Rearranging and Removing Portals

The creation of the Mage Towers with limited time, be a max level to do a solo event HELPED create the concept of having one of each class max levelled to do an event that was easier with better gear.

This wasn’t a user-driven event, it was made by Blizzard, and made limited time, so it isn’t like I could roll a new druid and go and get that skin today.

Do you even play this game?


This is actually a pretty neat idea… Not that they’ll implement it, and even if they did they would probably ignore it, but…

Really neat idea. :+1:


Theres an agenda here. We all know there is. We just need to figure out what it is before we’ll understand why they feel the need to remove such trivial portals to nowhere for no good reason and are so stubborn about replacing them with all this hate aimed at them.

something is afoot. You heard it here first.


Yeah, it was seriously underhanded, and then they played it off as; “Oh, well, we wanted organic feedback about it and when we didn’t get any we assumed that was the feedback.”

So…take something, throw it on PTR unannounced. People notice it and report it as a bug. Then it comes out it’s not a bug–people give feedback that they dislike it. Response is “well we didn’t get feedback.”

LOL. Can’t make this stuff up. And all of it about (ilvl scaling) a thing that, in the past, Ion and others said was a terrible idea that goes against the foundation of an RPG. Now we have it in everything.



Also stole this from reddit but it’s true and the devs need to re-read a dozen times:

Removing portals to force people to take a flight path only makes this process longer and more tedious. It does not make it interesting or engaging or fun.


Was under the impression from all others that Zephyr’s teleport was removed, along with the portals in both Dalarans.

I had that rep since it was current, so if that is still intact, that is nice, but clearly was not well communicated then, either.

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I’ve seen some ridicules reasons to unsub but this would be in the top 3. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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If you haven’t seen it on reddit…

There are some nuggets in there that corroborate the negative feedback for this change in this thread and the stop removing portals.

With that I have better things to do than play this game. Done wasting my time caring about it anymore. At least until you guys get a new dev team. Or new overlord. Or whatever the heck is wrong with you gets “fixed”.


Well it’s no secret. it’s all about MAUs now.


you really think we ever left that practice? who’s the boss now of the company?


And again…


Probably some metric called… logged and maybe engaged. LAME for short.


Says in best MR.T voice " I pity the fool " who thought otherwise.

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I don’t want the world to feel bigger, I want the world to feel more alive. Flying for 10 minutes over irrelevant content and dead zones is not enjoyable. Having portals to different cities, hubs, and lore significant points of interest makes the world feel more alive. If people can teleport to Karazhan or Caverns of Time, people are more likely to travel there, alone or in a group, and experience the content there. If it’s inconvenient to go there, fewer people will be open to experiencing a lot of the content the game has to offer. The game will feel smaller, and there will be less life in the older zones.

Stop removing portals. Removing player convenience does not mean you are adding immersion. You are harming the player experience.

Why are you spending so much time fighting to remove portals and justify this decision, instead of working on class balance in mythic plus, or dungeon balance?


Hurm, this is progressing along nicely like most of the other things that have happened this expac…

You know what this needs now?
A Q&A stream where they don’t actually address the issue.
Some Dev Interviews in random outlets trying to downplay the player response without addressing it directly.

heh. well I know what Im doing till my subs expire in a couple months.
Im parking ALL of my characters in MoP that are of the level to be there, deleting the other 40 characters or so and just staying IN Pandaria till my game wont log on anymore .
They want to take my ease of travel. Fine. I just wont go anywhere.


Also, I think there needs to be more ingame directions to places. Maybe an NPC that points you towards the fastest route to any city or destination. As it stands, travel is so convoluted it’s really hard to even figure out how to get anywhere quicky, especially for new players.


Leave. The portals.

In Legion Dalaran.



Also removing the portals to the class hall? ( Though I might have misread that? I really hope I did. )

Do you really want to erase one of the neater, more awesome things about Legion? What the hell are you guys smoking, because I want some.


Im not a fan of him, Ion Hazzikotas the Lawyer Scarablord that makes a new mount model so he can be even more unique in game with the remaining 20-30 scarab lords that still play, or Lore. The layoffs should have affected people like them. Bring back Tom Chilton as game director.


Making something annoying does not give it meaning.