Rearranging and Removing Portals

caverns of time change and new dal to azuna are idiotic changes.

and mop portal being moved to jade forest. silly.


And yet we’re not, socially.I have more immersion here in the forums than in the game of thousands of players. Why is that? communication.


You were accusing me of being a Blizzard employee in sheeps clothes earlier in the thread. Which one is it?

I recognize I don’t have pull with Blizzard, but I know for a fact the CMs and Devs are closely reading this thread. Maybe I can spark an idea for them. Maybe I can even get credit and they can hire me… now that would be your worst nightmare. All Hunters would be getting Arrows and Quivers again. XD

I don’t think they really want to ruin our desire to do old content. I think they want us to spend more time going from point A to point B. However, with the portal changes, ruining our desire to do old content is exactly what will happen & then even more people will drop from the game forever because the new content is very small. The people that will be hurt the most from this are the new players that are trying to level without the pre-paid boost.


Okay I’ll explain from something different.
I pvp. Some players love to camp flight paths.
I could easily suggest to devs that they need to institute self-destruct zones around flight paths to prevent camping where pvp is 20 vs 1. I do not and would not suggest it as it removes player agency. This is also why I am against forced ground mounts because it forces players to serve themselves up as victims.

While I do like your idea, I would want it worked out to not remove player agency where you remove portals to force someone to see things ‘you’ want.
:grinning: Player agency and freedom of choice is a fascinating aspect of design (whispers “and Blizzard fails at it a lot”)


How about against POINTLESS, SPITEFUL changes that ONLY serve to WASTE our time, such as the removal of Master Loot that raiders used and needed , but activision decides they want drag out the time it takes for a guild to get geared up so ML is removed INSTEAD of ‘compromising’ and allowing them to CHOOSE ML or PL for their guild.

the blowing smoke up our rumps by the blues here just makes it that much more insulting. As if we’re too STUPID to figure out the agenda here.


I don’t think anyone is asking for a console teleport that lets us go anywhere, immediately, for free.


Here is another question addressing one of the main criticisms of this change:

Does a change need to be requested by the community to be developed?

If so, do you think that players usually think about the long term health of the game? The new player experience? Do you think they will ever vote in favor of something that inconveniences them?

Should this game become a democracy?

So If I tell you that if you want to make that 2000 mile trip across the USA BUT…you cant fly and you have to drive in first gear at 30MPH all the way now instead…how many times are you going to make that trip in the future?
Not many, if any.
And arent you going to look at me like Im a complete idiot for even making you travel that fast when there was NO GOOD reason to do it?
See the point?


I am fairly certain there are no Blizzard Sockpuppets in this thread. Blizzard gutted their community team since you know, they are pointless.

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If you gave it to people though and took it away, you’d probably get the same reaction we’re getting from this now. People get spoiled by convenience. I remember the days before my Cell Phone shudder. If I had to use a landline again… I could make due with it, but I wouldn’t like it. The positive side is I wouldn’t be expose to so much radiation from an ion battery, so I’d pry live longer lol

So much this! ty!

How is that irrational? Just because you said it is? We’ve had discussion, and most people in these threads want to keep things the way they were.


I mean, yeah. That shouldn’t be a surprise, that’s why the forums blew up when they were going to take flying away.

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Now that is just being mocking and insulting. You didn’t need to make that nasty jab.


Noooooo, never again!!!
Next you’ll be telling me Hunters should use mana.

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You’ll have to quote me, friend. I rarely EVER accuse someone of such. Quote me or admit it was never stated.
I said you have a few alts here, that I DID say.

I recognize I don’t have pull with Blizzard,

Yet you are here NEGOTIATING a deal as if you speak FOR the devs when you dont, thus wasting OUR time and YOUR time.

Maybe I can spark an idea for them.

So now theyre too dumb to come up with their own ideas?
They dont need you or me negotiating in here. They aint listening to anything but the sound of a credit card charge NOT happening for a sub.

now that would be your worst nightmare

No, my nightmare is listening to your ridiculous ideas and your negotiating a deal you have no authority to negotiate and pretending as if you shouldnt just be playing your game right now instead of wasting our time here.


Here are some questions about another popular criticism.

Do you think this is a good decision?

Do you think going against the will of the player base is a good business model?

Do you think that making the world more inconvenient will increase play time?

Do you think that this increase in play time will be more relevant than the number of players dropping?

Do you think that shareholders will be happy if the number of subs decreases?

Do you think greedy people want to make less money?

Or do you think that there is another explanation for this?

Ahm,from experience you’ll get 0 credit for any ideas placed in the public.

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LoL I agree with you! Please no bully. You said the same thing I just said, make it take longer to get from point A to point B. Yes, I am angry about it. I want my portals exactly where they are now cuz I have them all memorized & they get me around quite nicely. I just don’t think they want us to stop doing old content. They want us to do it, they also want us to take longer doing it.