Rearranging and Removing Portals

True,so true but just like a light can be seperated by a prism into a spectrum of color so is a man thought patterns when there is a focal point.

So you did something crazy, nutty and outlandish so now everything should be. That’s a very binary way of thinking.

If you ever need help let me know. I’m @keihndeth

That’s just the tip of the iceberg of the stuff we’ve been doing over the past decade and a half. And like I said, compared to the stuff we’ve been doing, portals rank way down at the bottom of “immersion breaking”, if you even want to call it that in a magical fantasy world where we have species from at least three different planets and multiple timelines all mixed together.


Found one

Uh, that’s a comedy skit.

Another thing is rebellious mages causing trouble and shuts down portals? I’m just trying to wrap my head on why Dalaren a city of magic and power just suddenly lose portals?

1.) Running out of power.
2.) Rebels turning of portals.
3.) Insert other ingame reasons.

The only time that I can remember them trying to explain any sort of difficulty in opening a portal was with Khadgar back when he had to open a portal between AU-Draenor and Azeroth.

Yes, the argument is not that this skit has good arguments, it is just a display that this was a source of complaint. I’m just highlighting the existence of it in order to prove a point, I don’t need to validate it or agree with it’s content, although I do agree with the general idea of it.

And this is supposed to make me want to get rid of portals how?

yes but these reasons are not present, if they were added I would see it as a plus.

no, this is a response to a very specific argument

Having useful portals in multiple areas (e.g., Legion Dalaran) actually made the world feel larger because it gave an incentive for people to be there.

Also, using the reason that, “this is a guiding principle of the game”, is rather ridiculous and frankly just comes across hypocritical. Classic WOW is coming, and will have all the “guiding principles” that ever existed. THIS game is not THAT game so please do not pretend like it is.


What is that argument lol?

LOL,omg,now i know :rofl:

I don’t use steam a whole lot, but I’ll add you. :wave:

The argument that no one asked for this and that this has 0 benefits associated with it.

You just agreed with removing of portals right there. So, thanks?

I did? how?

The argument that no one asked for this and that this has 0 benefits associated with it.

You said it. This is about the removal of portals. So, right there.