Rearranging and Removing Portals

Does a change need to be requested by the community to be developed?
No, however they do have a forum specifically for this. The Suggestion Forum.

If so, do you think that players usually think about the long term health of the game?
It is hard for me to think about the long term of the game when I do not know anything about what the theme of the next xpac will be or when it will be released. I can think about the current health of the game with the current content.

The new player experience?
Actually I think about new players experience often. I am glad I am not a new player with the current state of the game. I feel badly for the removal of portals because this will affect them greatly. I have been saying this all evening.

Do you think they will ever vote in favor of something that inconveniences them?
If you go to the theory crafting people on the class forums, you will find that they do exactly this, much to my chagrin.

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Gotcha. Ironically, Activision-Blizzard would be making a lot more money off of us if they’d just make a fun freaking game. Instead they seem to be intent on taking all of the fun out of it.


I think the argument is that Blizzard wants people to spend more time in game, and they use that statistic to show stockholders how healthy the game is. But personally, I don’t believe this, and I can’t blame you for questioning how this has anything to do with stockholders.


I do the /train emote just about every time I’m near someone on a FP, I’ve had a couple responses but it is rare.

Time played (it has been confirmed) is a “measuring stick” they deliver to the Investors to make it look like the game is healthy and lots of people are spending lots of time in the game.

By artificially slowing the players down they increase the time played, thus it looks like the players are “invested” in the game and likely to keep on subscribing. Which thus brings in more money.

Also, microtransactions bring in a lot of money. There is research done to prove that. There is even a term. They’re called Whales. People who spend, in some cases, thousands upon thousands of dollars for a game.


The fact that you even think you can make demands is a bit sad. That isn’t how feedback works.

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I just came back to the WoW for this expansion. I stopped playing towards the beginning of BC for various reasons; however, I have always loved the Warcraft lore. Now that I am back, I have been spending a majority of my downtime (since there is nothing to do story wise until more content is released) going back and experiencing the content that I missed. By taking away these portals, you are actually removing a convenient method for me to do so. You are actively making it take longer for me to do anything in this game. Everyone knows why you are doing things like this. Everyone knows why you stagger unfinished content at suspiciously convenient 30 day intervals with new patches. Finding ways to string us along for a greater amount of time for a longer subscription is not how you get more players. Making better (finished) content and listening to your player base IS how you keep subscribers.

Stop giving me reasons to play other games. Please start giving me more reasons to stay in a world that I love.


You know what’s funny, SquareEnix actually put a giant whale mount into the cash shop in FF14. It’s a two seater, and obnoxiously large.

Unsurprisingly, it was a huge hit among the “whales.”


Yes time played is an indication that players are invested in the game. But if money is going down, how is a flimsy metric like time played relevant? Isn’t it a stupid idea to increase time played a the expense of the actual money?

Thank you,
Only Blizzard knows for certain whether or not micro transactions and the shop exceeds sub revenue.
I have yet to see anyone stating that portal deletion will increase shop purchases or micro transactions?
Although more tokens might get purchased to buy rings/trinkets that have a portal ability, if they are in fact just gold purchases.
Unless they were to put portals up for sale.

But, that is what feedback entails. Blizzard does something, I say this is how I would rather have things work, then we go from there. You’re the one acting like asking for anything is irrational.

So again, the only irrational person here is you and your refusal to acknowledge any position that you disagree with.


It would pacify the shareholders and distract from lost revenue.

It’s not the only measuring stick they use. It’s just one of them. Anything that they can push to make the game seem healthy and keep the investors giving the company money. It doesn’t matter if the metric is artificially inflated, so long as they’re being honest about the numbers, they’re legally in the clear.


^This. :+1::+1:

That’s the problem. You’re not asking, you’re demanding - as you stated yourself. You have no right to demand anything from them. If you don’t like something that much, the only freedom you have is to take your business elsewhere and to vote with your wallet. That’s it.

I started in Vanilla. (Not on this alt).

A day or two after finally levelling up and getting my first warlock mount… I unsubbed.

The utterly negligible movement speed boost that ‘mounting up’ gave was utterly ridiculous. World of Trudgecraft. World of RPwalkcraft. I was spending more time getting to and from places than I was doing -everything else- combined. But that was questing back then.

And I didn’t come back until they added flying.

I’m here to PLAY, not let some taxi-bird do the piloting for me. I want the reins.

If you don’t want us flying, then put anti-aircraft cannons/harpoons in the no fly areas and shoot us down… or predators, or lightning strikes like thunder isle. Give us REASON to stay on the ground rather than arbitrarily meddling with gravity or air density or whatever it is that disables flight.

If you don’t want us using portals to old-world content, then increase the drop rate for the stuff we go there for, so that we can get it and be DONE with it rather than hopelessly farming for 00.01% drop rate trophy items.

I know my voice will be lost in the noize on this thread… but tl;dr: If I end up spending more time trying to get from place to place, than I do actually, you know, INTERACTING with the world… I’ll just unsub again and find something more engaging to play.


I don’t know about anyone else, but I think it’s a very stupid idea.

I’m pretty sure that Blizzard doesn’t believe this particular decision about portals will result in much, if any, loss of revenue. It remains to be seen how much impact, if any, this controversy will have on the game overall.

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well,it’s like this I earned 2 dollars but i want more money from that 2 dollar so i make a deal with partner A ,we have a great idea to make a product to sell and splt the extra money,it works,
Then i want more from this money i earned,of course,without life exspenses,so i investment in stock and earn the extras from that.So i made more from that but i want more money,so i find partner B ,from the get go ,something not right so i cut a deal with him( underhand deal) he steal stuff and sell it on the website and splits the money with me ,he’s caught goes to jail .But i made more money from it.

I have every right to demand whatever I want. Until you start paying for my account you have no right to limit my actions.

So, once again, go find another thread on any of the 100 topics that you claim are more important than portals. Your refusal to do so just highlights how irrational you are by staying here.


You really unsubbed from Classic WoW because of mount speed? Seriously? That’s what did it?