Rearranging and Removing Portals

They updated the portals and they look pretty nice if I do say so myself.

Once again, the art department is on point.

You’re not taking into account the people still playing, that will be buying race and faction changes, server transfers(especially those with many alts), the new mounts and pets they keep adding, and level boosts to get them into the brand new content(lots of new players buy those, believe it or not. Ain’t nobody got time to go through 110 levels).


Ok,??? :pleading_face:

I’m having trouble seeing how this isn’t the same as having portals instead of Flight Paths. Like it is on Argus. As much as I don’t like wasting time on Flight Paths, I don’t need them replaced by pseudo-portals. Evey now and then, I do like to take them, and everyone should have the option of looking at the scenery the way Bornakk says he does:

All most of us have been asking for is to leave the portals we have alone, or at least make sure there are replacements for all of them in the new portal rooms. I, for one, really am not interested in adding portals or pseudo-portals, or replacing Flight Paths with such.


?? This makes no sense sorry.
Is english your second language?
No insult intended.


Made sense to me. are you drunk? no insult intended ;p

I’m not a huge fan of shortening things like that. Probably my least favorites are “noofs” which apparently evolved from “Nelfs”?? And the ability provoke, from FF14. They call it “voke.” I don’t know why it bothers me. :woman_shrugging:

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No, I’m addressing a specific point. People are saying that they are doing this to get MORE money. Where is this more money coming from? If what they are saying is correct, there should be a decrease in subs, and subsequently a decrease in purchases because they are not subbed anymore. What is being purchased more to allow more money to come in?

If there is not more money coming in, how will shareholders be happy?

How is pissing off your costumers an act of greediness?

Your refusal to sit down at the table and negotiate is what is discrediting you, not anything I’m saying. If your stance is that you’re not backing down and there is only one solution that is satisfactory to you, that is raging, but that wasn’t my point. My point is that your entire goal is to rebel/picket/protest this change until you get your desired result. Your aim is purely to make Blizzard capitulate to the community outrage. You’re right that it has been effective in the past, but not for the better of the community. I think that is bad when the community uses that tactic to enact change. It creates a toxic Dev/CM/Player environment.

Yes, english is my second language. Let me rephrase it for you: If this change reduces the number of subs, and do not increase the number of other purchases, how does it result in more money coming in? how is less money coming in something that shareholders want and how is this greedy?

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They are? I don’t see how it would, unless maybe they’re saying this will keep people subbed longer, since it takes slightly longer to finish content.

I’d be willing to bet this will do nothing but lose them money, since nobody is going to come back to the game for a couple portals getting taken out. But many of us are leaving.

That Blizzard will either leave the portals in the Dalaran basement alone, or put replacements in the new portal rooms. At the very least, I’m hoping they’ll put in a Caverns of Time portal and a Dalaran Crater portal. At the very best, I’m hoping they’ll also put Iron Forge/Thunderbluff portals in the portal rooms so people don’t have to take Flight Paths or the Tram if they don’t want to. (But I’m really not counting on that at all.)

I, and others, have said this numerous times. I’m sure there are at least 1000 posts saying this. What in the world have you been reading that you don’t seem to understand this very basic point?


None taken.
Now if it had said “do purchases compensate sub loss” or
“does this balance that” I would have understood better than the way it is worded. /shrug

They are? I don’t see how it would, unless maybe they’re saying this will keep people subbed longer, since it takes slightly longer to finish content.

Several people commented about “the influence of activision” “corporate greediness”, etc… I’m responding to them

There are alot of deals ,so to speak,made daily in business some right out earned and some that are made underhandlely under the table.They are valid in there own way,so long as they don’t break the law. Do you get that?

I’m not refusing to sit down at the table. I’ve laid out my demands. It’s not my fault you think my demands are unreasonable.

Your definition of raging could use some work.

And? That’s not unreasonable. We’re not talking about some vast sweeping change to the game. We’re talking about leaving a couple portals in the game. You’re making this out to be a much bigger deal than it really is.

And in my opinion it has been better for these changes to have been reverted.

No, we get toxic reactions when the devs use lame/inaccurate reasons for their changes, especially when their changes can be shown to be negative for most players. If it were up to you, we’d never have stopped Real ID, flying would never have came back, water striders would be limited to their respective expansions, and many other inane or outright hostile changes would have gone through.


They seem to be the only department that gets praise these days. That and the music department.


Yes but how is this specific change results in more money?

I have often /waved at at people on the same flight path as I am on. Never once did anyone wave back.



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