into it!

On another note it’s really, REALLY not a good sign people are looking forward to playing other games in a forum about WoW… lmao.


It’s the principle. Rather than fixing the ongoing current issues they pulled a bait and switch and advertised this brand new convenient portal room they were adding in the patch while silently taking away a lot of portals from the world. Then when the community calls them out on it they respond saying they dont care.
They literally spent development time and money to make the game less convenient. It’s all about the principle and this should have been a home run for them to be like, “we hear you guys loud and clear, it was unnecessary to remove the portals so we’ll revert this change.” Instead, they are treating it like all the other issues we’ve had with this expansion and the beginning of legion where we repeatedly tell them issues and they ignore them or tell us why we’re wrong and then come blizzcon they will be singing a different tune about why they were actually the ones who were wrong.

Stupid issue, i know. But it’s the darn principle.


Trying to reason with blizzard on how the community feels about these kinda changes be like ;

Not my problem either.