Rearranging and Removing Portals

I’m not sure what you’re saying. My idea there is the one I gave earlier. If you’re in SW you can hop and instant FP to Blasted Lands. From there you get on your flying mount and fly to the dark portal (15 seconds away). You walk through the Dark Portal, zone into Hellfire, and hop an instant FP to Shattrath. What this does is effectively take players through key, pivotal points in the game to add to its immersion. Right now, people are skipping the entrance to Howling Fjord and passing through the Dark Portal. I don’t think skipping those important locales is good for the game. This is how you would make that tenable without making it painful at the same time.

No, its not. Though I will admit his FP instant transit option is sound. It would still be less convenient, but it wouldn’t be AS bad.

I mean, if you need to go to CoT you’d just need to get to Kalimdor. Then any FP, wham, you’re in Tanaris. Short flight.

Yes, it’d still be longer, but it wouldn’t be AS bad of an issue as the current changes are.

Ergo, I’d consider it a fair Compromise.

Because it’d also take into account folks needing to get to northern EK for the holiday events. Because with the changes, you have to FLY from Ironforge on a 5 some odd minute FP to get to greench or do the Love is in the air quests.


No MoP portals to the places I WAS farming ?


I do agree that the choice to portal out to Azsuna rather than to Dalaran is rather odd. Jade Forest is slightly less bad, as Honeydew and Paw’don were where the MoP portals in Org/SW took you anyways. But Nar’thalas Academy is a trash heap that doesn’t even have its own FP.


This makes no sense, you use the portal, take 2 extra minutes to go to the region and farm there as much as you want. Is the 2 minutes extra to get there the issue?

When the only solution is to keep things the same, that’s irrational. There is no room for discussion to be had. It’s the opposite of dialogue and negotiation.

or…they COULD just not be controlling and leave the portals alone.
Crazy concept.


Agreed. That one is a bit odd… unless they did my Flight Path idea, then it would work.

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I haven’t had an active account since the end of February. The trick is that if you log out from the forums, you can’t log back in and post. On my phone, where I am not logged in, it says that I can’t log in because I don’t have an active account. On my tablet, where I am still logged in, I can still post.

They CREATED a problem that didnt NEED to exist, then expect us to negotiate the problem THEY didnt need to create in the first place.
Nah…some of us are just quitting and giving our money to FF14 where apparently they dont spend every minute of the day trying to milk every second out of the player base.


Notice that’s why I specified Compromise.

Yes, we’d lose, but Blizzard would lose ( probably more in regards to their #$%#$% precious time played metric to their $%^$%&%^ greed soaked investors ) as well.

And sometimes Compromise is required.

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ROFLMAO! Forget that, if I have to do that, I will never set foot in Outlands again. (They) cannot force me to do quests or anything there. It will be a permanent dead zone to me.

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Omg,wow the jumping around would be more time consuming that way.Jump take one jump to one area you want.

Not arguing that point. They created a problem when one didn’t exist.


Im not willing to compromise on this one.
IF you do they will just pull this crap again in a month in some other way, just like the POINTLESS removal of Master Loot.
a compromise there would have been to allow both ML and PL. The guild makes a one time choice and its set in stone after that.
But its removal was about WASTING the time of raiders and we all know it.
Im DONE compromising with Actiblizzard.
They can keep the players who will keep putting up with this dramatic crap for a video game.
Im out when my subs expire in May.


Hardly. It would add maybe 30 seconds to a minute tops. The difference is you would see and experience important WoW locations.

Times 30 or more farming trips per day.
Point made.


Hmm,that would be ok one set point to a continent and varied fp’s to destinations.

While you have a point they’d try to take something else, I’ve learned that sometimes compromise is essential.

And honestly, I think they’d lose more than we would. Think about how much travel time in a day you waste on long flights? Imagine them being nerfed to simple load screens.

That’d cost them more in terms of time played than leaving the portals intact.

If it was a choice between fewer portals and Lorethelin’s idea, I’ll go with his idea.

Its hysterical that his ‘remedy’ to removing our portals is to PORTAL using OTHER PORTALS or even more extreme that even we arent asking for…a flight whistle that doesnt even require us to GO TO a portal to use.