Rearranging and Removing Portals

Here are a few suggestions that I’ve compiled over many posts:

  • Make teleportation scrolls craftable by scribes and sold on AH.
  • Increase the loot drop chance of old content affected by the change.
  • Add portals to northern eastern kingdoms and move the pandaria portal more to the center of the continent.
  • Add a way to go to tanaris for leveling players of the appropriate level range.
  • Make the taxi birds work like the flight whistle (no reason for the cinematic)
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Dang 4200 posts keep it rolling.

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Yeah, but honestly the conversation hasn’t changed much.

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And that’s just THIS thread. The other mega thread (which did derail every so often) is at like 5400 (last time I checked) and still going. Slower now, but still going.

How is making portals more inconvenient similar to what you are saying. Walk me through the greedy mindset that resulted in this change.

I’m not being the irrational one, Rankin. Sorry, man.

You have a right to demand, and Blizzard and me have a right to ignore your demand. Freedom, baby! Demanding things rarely yields the results you want it to, though. Easier to catch a fly with honey than vinegar - ever hear that saying?

I’ll be the first to admit I have bought a few store mounts. One of them I wish I hadn’t as it gives me a headache every time I ride it. I have vertigo issues and the mount triggers them.

Some mounts are indeed cool, but too often they’re just thrown in for fast easy cash and they’re always overpriced.

If this were true, you would not even be in this thread. You would have long ago abandoned this for any of the other topics you say are so much more important.

Too bad Blizzard doesn’t care very much about honey or vinegar.


Never know there may be quests about honey and Vinegar in the future.

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These aren’t horrible suggestions. I’m all for the first and third ones. I don’t care at all about increasing drop chances (and I doubt Blizz will ever do that).

Leveling players already have ways to get to Tanaris. What I want is to keep the Caverns of Time portal so that high level characters can go to the instances there and farm things without wasting time traveling.

I want to keep my 120’s in BfA zones, but take them down to run Dragon Soul once a week. That stupid instance is such a time waster in and of itself that it’s an easier pill to swallow if I don’t have to spend any extra time getting there. If it feels like too much trouble, I’ll either not run the instance, or not play BfA. Either way, it’ll result in me not playing WoW as long.

They typically only respond to a hot enough fire lit under their keister.

And yes, it is sad that is what it takes to make them listen. Because it creates a vicious cycle that reinforces the mindset many have about the forums. That all we do is rant and yell.

There is some ranting and yelling that can be safely ignored, but there is also enough ranting and yelling that could be nipped in the bud. All it would take is genuine and real communication with Blizzard. The kind of communication that didn’t feel like a lawyer talking for 30 minutes and saying nothing of any value.


There are already honey quests in Stormsong Valley. :wink:

I thought the Blue reply to all of this to contain spurious thinking, at best. If the removal of portals is to have us to commute in the world and make it feel larger (by forcing us to take taxis, boats, zeppelins, and the like) but self-flying is restricted to also make the world feel larger by making us fly on taxis, boats, zeppelins, and the like. Unlike all of the automatic modes of travel where I pick a point on a map and then alt-tab out to read something (and therefore I’m not looking at this supposedly larger world at all) flying under my own power would make me control my mount from the point I took off to my destination and see everything along the way. In fact, I might even STOP somewhere along the way, a place I haven’t been to before, and investigate. Cannot do that on a taxi (unless that spot was near an established FP). Gating us by restricting our travel choices (portals, self-directed flying) in the hopes this creates the illusion of a “larger world” is lazy design and wishful thinking.
I never saw more of every expansion until I could fly my own mounts everywhere. Then, and only then, did I really see the beautiful game world many a Blizzard artist was paid sweet low wages to design.


There are also many many poo quests to match the poo flinging many (on both sides) do on the forum.

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Don’t get me wrong, I have too. I just thought it was hysterical. A whale for the whales.

Are you talking about the gold “heart of the dragon soul” or whatever it is, by any chance?

I am still so ticked off that Winnie, Tigger, Eeyore and CR are trapped in Alliance territory due to Ally 'bee fetishism.
/rant off

The reason I didn’t suggest a caverns of time portal is because of the logic that blizzard displayed on the op. According to them as long as every region is reachable within a reasonable time there is no harm done.

Following that logic, western pandaria and northern eastern kingdoms seem the more unreachable places. Caverns of time is too close to the Uldum portal to fall outside their logic. I mentioned leveling tanaris because lots of people mentioned that tanaris is now a hassle to be reached by low level players who don’t have access to the portal. Since I never knew of a way to reach tanaris without boat or the uldum portal, I assumed they were making sense.

Yeah poo quests.

Yup. That’s the mount. Heart of the Dragon soul. I can’t ride any of the mounts like that one. I love their look, but the way it moves triggers my vertigo issues.

I can’t give this enough likes.
Have some thumbs. :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1: