LOL, good job making obvious just how little you understand how this type of business works.
The customer is always right here because if you don’t provide services to your customers, you don’t HAVE customers anymore.
If I stopped filling my design commissions with what my customers wanted and instead started going off on tangents just according to what I liked, I wouldn’t have customers anymore. They would leave and find a different artist to fill their needs. Ergo: My clients are ALWAYS right, whether they are colorblind idiots that want to represent their funeral home with an eyebleeding yellow/purple highlighter scheme or not.
You attempting to apply what I can only assume are waitstaff or retail job experience to creative production is hilarious.
I had hoped you had learned from “you think you do, but you don’t.”
You have not learned anything, and you continue to run your company into the ground by making decision after decision after decision that is unanimously disliked.
Blizzard has not made one good decision since Legion, except for the decisions to retract or move away from previous decisions.
That is what gets me about this change. The removal of portals is simply one change among a dozen in the last few years that together frustrate me to no end. Why are the developers and some other players so adamant to change the way I have been playing this game since 2004? The desire to fiddle with even seemingly obscure facets of the game that haven’t ever been broken in the first place is mindbogglingly irritating. Considering my interest in the game is fragile at best, I am beside myself that Blizzard continues to go down this detrimental path.
The game relies on 3rd party sites for just about everything. Not only travel, but trying to figure out anything to do with quests. Blizzard just lets other people do their work for them, nice gig they got.
Much like the change to Karabor was announced on Twitter, late friday night. That way it could be buried before anyone saw it. Except someone did. The stuffing hit the fan. Not just because we lost Karabor, but because they tried to hide it.
I just really really want them to listen to reason and not come up with this awful hand-crafted excuse… the new portal rooms are fine. Just leave the other portals alone for crying out loud.
This may not apply to you, but a lot of people love to say this because they think Ion was in charge during WoD and caused that fiasco. Chilton was, in fact, the reason we got WoD. Ion only came in at the tail end of it and started off with Legion.
Good idea. I will undoubtedly be unsubbing my accounts over flying in WM. Might as well log them in old content. I’ll do it in TBC, where I first got to fly on a Pvp server.
So pretty much… you are gonna ignore the overwhelmingly negative feedback from everyone… because you know better than every single person on the forums… brilliant idea. I mean how many more bad decisions can your game take? So pathetic.
I’ve seen some ridicules reasons to unsub but this would be in the top 3.
They said that about flight too.
Mate, to be as diplomatic as possible to you, suffice it to say that this, along with other reasons, will be why in a few weeks to a month , your server will feel empty.
Laugh at their reasons all you like…they will still be gone.
In an MMO, the last thing you need or want is a dwindling playerbase.
I wonder how many mages and warlocks have felt shafted all this time with the portals up. I bet it was only a rare few, if any. I certainly didn’t roll a lock for summoning portals…
The only way these absurd excuses for doing this make sense is if the world was interesting. In a game like Dragon’s Dogma, stuff can happen randomly. Making a trek from point A to B instead of using a port stone can lead to actual things happening you might not be able to predict.
WoW is not an open world sandbox game, it’s a themepark game overloaded with phasing layers. It’s static. Nothing is going to happen when I am forced to take a longer path from A to B in WoW instead of taking a portal. Maybe I’ll get ganked with PVP turned on, but that’s about it. There’s no logic behind this. Maybe you guys just wanted to do this to give your art team less to whine about since a lot of assets get pushed under the rug after a while when new content is released. You guys can pontificate all you want but at the end of the day, your repeated, boneheaded, POINTLESS changes for the sake of changes do not serve to do anything but annoy your dwindling playerbase.
It almost seems like some of you guys are just bored and looking for something to do, so you do stuff like remove portals. I know that’s not true, but it sure seems like it.