Rearranging and Removing Portals

There are flight paths. It’s not the most optimal way to get there, no. But they exist.

I never understood the obsession about the bees, truth be told. Of course I guess this may be because I lived on a farm and my folks had a small bee farm. I’ve seen what bees are like.

But I’m sure there are similar pop culture references in Horde only territory.

It did make my day when I saw the group and it dawned on me what the reference was. Gave me a big smile.

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Worlds feel “large” when everything isn’t just flyover territory, y’know? And that’s not an argument for no-flying, just that there’s just very few reasons for seasoned, long-time players to stop and interact with old zones.

I’d be less salty about all this if we had good reasons to be out “exploring” the old world . . . but we don’t.

Utter nonsense.
Theyd regain a little trust by actually HEARING the player base complaints.
There is no down side for their giving in on this and a high risk of lost subs if they dont.


That is not behooving of a green poster to post like that. That’s a low blow and unnecessary to the conversation at hand. Be unhappy. Attack the merits of the argument, but don’t take digs at the company just because your mad.

Many people have been saying that for years. Scaling of old zones isn’t helping as you can simply ignore zones you have zero interest in and maximize time in zones you do like while you level. This creating an even more patchwork levelling experience.

Legion was a breath of fresh air when it had a few quests that took us back to old zones. Sadly, it didn’t last.


The argument of bigger world is indeed really weird, but you made some flawed ones yourself.

The ban on flying mounts does not affect the old world and is not related to this change.

It was made with the intention of trying to fix the gameplay of: fly towards a guy, kill it, fly towards another one, killl and repeat, making the geography, mobs, roads, world pvp, etc… irrelevant.

You don’t have to answer that question, tbh. If I want to farm copper to fill my bags, any reason is enough. It’s my time, so who cares.


I’m having the darnedest time thinking up a forename surname for my FFIV character.
Haven’t had this problem since Dark age of Camelot.


I can’t grasp this concept, maybe my autism is giving me an advantage because I know exactly how large the world is. All that’s accomplished by removing portals is making the world more annoying.


If you are using farming herbs as a justification of keeping the portal layout I want to know: Why are you doing this? How does this affect you? and even if you were affected, wouldn’t the market nature of it balance itself out?

So far I’m unaware of any reason to farm old herbs, and there probably is one because otherwise people wouldn’t do it. And I don’t think that taking 2 extra minutes to reach a farming zone where you can spend as much time as you want in is relevant.

I laughed out loud reading it, artist are always paid low wages.
I thought only Horde didn’t have a sense of humour.


Hmm. The wrath of a dozen or so folks vs. the wrath of thousands. Which do I choose? :thinking:

And exactly why would anyone care if the portals remained or were replaced in the portal rooms? They don’t have to use them. I mean, you’ve been saying it’s irrational to want the portals to remain. Would raging over them staying be any more rational?

Either way though, I think Blizzard has shown they don’t care about players’ “wrath” one little bit.


Are you mall police IRL? I’m super anti-MVP-posting-their-opinion-in-green as if it’s worth more than non-green, but this post made a great observation about flight, as well as a truthful comment about Blizzards wage controversy.

Also try rolling your window down and shaking your fist at people walking their dog off leash.


in other words…give INSTANT travel to replace INSTANT travel that didnt need to be screwed with in the first place


That is why I suggested keeping the old world relevant by scaling back characters to the appropriate level. This would make the world massive. Imagine being able to call your guildies, put on your old gear, and go slay the Lich King again, at the original difficulty. There is no reason why the difficulty of the old content should be reduced to absurdity.

Exactly. I was THRILLED when Legion started sending us all over the world . . . thinking that Blizzard was taking some cool steps in the right direction.

Alas, it wasn’t a design philosophy, but an expac feature.


Starving artist didn’t become a term without there being some proof behind it.


It’s like the world is ending all of a sudden for people who want BFA to be like classic. They think that everything will just stop because of something that makes players happy.


You have no way of knowing how many people are in favor of this vs against it. Forums are a very poor metric, firstly. Secondly, we all have our little bubbles. Most of the people in my guild are for this change. Most of your guild probably isn’t. Presuming is a dangerous business.