The reason why I never lost a customer is because I make things happen and I dont make up crap excuses why they cant or wont happen.
I have had some real crazy jobs come up, but always got them done.
Even with my website design I do now, I literally had no known web code that existed at that time to do something a customer wanted and put in the time to come up with my own custom coding to get what they wanted.
Turns out that CSS3 ended up adding a feature that did exactly what I had to try to mangle the code into doing before they realised it needed to be a thing.
Customer was happy. I was tired of looking at code all day trying to figure it out. Got that nice big check for a job well done and everyone was happy.
Blizzard decided to go the other way this last few weeks.
The funny part is with cross-server everything you can’t even tip a mage for making a port so most just don’t even do it anymore. Removing portals isn’t gonna suddenly mean mages are spamming cities offering ports for free. It’s a ridiculous line of thinking. And mages can’t port to CoT or Dal Crater so it’s useless anyway because the city ports are still there.
You’re right about that but at this point the game is worse than WoD imo. I guess I should say he should go back to being a lead designer considering he was the only lead designer for wotlk and one of 3 for BC.
Certainly not me. My Mage and Lock didn’t mind the Portals being there. The Lock Portals were handy of course, but I rolled a lock because I considered the class fun.
In the megathread you SHOULD have replied to, ONE of the many expressed concerns is that many of us hearth in old locations not for the portals solely, but to AVOID ALL THOSE PLAYERS ON OUR LOWER END MACHINES. Please do not FORCE us to go somewhere WE CAN’T MOVE BECAUSE LAG.
They are not listening to reason. They are going to do whatever. I’m trying to find another game to play with devs that listen to player base or at least give reasonable opinions. Instead of something half made up.
If people really quit over something as silly as this… which I don’t think many will. Then those who do would have found another reason to quit. As for server feeling empty I prefer low pop servers.
oh yeah?
I have over 50 characters spread out over 3 accounts.
Who cares?
There was NO valid reason for this spiteful removal of trivial portals to trivial locations.
sure people might not “quit” as you said but they will just login for raid and log back the next week or whenever is the next raid… which is ALREADY happening since uldir.
Yeah unfortunately I agree. I would say they should bring someone new in, but on the other hand I’m not confident the “new” Blizzard would get someone good.
How many of those items need (unnecessary) farming of rep to get them? Cloaks are guild-only items? So any player not in a guild or who’s alts aren’y in a guild are SOL? How many players don’t have the Kirin Tor rep or w/e the rep is to get the timeless isle item?
Don’t you think that having Shrine as a good hub (for example) for over four years might have become a part of players planning for transmogs, mounts, rep or w/e they want to do?
Hey why not fix the Samophlange quest while you are at it.