Rearranging and Removing Portals

Why do you think the wheel has remained the same for thousands & thousands of years? Do you think a change to the wheel is needed? Do you think there are multiple solutions to “changing the wheel”? Do you think that, if the overwhelming majority of earthly beings agree the wheel should remain the same, they are some how being irrational?

psst…. if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.


I’m attempting to find a player, developer compromise here. If I had my druthers it would take 2 hours to run across all the zones again. I realize I’m probably in the minority there, however. I think the middle ground (which some people are just unwilling to ever have) is either my Flight Path idea or to put some type of convenience fee on portals that grow exponentially in cost like ESO does.

If you’re worried about time in an MMO, this really isn’t the genre for you…

My goodness, let me know when you learn to make a point without the frothing vitriol. I have played several f2p games in ages past, and they sold actual in-game advantages. Stormreach, for example, sold a perk to let you start your fresh alt at a higher level, rather than 1. I believe LOTRO still has a VIP program, but their site is down for me and I cannot see.

WoW does not do anything remotely like this, while actual free to play games do.

Calm down, buddy.

And for that, we can talk and agree. Even if I feel this change wasn’t needed, if it was a choice between instant transit via FP or the portals we have now (pre 8.1.5 of course) I’d take your idea of instant transit. Because in the long run I’ll save MORE time.

As i mentioned, the Greench alone is like a 5 minute trip without a portal. With your idea its chopped down to portal to WPL, then a short flight. A lot faster. Not as fast as portaling to Dalaran Crater perhaps, but faster than their 8.1.5 change which would be a 5 minute trip on each toon One Way.

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In general,it’s a good point,but since those destinations ,like Cot are faster it dimming not good.

Which means Blizzard wins, since ruining our desire for old content is likely their agenda in all of this.

Notice theyre removing the MoP portals IN soon enough other than the FAR EAST ports that make ZERO sense for high level characters who have been porting into the temples for quite some time.

They already removed most of the portals OUT of MoP and I thought I read they were removing the rest other than SW and Org. Which basically means theyre shutting down all lanes of traffic IN and OUT of Pandaria except ONE.

VERY clear reason to do that…an agenda to make it so we just stop going there.
Well MoP is the only real reason Ive been hanging on here. Even classic dungeons can keep my attention for so long. MoP was it for me.
They make that irritating and Im out. FF14 is already loaded and Im playing it on another monitor as I type this. Irritation free.




Right, and Blizzard will be able to funnel the players to the places they want them to see at the same time. While it’s not perfect, it’s the middle ground. I think their primary issue is people missing out on epic and immersive areas that they’ve invested into. I think this idea may address their concern from that standpoint while address the players concern for travel time.

You an official ambassador for Blizzard devs?
If not, stop wasting your time and ours with any compromise that doesnt hold its weight in pond slime.


I dunno, I’ve spent an obscene amount of money on Blizzard over the years. Must be a different type of whale they’re going for, because it certainly isn’t me anymore. :confused:


Right. It might even be faster because you can take a FP when you’re done to return it. I remember being stuck out there with my Hearthstone on CD and thinking “blast!” haha

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uh…a $60 boost by Blizzard does EXACTLY that

Sorry for the mis quoting the wrong member. This software is as bad as the game has become.


I had been thinking about f2p games that lock actual content behind stores, like classes, bag space, a higher # of alt slots, etc…

I’m 100% on your side, but I would like to point out that the new Raiding with Leashes achievement adds pets to the earlier Pandaria raids. With this change, they are making pet collectors spend even more time farming for them.

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And none of its going to happen because you dont have the authority to speak for the devs.


All this really sounds like is a thinly veiled justification of making people spend more time in game to extend subscription times to me. At the end of the day you are in the business of making money and most decisions that are made are made with an eye on your bottom line.

At some point your customers will start making the same financial decision about the amount of time they have to spend in game to get the reward they seek is worth the money spent for a subscription.


I’m a reasonable man. Genuine compromise where both sides give up something is perfectly acceptable. It’s when the ratio is like 70/30 or 80/20 that its no longer a compromise and its more of a PR stunt to make one look good. Like Pathfinder. That wasn’t a compromise. We lost far more than we gained from it. The concept was sound, but it wasn’t a fair compromise.

Your idea however is more of a 40/60 sort of compromise. So I’d be willing to consider that as fair as you’ll get.


Ok so here are some questions about one of the main criticisms of this change:

Are you against this specific inconvenience or just inconveniences in general?

If specifically, how is this specific inconvenience different than others? For example the inconvenience of not being able to move fast on water?

If in general, do you think that they should only add conveniences over time and never remove any of them?

If so do you think this a sustainable model for an MMORPG?

Should they stop adding conveniences to prevent inflation?

Should the game be as convenient as possible? AKA god mode?

Jesus…that just makes it worse.
put more reason to go there, then remove most of the roads in and out.
Yeah…SO done when the subs expire.